I wasn't here when the great Hitched->DW debacle happened but sometimes stuff is picked up from the old days by people trying to advertise....
there are all these people with 1000's of posts, and it seems like it used to be a proper little community then! It's kind of a vicious circle in that I reckon people won't post much unless there's loads of people, and there won't be loads of people unless there's lots of posts. Also when people have o/t stuff they tend to put it in whichever of WP or BT they belong to....I guess one way of getting O/T busier would be for the admins to enforce that only WP or BT stuff is in the appropriate forums and move whatever O/T stuff there was to O/T, but that'd mean heavy-handed administration, and also it's against their interests as I presume suppliers get quoted page views/thread numbers for WP/BT to encourage them to advertise...
Anyway this is all a bit long and rambly but just wondering whether people thought that O/T would pick up again to the old days, and what would be likely to make it do so.