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Expert January 2018

Do you have recurring dreams?

Mal, 30 March, 2009 at 20:18 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 14

I have 2 recurring dreams which both appeared last night, was very strange.

The first one is rollercoasters. I love them, but sometimes in the dream they're scary and other times they are fun. Last night the harness wouldn't fasten properly and I was trying to get off before I went up the hill.

My other one is about exams, it is always the same, a Higher (like A-level) Maths exam. I always suddenly realise that the exam is immenant and think "oh shit, I've not been to a class for months" But last night's was a step further, I failed the exam and then I thought "I've not been to any other classes all year so no point in doing any others as I will fail them all"

Very strange. Does anyone ese have the same dreams over and over?

14 replies

Latest activity by seahag, 31 March, 2009 at 00:52
  • MrsMcB2B
    Beginner November 2009
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    I can't fly but I can 'swim' in the sky as long as I bounce off the ground every now and then (wish I could do that in real life!). I can climb down walls easily too.

    Same as your rollercoaster thing - sometimes it's a fun dream, sometimes a nightmare and I'm trying to escape from someone.

    God knows what it all means. It always kind of surprises me that your worst nightmares are a product of your own mind - you're scared shitless but it's only you that's done it!

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  • Foo
    Beginner June 2014
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    *desperately trying to call someone on the phone but repeatedly misdialling/forgetting the number

    *flying, this dream is SO FAB

    *escaped lions


    *anarchy - being somewhere where bands of gunmen are roaming the streets and law/society is breaking down.

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  • Mal
    Expert January 2018
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    Years and years ago I used to have a flying dream....I would be at the top of a flight of stairs and then would jump and sort of float down them and land softly at the bottom. Not had that one in ages but it was very cool.

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  • Hungry Caterpillar
    Hungry Caterpillar ·
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    I often have the exam one too - I'm back at school and I'm having to do an exam in something like textiles or chemistry or something I haven't done for years, and I'm thinking "I haven't been to a class in ages, how can I do this?" and wondering why I've been messing around and not revising!

    I also often dream that I really need the loo but when I get to the public ones there are either loads of toilets with no walls, or loads of cubicles but they don't have toilets in them, so either way, I can't go!

    I probably dream both of these things about once a week.

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  • Hungry Caterpillar
    Hungry Caterpillar ·
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    Foo, I have just realised now I've read yours that I have the phone dream too, in fact it is sometimes mixed in with the exam dream! I've got to phone my mum and I can't dial her number, and every time I try I do it wrong, and then I have to go to school and do an exam, and I'm late and I haven't revised!

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  • Cosmopolitan
    Beginner August 2010
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    Mal, I've had that dream about flying down the stairs and then landing softly. A clairvoyant once told me that I probably had had an out of body experience and had actually floated down the stairs (not sure if I believe it though!)

    When I was younger (between the ages of about 5-7) I used to have 2 recurring dreams quite frequently. One that we lived in a white mansion and the Nazis stormed the house lined my mum and nan outside in front of the front wall of the house and a line of nazis shot them. I had to collect their blood in a bucket and paint the house red with it! Bizarre! I blame my nans bedtime stories about the Germans ?

    The other dream was that I was in a really small room without any windows and doors, which was painted a really dark purple. Suddenly a door would appear and dozens of monkeys would pile in until the room was full and I was suffocating!

    Maybe I should have the dreams analysed!

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  • MrsMcB2B
    Beginner November 2009
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    God! I'd forgotten this one! Mine is always a nightmare when this happens - it's always 999 that either the house phone or my mobile just will not call! It's either no reception or I'll get a taxi company answer the call, or get put on hold, or somehting equally terrifying when I'm getting chased by madmen/monsters!

    I also suffer from what I think is 'night terrors' - a kind of waking dream. When I dream it it's like a horrible sense of having to do something but it's already too what I need to do needs to have happened prior to me thnking of it. Really hard to explain, sorry.

    I have on occasion experienced this when I've been awake (sunstroke I think) - the worst was when I imagined I'd blown up my sister's bedroom and thought her boyfriend was going to throw me down the stairs as what I'd done was so bad and it couldn't be fixed. Actually that wasn't the worst - funny now when I think back but one time I ran down the stairs saying "I'm having a baby now, but not now, it's already happened!" Scared the *** out of my Dad!!! ( I was about 15 at the time and I've enver actually been pregnant).

    It's like a really strong sense of deja vu but knowing that although I'm experiencing it there and then it's already to late as it's already happened, if that makes sense! Absolutley terrifying!

    And I probably sound like a mad thing ?

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  • Mal
    Expert January 2018
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    Don't be daft!

    I also went through a phase of sleepwalking, and then talking in my sleep (sometimes sitting up with my eyes open). One night I freaked Mr Mal out so much that he went and slept in the spare room with the lamp on, I think he thought I was going to kill him in his sleep or something. He still talks about that, I really scared him ?

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  • MrsMcB2B
    Beginner November 2009
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    Yup, me too! Still do occasionally. The first time me and MrMcB spent the night together I apparently sat bolt upright in bed and started pointing at and talking about the strawberries on the ceiling! He still tires valiantly to have conversations with me, then after a couple of minutes realises I'm burbling away to myself ?

    Still wake up naked on the sofa every now and then. Think I opened the front door once, which really bothered me as I'd had a night terror that someone was standing next to my bed and I was paralysed. It was only two days later that my flatmate said that was the night she woke up the next day with the door to the flat ajar. Who knows?

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  • Maxi
    Beginner February 2008
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    I freak Mr Maxi out all the time ?

    I frequently talk in what he calls 'my fork tongue' absolute goobledegook - at least he hopes this is what it is and not a different language..

    He once found me downstairs in the kitchen absolutely peeing myself laughing rolling around the kitchen floor. He had to guide me back to bed, still laughing. That night he slept sitting up in bed with all the lights on.

    I have very vivid dreams and can nearly always recall them later on in the day. In the main they are very amusing if not weird.

    Only occasionally do I have a night terror and when I do, they can leave me out of sorts for days. The worst one I have is a ghost/spirit in our bedroom and I have to force myself to wake up - but when I do wake up the dream is still ongoing, this can happen 5 or 6 times until I wake up properly ?

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  • Luthien
    Beginner June 2007
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    I have the exams one and it's A-Levels that feature for me too - usually physics or chemistry. I'm about to sit an exam, realise it's next week and I've not attended classes or done any revision for a very long time - if ever. It's horrific.

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  • Smiley
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    That is so bizarre Mal ! I have the exact same dream (except it is the maths component of my degree) and I havent been to any classes and so dont even know what topics I should be studying!

    My friend (who did the same course as me at the same time) has the exact same dream.

    We decided that it meant we werent fullfilled in our careers, and that we felt there was still one exam to go to get where we wanted.

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  • Smiley
    Smiley ·
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    Sorry, posted too early.

    My other recurrent dream is that I am watching a plane take off, and it gets so high in the sky, and sort of flips straight up and starts falling out the sky, and I turn to whoever I am with and say 'that is exactly as it happened in my dream' and start trying to run away. I have had this dream over and over, and each time I am convinced that this time it IS actually happening.

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  • S
    Beginner June 2007
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    Mine are always about really horrid toilets. I need to go, but they are overflowing or easy to see into, or just gross.. I have actually peed the bed having the dream of dirty toilets. H was not happy!

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