My H2b did a lot of research before buying an engagement ring and ended up buying the diamond separately from a diamond merchants and having it set by a jewellers into a specific Solitaire twist design.
I loved the ring and it was exactly what I would have chosen but someone then asked if I was nervous wearing it as it had only 3 prongs holding the diamond in. I had no idea what they were talking about until I googled it and was worried when I saw the number of comments saying a 1 carat diamond should have minimum of four prongs, ideally six. H2b phoned the jewellers who admitted that the design was for a much smaller diamond and wasn't really suitable for the diamond he had bought. He was obviously annoyed so they agreed to reset the ring adding an extra prong and changing the design.
Well it is now 9 weeks since they took the ring and we just keep getting fobbed off with excuses everytime we phone and chase where it is. First it was taking longer than they thought. The last excuse was that the designer is a perfectionist and won't release it until he is happy with it so they can't give us a date it will be ready for.
They have now had the ring longer than I was able to wear it!!! I'm just not sure what the next step is. The diamond was extremely expensive and wasn't bought through them so I'm really worried that they have lost it and won't admit it. Getting solicitors involved will be expensive and I'm not sure what our legal standing is. My h2b said to them it is getting to the point now where we just want the ring back in whatever state it is in and we will take it to an alternative jewellers to get set. They refused to release it.
it isn't a local jewellers otherwise I would be in the shop refusing to move until they give me my ring back. Any ideas from hitchers?