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pea in a pod

do you have seperate bank accounts?

pea in a pod, 24 August, 2010 at 08:39 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 30

I have noticed alot of posts on hitched implying that people have seperate accounts

so do you have seperate or joint accounts?

we have 2 joint accounts 1 for direct debits and 1 for wages and spends, we have had joint accounts for 6yrs now since we moved in to our house, then we married so wedding purchases could be done jointly, and now we have a child so all food shopping/clothes etc for child and household stuff are joint too, also i can stuff for myself without asking all the time

suppose it doesnt help that i am a stay at home mum so need access to the accounts and not to have to ask for money for the supermarket etc but when i was earning it still all went into the same account. we do discuss bigger items as in is there enough money this month for me to get .... or i was wanting a... what do you think but they are more conversational that 'asking'

are we odd and the minority on hitched?

i have never known any couples who have seperate accounts if they have a house and or children or am i been nieve?

30 replies

Latest activity by **Pip**, 24 August, 2010 at 14:44
  • catarina
    catarina ·
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    We do, but there isn't much (if anything) in mine or H's. I see it as an emergency fund tbh. Nothing gets paid into it, maybe the odd bit of birthday or Christmas money, but otherwise it's just there just in case. Just in case of what I'm not sure.

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  • Spangler
    Beginner September 2010
    Spangler ·
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    We both have our own bank accounts to pay for personal bills but have a joint account that the mortgage and utilities come out of. OH earns a helluva lot more than I do so he often puts extra into the joint account so I can keep afloat those last few weeks until pay day.

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  • Houdini
    Beginner August 2010
    Houdini ·
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    We have one joint account but then our own current accounts which our wages get paid into. H pays money in to the joint account each month for food shopping and other than that, he pays the mortgage and I pay the other bills each from our current accounts.

    This is only really because the DD's were set up before our joint account was and it seems like a faff to move them now.

    Big purchases are generally done half and half - I'll pay them and he'll transfer half the money across to me because I have an OD and his accounts don't iyswim?

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  • cotteesgirl
    Beginner September 2009
    cotteesgirl ·
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    I have too as Mr CG is rubbish with money and as harsh as it sounds i wouldnt trust him!

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  • pea in a pod
    pea in a pod ·
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    Looks like i am the minority then,

    cotteesgirl- my H is rubbish with money so at least this way i have cahrge of the account lol

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  • pink munky
    Beginner December 2006
    pink munky ·
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    We have completely separate accounts for no particular reason, just never felt the need for joint accounts. Although I've just started reading Surrendered Wife, so by the end of the week we might have 1 account and H can give me my spending money ?

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  • cotteesgirl
    Beginner September 2009
    cotteesgirl ·
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    Glad im not the only one PinP...its like being married to a child isnt it!?

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  • grace85
    Beginner February 2011
    grace85 ·
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    We have seperate accounts but after the wedding when we get our own house we will have a joint one for anything to do with house, rent, bills, food shopping etc, which we will both pay an amount into each month then what's left in our seperate accounts is ours.

    Big purchases will be split equally but like Cotteesgirl and Pea in a pod have said my OH is rubbish with money so i will probably have control of the joint account too, lol.

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  • Petal
    Petal ·
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    We always had separate accounts until about 6 years ago when we returned from traveling and really didn't see the point in them being separate any longer. I still have my old separate account but it has about 50p in it or something!

    It doesn't really make much of a difference in our household because I am in charge of the finances <police hat icon> so I tend to have control over what I can and can't spend. Mr P earns the majority of the money but I also run his business accounts and obviously I go through it with him all once a month but as far as spending is concerned if either of us need/want something and we can afford it we usually just buy it. Neither of us are that extravagant and we tend to spend about the same. We're both happy as long as there is money in the account and we have savings.

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  • Spring
    Beginner February 2008
    Spring ·
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    Everything goes in one pot for us. No seperate accounts.

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  • boogiebelle
    Beginner August 2009
    boogiebelle ·
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    We have our own seperate accounts which our wages get paid into. Had them for years so easier for wages to get paid in there rather than change them. Then we pay the majority of our money into our joint account which covers all house bills. The money left in our accounts (we work it out that we have the same amount left) is our own money to spend like on our cars, clothes, going out etc, but we often to share money between each other. If I need money, or H does, we share it between us.

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  • pea in a pod
    pea in a pod ·
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    yes it is and i have the added bonus of a 2yr old son with him too who is actually easier to deal with most the time ?

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  • Sparkling
    Beginner October 2009
    Sparkling ·
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    We have a range of accounts some in joint some in individual names. most expenditure is done throuhg the joint account.

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  • Deedee75
    Dedicated June 2007
    Deedee75 ·
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    We have our own bank accounts, and our wages get paid into them, then we each pay an amount into the joint account to cover mortgage, bills, food, and everything for C. The money we have left in our own accounts we use for holidays, our own clothes, car expenses, any other treats etc.

