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Beginner July 2018

Engagement stories

HappyGoldStationery958, 27 October, 2017 at 10:50 Posted on Planning 0 19

Whats your engagement story? And how long did you have to wait for the question to be popped! I waited 6 and a half years, felt like forever seeing my friends all get married in much less time ha! I just love hearing these! ! ?

19 replies

Latest activity by MusicalTheatrepippa26886, 6 March, 2018 at 11:51
  • M
    Beginner November 2018
    MrsGraves2B ·
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    It was a lovely surprise for me when we got engaged! My SO picked me up from work one day and instead of heading home we headed out to a beautiful location in the cotswolds where he had booked an overnight stay - I felt like spoilt rotten. Afterwards we went out for a stroll in the evening and thats when he popped the question! As fate would have it there was a local phptographer shooting in the area at the time who managed to cath the moment on film and that's also the story of how we found our wedding photographer ?

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  • H
    Beginner July 2018
    HappyGoldStationery958 ·
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    Oh wow I love that, especially the photographer part! How beautiful x

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  • S
    SunnyPinkDiamonds933 ·
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    I am in love with your story. Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience with us.

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  • W
    Beginner November 2017
    Willows2B ·
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    I waited almost 8 years! We got together at university so were 26 when we got engaged. We live near a forest and escaping our busy city week lives there for a walk is one of our favourite things to do. He was being odd and kept saying that he wanted to get off the main path and find somewhere quieter, haha! Then when we did he popped the question, on one knee and all that. I knew it was coming at some point as it was discussed a lot but he always said not in public so I didn't think it'd be there!

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  • L
    Beginner June 2018
    Lilacbouquet ·
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    I waited 4 years from when we first started dating, and after a year I kept hoping at every holiday, Christmas and birthday that OH would pop the question. We went on holiday in May 2016 where OH had planned a surprise day out for me of which I wasn't to ask any questions except to plan the picnic. A small niggle came in my head to say, 'Is he going to ask me to marry him?' at which point I told myself to not be silly and get my hopes up again!

    He took me to my favourite National Trust place which even though we were hungry we had to look round first, which was lovely as I hadn't been for years! We then chose a lovely view and sat on the lawns where I started taking my shoe off and he asked me!! I turned around to see him on one knee holding a beautiful ring in a box! I have never been stuck for words before, all i managed was a very excited 'Are you kidding?' much to OH bemusement. I had never had happy tears before, and after 5 minutes finally managed to say YES!

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  • MrsR2B18
    Beginner April 2018
    MrsR2B18 ·
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    Love all your stories!

    My OH had booked us a night away in a manor house, they had just had a room converted to have B&B's so we were the first people to stay there, the owner was so excited that he was going to ask me to marry him in their home! He'd paid her to get a bottle of Champagne and a massive bouquet of Lilies, my favourite! When we got into our room he was acting really weird and not saying much which is very unlike him! I kept saying whats wrong with you and then eventually he got down on one knee and pulled out a box that said will we marry me! He told me afterwards that he had been in the bathroom practicing going down one one knee ? Afterwards we drank the champagne and we went for an amazing meal and some drinks, it was such a lovely surprise and an amazing night. It was interesting in the night though, as when we first arrived at the manor house the owner was taking us to our room and said theres a lovely lady ghost but don't worry she's really friendly and then went on to tell us how they here children playing and tennis balls being bounced and when the builder was there staying on his own he left the house and stayed at a B&B because of things that were happening in the house ? We both looked at each other and thought that she was joking but we both woke up in the night and heard a door creak and then foot steps to our door it happened about 8 times throughout the night and I know there wasn't anyone else on our floor so I didn't get much sleep after that ?

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  • M
    Beginner May 2026
    MissChipmonk ·
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    I waited over 4 and a half years, and even that took about 18 months of “hints”.

    The proposal started a few weeks before it actually happened. We were in the midst of a blazing row, sat on opposite sides of the bed staring at the opposite wall just in total silence. Suddenly he goes “what’s your ring size?”

    It was about 1am and we’d just been screaming at each other so I snapped back “what kind of stupid question is that?” And he just went “because I’m gonna propose, stupid!”

    I had work the next day so we didn’t really talk about it that night, but the next day he came and met me at work and I obviously had to ask whether he meant it or whether he was just trying to shut me up because we were fighting. He admitted it was a bit of both. He wasn’t planning on telling me but because of the row we’d been having he just said it.

    This was great new for me though, because it meant I got to pick my own ring!

    A week or so later I came up to my parents (I’m from Manchester, he’s from London, we were living in Brighton at the time) because it was gonna be my birthday. He stayed behind for a week because of Work and stuff. Skyped his parents to let them know he was gonna propose (apparently they were very shocked!)

    Whilst we were apart I dreamt that he came up to me on my birthday and asked me if I wanted to take Alfie, my Mum and dads dog, for a walk. And it was whilst we were walking the dog that he proposed. I didn’t tell him about it tho, because, as is usually the case I got up, went about whatever I was doing that day and just forgot about it.

    Anyway, he comes up a few days before my birthday, and he managed to get Mum and Dad alone to speak with them about it (my dad swears he tried to put him off!) and on the Saturday we went for a free drinks for my birthday. Dad comes up and starts making insinuations that he knows that Adam is gonna propose. So I just tell him “Dad, I know he’s gonna propose! I picked the ring!” And my dad goes “what do you mean you know?! You’ve ruined Monday for him now” Monday was my birthday! But I didn’t know that he was planning it for the Monday so I tell my dad and he goes “Monday?! I didn’t say anything about Monday! Who mentioned Monday?”

