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Beginner September 2007

Does anyone else get really painful shins when they run?

Sparkley, 11 August, 2009 at 13:08 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 22

I've been going to BMF for about 2 months now. I have really noticed an improvement on my fitness, but when I run I get pain in the front of my shins.

Does anyone else get this, and is there anything I can do to prevent it? It huuuuurts ?

22 replies

Latest activity by MrsMcB2B, 12 August, 2009 at 01:21
  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
    Chicken ·
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    You're wearing the correct trainers for you aren't you? Shin splints is pretty common, if that's what it is.

    I thought the same as you about fitness and BMF about a month ago (when I'd been going about 2 months) but all of a sudden my weight has plummeted and last night I kept up with the reds (we had a mixed session as only one instructor) on everything. :-)

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  • CBear
    Beginner April 2009
    CBear ·
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    Sounds like shinsplints to me. Never had it but I believe the only solution is to cut out high impact stuff (eg running) and maintain fitness with things like swimming. I may be wrong though

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  • Carrie74
    Beginner June 2007
    Carrie74 ·
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    As said, sounds like shin splints. Are your trainers right? Do they possibly need upgrading?

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  • Sparkley
    Beginner September 2007
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    Yes, it sounds like shim splints ? My trainers, are old (but hardly ever worn until I started BMF lol) they are Nike Air, with the big air thing at the back and are for running. I think my shin splints are particularly bad as I have gone from total couch potato to BMF 3 times per week. My body is in total shock ?

    I haven't noticed my weight drop yet, I do feel fitter though and I am definitely toning up. My butt is much less wobby ? I am a bit worried I am going to get rugby player thighs though ?

    Well, well done for keeping up with the reds that's amazing. Are you goign to premanently move from the blues to the reds? I am in awe of the greens, They are so, so fit.

    I am thinking of doing this in December!! I think I will be fit enough to do it as long as I continue to go to BMF 3 times a week. Eeeek!!

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  • Sparkley
    Beginner September 2007
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    Nooooooo, don't say that - I can't give BMF up now ?

    Carrie, I think I might need to treat myself to some new trainers, but they get awfully muddy so don't want to spend too much. Are there any you recommend?


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  • Carrie74
    Beginner June 2007
    Carrie74 ·
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    But when you bought them, was your gait tested? It may be worth going to a proper sports shop or running shop, take your old trainers with you, and tell them what you're doing, and they'll be able to advise you. You might not need super-expensive trainers either - the ones perftect for me are mid-price range, and now I know what I need, I buy the previous year's style on t'interweb every year.

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
    Chicken ·
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    You need a gait analysis dude. Nike air max are probably not (judging by the splints) correct for you. Bubble or not ?

    If you can't get to a running shop runners world magazine has an article this month on buying the correct shoes for your feet.

    Am going on holiday soon so don't really want to jump up then have to go back down afterwards. Going to after hols though. I was running fast last night!

    Will look at that link now.

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  • I love shoes
    Beginner July 2008
    I love shoes ·
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    That sounds like you arent wearing proper running shoes let alone the correct ones for you, Ive been dubious of Nike for ages since someone on here told me about them - cant rememeber who it was - think it was Chook or Wonks

    Also remember to stretch properly before and after - especially your calves!

    I still get shin splints now even after wearing the proper shoes for my gait but I only get it one side (left side) not the other so I know its not my shoes but more my dodgy body geometry (my pelvis and left knee are twisted)

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  • Sparkley
    Beginner September 2007
    Sparkley ·
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    What's my gait?

    I don't know if there are any proper running shops near me. I guess that normal sports shops aren't any good?

    Well done for fast running Chook, I can sprint fast, but I get knackered afterwards. We did it in the pouring rain last night which was actually a welcome relief from the boiling sun on Saturday. Was really muddy, but felt good. In the winter they do it in darkness. Worried about running into a spiders web ?

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  • Carrie74
    Beginner June 2007
    Carrie74 ·
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    Your gait is the way your foot falls and rolls as you run, and the right shoe will take account of what you do and compensate for any over-or under pronation (I think that's the technical term...). Having quickly googled (to get my terminology right lol), I found this site, which may help you:

    I've got Asics Gel shoes (but rather hopelessly, I can't remember what type of gait I have), and they're marvelous.

    If you go to a "normal" sports store (JJB and the like), you will be sold a very expensive fashion trainer and the person selling it to you will have no idea what type of foot it is for (if indeed it is to be used for anything other that trawling the streets with a fag). If you go to a store where the people selling the shoes actually do some sports themselves, you're likely to be sold the right pair of shoes.

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  • Iris
    Iris ·
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    Not all Nikes are bad. I wear Nike triax and Equalons because I am overweight and overpronate like a good 'un. Too much bounce is not always a good thing as it sends the impact back up your legs, it's better to have shoes that absorb the shock.

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  • claires
    Beginner July 2008
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    Me. I have had to stop BMF for a couple of weeks as i had a searing pain in both my shins. The instructor made me stop, and told me to see a doctor, who said its most likely shin splints, and to rest.