    It's the way we've always done things and it works for us. I guess I'm a bit insecure, and worry from past relationships about things going wrong (even though it's highly unlikely) so like to keep my money separate from H's.

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  • Mossy
    Beginner January 2009
    Mossy ·
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    We have both. A joint account but our own seperate ones too

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    We have a joint account and have done since before we moved in together. It's so much simpler.

    What's his is mine.. and what's mine is mine too lol Smiley laugh

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  • tinks269
    Beginner February 2011
    tinks269 ·
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    We only have seperate accounts. I own the appartment so i pay the mortgage. I also earn much more than my OH, he was made redundant just after we got together and has yet to find permanent full time decent work and so what he earns normally sees us through the end part of the month before my next pay day. He does always treat me to something, a new pair of shoes, new dress, lovely meal etc with his money, but i am the one who pays all the bills etc. I wouldnt feel right setting up a joint account and being the one who paid the most in, would make me feel as though i was pointing out that his work wasnt as good as it used to be.

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  • Spamboule
    Beginner October 2008
    Spamboule ·
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    We each have our own account where our salary goes in (or mine did, but doesn't now my SMP has finished ☹️ and then we pay a set amount into a joint account where the household bills go from, so mortgage, council tax, phone, broadband etc. We don't use this account for cash spends. If we need cash, we get it from our own accounts

    We also have a joint Amex so that gets used for all purchases where Amex is accepted.

    I don't really need much money at the moment, as long as I have enough for a cup of tea and piece of cake when I'm out, I'm happy

    It works for us

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  • V
    Beginner June 2004
    very excited ·
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    Seperate current accounts. I pay some bills, H pays other bills and it all works out ok. If I needed cash or he did the other would hand it over i.e. if one of us is going to the pub and has no cash they just nab it off the other so seperate but joint in our minds.

    I like the security of that. We also have seperate savings but a joint one for house stuff and holidays.

    It works for us.

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  • HatTrick
    Beginner September 2010
    HatTrick ·
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    We have an account each, a joint account and I have a savings account.. But... we have no money in any of them! I could never have just a joint account, H would be far too aware of what I waste my money on...

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  • *pebbles*
    Beginner January 2009
    *pebbles* ·
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    We have 2 joint accounts. One is main account for wages and dd and spends. The second one gets tax credits and child benefit paid into. I tend to use that money to spend on the children, school uniform, shoes etc.

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  • Suzie&Karl
    Beginner January 2012
    Suzie&Karl ·
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    We have recently changed our seperate ones into joint ones as we are buying our first house.

    We both have seperate pay days (different times of the month), so its easier that we have one for bills etc, and one to live out of.

    When we are purchasing something for ourselves thats over a ceratin amount we do ask eachother if there is ok just incase there is something coming up that one of us dont know about.

    I do know a few people who have got seperate bank acounts and they have just spread bills evenly between eachother


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  • Mazzy-moo
    Beginner September 2008
    Mazzy-moo ·
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    We have both.

    The joint account has child benefit paid into it, and we use it to pay in cheques/cash from presents etc. Or if on a rare occasion we get a takeaway, the money comes out of there.

    Otherwise, we have separate sole accounts that our wages get paid into. We split the bills between us, not 50/50 though as H earns more than me. It's purely because we couldn't be faffed changing the DDs from one account to another.?

    We also have separate savings accounts.

    It's all one 'pot' though, IYSWIM.

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  • Mrs_M_2b
    Beginner July 2012
    Mrs_M_2b ·
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    We used to have our own accounts and a joint one for saving but always shared money. Now we have 2 joint accounts one for the wages and direct debits and the other for saving. We find it so much easier sharing the money as we can both buy what we want and always know there is money in the bank for all direct debits

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  • JellySweets
    Beginner September 2011
    JellySweets ·
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    I dont actually have an account anymore, All money goes into my h2b's account and he gives me money as and when i need it, We do have a joint savings account for our wedding fund. I like not having to deal with money my h2b does it all and i know if i need anything all i have to do is ask although generally i dont ask he just gives me money.

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  • Bubbub
    Bubbub ·
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    We have seperate accounts although my H is another one rubbish with money so I make sure the bills etc are all paid and money is put away for the rainy day.

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  • MrsLunney2b
    Beginner April 2010
    MrsLunney2b ·
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    We just have one joint account which is so much easier...we had separate accounts before we got married but it makes life so much simpler and can keep an eye on whats coming in and going out.

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  • Juicymelons
    Beginner May 2010
    Juicymelons ·
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    Our accounts are confusing, I don't work and my husband has his own contracting business. We have the business account, the business tax/vat account, a bill account in my name and both have our own current accounts. He gets paid into the business account, which then gets divided into the other accounts, though most of it ends up in my account ! All the accounts are linked so he can sign into online banking and move money wherever he likes. I do the accounts and make sure the bills get paid, he generally says is there enough in my account to buy/do/pay for this and if there isn't we just move it in. Way more complicated than it needs to be tbh ...........

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  • **Pip**
    **Pip** ·
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    We have our own accounts and a joint one.

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