H and I have kept small animals since we moved into our flat, so far only hamsters and gerbils (though we're up to 10 now so plenty of experience), but most of these were adoptions or rescues as we're suckers for a sob story!
Anyway, H got a text yesterday asking if we would take on 3 degu's. The owner is a carer for H's brother who has learning difficulties so we know her well and know she isn't trying to get rid of them as such, just that her dogs puppies are stressing the degus. So it's more for the sake of the animals that she wantes to find them a new home. Last time we were at the pet shop, H said that degus would be the next pet he'd like to have and this seems like an ideal oppourtunity to give them a new home, and they're already tamed / have a big cage (in feet, it's 1.5 x 2 x 3), so set up costs minimal.
Does anyone already keep them and give me some advice for their care please? I have been reading up on the internet but I never know what's good / bad advice there! Obvioulsy their owner would pass on info but we want to be clued up before we say yes or no.