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  • Chicken
    Beginner October 2003
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    On the members bit of the BMF websit there's vouchers for 10% off Runner's Needs (Canary Wharf, Camden, Holborn and Liverpool Street).

    Nike comments didn't come from me. I only know about the shoes I need to wear.

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  • Y
    yetanothermess ·
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    I had this, very painful. The osteopath gave me some good stretches for it like these

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  • Sparkley
    Beginner September 2007
    Sparkley ·
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    Thanks everyone. I think I will go to one of the specialised shops and get some decent shoes before I do any real damage, and will also spend more time warming up & cooling down.

    I just really hope it doesn't get worse as I am really into this fitness - I never thought I would say that! ?


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  • S
    Beginner September 2007
    Sparklywug ·
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    I can totally recommend Runners Need - the man analysed my gait and then assisted with trainers, he was most put out that I didn't like his first choice as I didn't like the colour! The ones I bought make me feel like I am running on clouds!

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  • Mrs Winkle
    Beginner May 2007
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    Wasn't me re: Nikes - I've never had a pair.

    I'm starting BMF on 26th August. I am vay exciteed about it...though I suspect that my opinion about my level of fitness may take a battering!

    Sparks - ice your shins when you get in from a session as it wwill help to take the swelling down. Also make sure you are stretching both sets of calf muscles.

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  • L
    Dedicated November 2002
    Lizbeth ·
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    Nasty - I suffered horribly with these when in the RAF. Not a horror story as there is an underlying reason for it but I ended up with stress fractures and can probably never do high impact anything ever again. Not good. Please, get some decent running shoes and also talk to the shop about sorbothanes - shock absorbing insoles. you put nine times your bodyweight through your heel and lower leg when you run so anything that takes up the shock has to help. (however, try just some decent shoes first!)

    Also you really need to tell your instructors - they may be able to modify your programme so you are not doing high impact for a little while - they need time to recover. Rest, ice, and stretches all good and ask instructor for some specific exercises to help strengthen the muscles around your shins so as to support them. There are some rather bizarre things you can do with your feet to stretch and strengthen the various support structures in leg and ankle. Gait analysis will definitely help.

    BMF looks great fun and I hope to start it when I've dropped a bit more weight (I simply couldn't do it at this weight - shins would collapse altogether!) but even then, I'll have to be fatty at the back with the special exercises because of my knackered shins.

    The good news is, they go away if treated nicely. Splints, not your shins.

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  • S
    Sciver ·
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    I have suffered with shin splints for years. I had a gait analysis - can't remember the name of the place, might've been Sweatshop? I dunno. It was on Fulham Road and they used to have a branch in Harrods too. I ended up buying Asics Kayano's with some very expensive gel inserts. But still haven't plucked up the courage to run properly in them as too fat and unfit but working on this!

    I had extremely painful physio on my shins for months - it used to hurt like a very painful bruise being poked. Physio advised frequent calf stretches during all exercise but TBH it never made much difference.

    Get your gait checked and some new trainers then see how you go. If still painful may be time to seek advise from a physio. Good luck.

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  • Mrs Cee
    Mrs Cee ·
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    If your in Brighton there are 2 shops where you can get your gait measured Run on Blatchington Road in Hove and The Jog Shop in George Street, Brighton.

    I have BMF tonight and it broke me, it was so blooming hot. I haven't noticed any change in my body shop but I must be getting fitter because its proper hardcore!

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  • MrsMcB2B
    Beginner November 2009
    MrsMcB2B ·
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    Although not very scientific and doesn't tell you much about your running gait, this will point you in the right direction for your 'standing/walking gait' which should be much the same;

    Get out the bath or shower still wet and make footprints as naturally as you can, walking would be good. If you have a really pronounced 'curve' at the inside of your foot you most likely 'supinate' and if the footprint is fuller you most likely 'overpronate' or are neutral (very few people are neutral - most overpronate). It's not an exact science and 'flat' feet don't necessarily mean overpronation but it could be an indicator.

    I got shin splints when I first started running but I was lucky in that I live close to a very good independent running shoe specialist. They really are the best people to speak to. Through work I recently watched some footage of running gaits and it was hard to believe that some of the people's ankles didn't snap because of the stress put on them. You just don't see it or feel it on yourself when you're jogging out and about.

    The presentation I watched was by Asics and even before seeing it, the last couple of pairs of running shoes I've bought have been theirs...they know their stuff. Obviously it was a sales pitch by them but the diagram of the skeleton and what happens if sustained stress in the wrong places continues was quite scary...ankles then knees, then see where this is going.

    Good luck and don't give it up, it's such a buzz isn't it?

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  • MrsMcB2B
    Beginner November 2009
    MrsMcB2B ·
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    I really could have put that simpler;

    Overpornation is running on the insides of you feet more than is needed.

    Supination is running on the outside of your feet too much.

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  • MrsMcB2B
    Beginner November 2009
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    ? Now that's somehting else!

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