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Beginner October 2009

Do you think I'm mad???

Livvychick, 18 February, 2009 at 18:37 Posted on Planning 0 15

Hey all

I'm new here, having just got engaged at the weekend. We would really love to get married on the 10th Oct 09, that only gives us 8 months!!!! Am I a glutton for punishment??? The reason for this is its my Mum and Dads 45th wedding anniversary and I see it as a good omen. The church I would like does have availabilty but we have to meet the priest before we can book as we don't live in the parish.

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated as I feel like I don't have a clue what I should be doing!! Also, what is an average that you are paying per head at your venues, I'm getting very mixed prices??

Thank you all, oh and congrats to you all for your impending weddings!



15 replies

Latest activity by MrsMcB2B, 19 February, 2009 at 12:52
  • sdaisy22
    Beginner October 2008
    sdaisy22 ·
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    Congratulations on your engagement and welcome to Hitched. I definitely think you could organise a wedding in 8 months, especially if you already know the church is available - that's a great start. We organised our wedding in 12 months and that was loads of time - I am a bit of a control freak and very organised though so that probably helped, but we had loads of time where there was nothing to do so I'd say 8 months would be fine. You'll need to get the big things sorted asap and you'll probaby also want to start looking for a dress as mine took 6 months to come in.

    Good luck and congratulations again!

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  • Debntez
    Beginner September 2009
    Debntez ·
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    I agree with Daisy, I got engaged 3 weeks ago and I am already booked for 19th of Sept, bought the bridemaids dresses yesterday and put the deposit on my dream dress today!! :-)

    I also am a bit of a control freak which defo helps, but it can definately be done!

    The main thing is get the venue booked and look for a dress quite quick as I was told I am pushing it a bit fine but I have only 7 moths so 8 months is loads of time!!

    Best of luck x

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  • N
    Beginner October 2009
    nofavours ·
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    Congratulations! I think Oct is fine (I hope so as that's when mine is). I think it gives the right amount of time. We opted for Oct as it's at the end of the season so more people/suppliers around, it was much warmer than July and Aug last year, and it's not too far away! I really can't do anything unless it's against an impending deadline, I just tend to be unfocused, doing lots of research and making few decisions. We really wanted 10/10 but someone pipped us to the post for the venue. Your first anniversary will be 10/10/10. Bonus.


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  • M
    MsSunil ·
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    Hi, congratulations! I decided to start weding plans in Oct last year and getting married July1st. But to be honest I just booked the venue, ordered my dress and left it to get christmas and holiday out the way! haha! Just started to get it all together now, and Im coping fine :-) Go for it! xx

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  • cat26
    Beginner June 2009
    cat26 ·
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    Hi welcome to Hitched and congrats

    You will spend lots of lovely hours here ;-)

    I too was very overwhelmed with what I needed to plan, when first starting the planning and there were quite a lot of things I didn't realise I had to worry about, until someone mentioned them. My h2b proposed in Sept 08 and we get married on 13 June this year, 9 months (no reason for 9 months by the way!). By asking for lots of advice here and asking friends who had just got married it really helped with the planning. Choose your bridesmaid's well and they can help out as much as possible too.

    It is totally do-able, what you find is that you just don't spend to much time analysing, reviewing - which is fine because generally your gut reaction to colours/dresses/flowers etc are the right ones and you come right back round to that decision anyway.

    Our venue is £85 per head, but its Kent and I find the South tends to be more, this cost includes venue hire, wedding breakfast, DJ, toastmaster etc.

    HAppy planning x

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  • T
    Beginner March 2009
    the future mrs h ·
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    I'm with everyone else. I've done it in 8 months and it's plenty of time. It will be lovely for you to be married on your parents anniversary. Definitely go for it!!

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  • bluewater
    Beginner August 2009
    bluewater ·
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    8 months? you'll be fine! no probs at all.

    welcome to hitched btw ?

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  • bec84
    bec84 ·
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    8 months is plenty of time. I get married in Sept, but hadn't really booked anything til after christmas!

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  • Bridget Gump
    Bridget Gump ·
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    I'm getting married exactly 8 months and 5 days after getting engaged, and if I can do it I'm sure most people can! You do have less choice (although you'll probably have more than me as October is less busy) but if anything I think that helps you narrow it down and makes the decisions easier, I've still managed to find at least 3 suppliers for every aspect though. Good luck with it!

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  • Melancholie
    Beginner December 2014
    Melancholie ·
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    My wedding was 7 months, 1 week and 4 days after H proposed. He proposed on December 22nd and we didn't even start looking at venues until the end of January. We had a choice of dates and venues for August, a choice of times with the registrar, a choice of photographer, choice of DJ... you can see where I'm going with this! It's very, very doable. Oh, and I am not a super organised control freak, but I still managed it in my own shambolic way!


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  • Weather Girl
    Beginner October 2009
    Weather Girl ·
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    Woohoo another October 2009 bride! Congratulations!!

    We get married on 2nd October and only set the date in January - got engaged just before Xmas 08. So far (touch wood) I haven't had any problems with booking anything. I did go and sort my dress out straight away though and that doesn't arrive in the shop until May/June so I'd maybe suggest starting there once the venue and registrar/church is all sorted. Then I would say find a florist, photographer and the entertainment as these can get pretty booked up, although I've found being October it's not too bad as it isn't peak season.

    Good luck ?

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  • Purple Pixie
    Beginner July 2012
    Purple Pixie ·
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    Congratulations and welcome to Hitched ?

    You'll be fine doing it in 8 months and I can guarantee you'll get loads of great advice and support from people on here.

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  • W
    wenchintraining ·
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    We had a wedding organised from start to finish in 6 weeks.

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  • A
    Beginner June 2009
    Alleycat ·
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    Hi, another one who says it can be easily done! We got engaged mid September and originally were going to get hitched in May, but settled on 28th June as we hope the weather will be a bit better.

    We booked the venue in mid October and started dress shopping not long after that. Although I didn't find my dress until January in the end as took a break to get christmas and New Year out of the way. The shops did say that I was cutting it a bit fine in January but I ended up ordering one from a chinese manufacturer and it should be with me by the end of March.

    We've yet to book a DJ so not sure how we will do on this one. It was OH's job but he has done sod all about it, so I am going to start looking instead. Rings will be off the shelf so no worries about getting them made. Flowers, we are doing ourselves and we found a photographer in January.

    We have been given a figure of £50 per head for reception drinks, wine at the meal, three courses and sparkling wine for the toast. The venue hire fee is £750 for a sunday but we are in peak season. It would have been substantially less if it had been off-peak which if I remember correctly was October to end of March.

    Good luck and happy hitching!

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  • MrsMcB2B
    Beginner November 2009
    MrsMcB2B ·
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    Hi Livvy Chick

    I'm new too. Getting married 1st November, started planning mid January. 8 months is fine. Less time I think means less stressing over details that are maybe unnecessary. We've booked the venue (£800) and the celebrant. Got cars sorted, and flowers. Bought my dress from a department store and getting it dry cleaned just now. Hotel for the night (and night before for me) is sorted.

    Still to look for DJ, photographer and bridesmaids dresses etc but that's the only big stuff left.

    I've been going by the timeline in the Hitched 'to-do list' and according to that I don't need to do anything else until May.

    Per head for our wedding breakfast is c£60 - 3 course meal, champagne reception, wine and two top ups, and champagne for the toasts.

    Happy planning!

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