I have noticed alot of posts on hitched implying that people have seperate accounts
so do you have seperate or joint accounts?
we have 2 joint accounts 1 for direct debits and 1 for wages and spends, we have had joint accounts for 6yrs now since we moved in to our house, then we married so wedding purchases could be done jointly, and now we have a child so all food shopping/clothes etc for child and household stuff are joint too, also i can stuff for myself without asking all the time
suppose it doesnt help that i am a stay at home mum so need access to the accounts and not to have to ask for money for the supermarket etc but when i was earning it still all went into the same account. we do discuss bigger items as in is there enough money this month for me to get .... or i was wanting a... what do you think but they are more conversational that 'asking'
are we odd and the minority on hitched?
i have never known any couples who have seperate accounts if they have a house and or children or am i been nieve?