    Typical man! Trying to backtrack and failing miserably!

    Then, my birthday comes around and Adam comes up to me and goes “do you wanna take Alfie for a walk?”

    I swear I’m not making this up!

    I could see the ring box in his jeans pocket and I told him I could see it. He went “damn! Wait a minute!” And just rushed upstairs. When he came back down the box was gone so I just assumed he’d put it upstairs and was gonna leave it because he’d been caught out.

    So we set off with the dog, and there’s an old disused school near my mum and dads house where everyone walks their dogs, so we go round there and we’re just walking and chatting over the grass etc. When we get back to the road I think I might have stood in something (do I really need to specify?) so I stop, and I’m looking at the bottoms of my shoes.

    When I look back up at him, still with one ankle resting on my knee, he’s on one knee, holding out the ring.

    He said some mushy, soppy stuff and asked me to marry him. And I said yes, obviously.

    It was only after this that I told him about the dream I’d had the previous week. He said that it made sense as that’s the only way he could’ve got me on my own as my parent had a house full. And in a way he’s right, but we could have just gone for a walk, we didn’t have to take the dog!

    Not hugely romantic, but it’s funny!


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  • B
    Beginner May 2018
    BlossomKatie1993 ·
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    These are all such lovely stories!

    I was with my partner for 7 and a half years before getting engaged, although we did meet when we were 16 so I think he chose the perfect time to do it, just a few months after I graduated at uni.

    He proposed in our favourite restaurant which we only go on special occasions. the one place I really pictured him doing it in as it is a little formal but comfortable and cosy with lovely lighting, wooden walls and low-key live music.

    He was quite clever and told me he had a discount code for the restaurant (like I said we only go on special occasions, and this was just a normal day) and asked if I wanted to go one friday night - he did the arranging for once and booked us a seat at our favourite table. He even panicked that we were a little late, which wasn't like him at all!

    We had a lovely time sharing pizza and sharing a bottle of wine with live music in the background. One of my favourite songs played by chance and it was really lovely - I even bought it up that night that it would have been a good night for him to propose lol! We spoke about it often and often joked about it, but secretly I was so ready for that next step.

    When the bill came the Italian waiter gave it to me and jokingly said 'this is for you' - I then noticed that the whole restaurant staff were staring at me and I thought it was because they had given us free after dinner shots to drink, so I thought oh god they are going to watch us take the shots.

    Then all of a sudden my partner pulls out a ring and gets down on one knee and it was the most amazing surprise. We got free champagne afterwards and the whole restaurant applauded us - it was just how I always imagined it Smiley smile I found out after that he had written 'will you marry me' on the bill which I had completely missed! and everything then clicked. He done an amazing job at keeping it a surprise as I am one of the hardest people to keep things from!

    In the cab home we held hands and listened to our favourite songs. My brother had the champagne ready for when we got home and we stayed up all night with family, drinking and listening to music. It was amazing Smiley heart

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  • J
    Beginner May 2018
    JessNav ·
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    Love reading these stories! Me and my OH had been together for 3 1/2 years but had been friends for 5 1/2. We went on holiday in May 15 and I thought he was going to do it then, he had intentions too but couldn't find the right ring. In June we went to Royal Ascot and I was really excited about seeing the Queen as I'd never seen her in the flesh before. So we got a good spot in the viewing ring/circle and that's where he dropped down on one knee!! Our friends caught it all on camera which was amazing, I'll forever be thankful for that moment.

    It was a very surreal day, my friend kept jumping about screaming "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED" but at the time I wasn't really bothered. When we got back to the hotel that's when the excited kicked in for me!!

    I'm so glad he didn't propose when we was on holiday because I expected it, I did not expect him to do it at Ascot which is probably why I was so shell shocked!

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  • S
    Curious August 2018
    SpecialEdition1987 ·
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    Last night of our Center Parcs holiday.

    We'd had a load of pina coladas and I said "Let's get married" and he said "yeah alright then"

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  • R
    Beginner September 2019
    RomanticIvoryStationery986 ·
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    I waited just over seven years but it was totally worth it. It was my New Year's Resolution to go surfing in 2017 - I'm obsessed with anything Hawaiian! We went to Cornwall in the summer and my fiance (who can already surf), took me to the beach, after a lovely day out and taught me how to surf, which I really enjoyed! After, he told me he wanted to stop at a lighthouse on the way back to the house, so he took me up to a cliffside, where the lighthouse was. The view of all the beaches was stunning and, the sun was about to start setting. He asked me if I could see the house from where we were, so I turned around and when I turned back he was on one knee! The biggest surprise, I could have hoped for and I couldn't have planned it better myself. My favourite state to be in, is covered in sand and wearing flip-flops and that's exactly how I was. My ring is also Marquise cut, so it looks like a little surfboard!

    Met 26.05.10

    Engaged 26.07.17

    Wedding 26.09.19

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  • V
    Beginner August 2020
    Vickmeister ·
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    Well I only waited 16 months, although we first met at school and he was my first crush, so technically I waited 23 years!

    He did me a general knowledge advent quiz. So every day the first letter of the answer added up to spell 'Will you marry me' and then my name.

    I figured it out quite quickly so I did my own quiz question for him to open on Christmas day. The answer was 'Obviously'.

    Once he'd answered it he said 'I guess I'll do it now then!'.

    His mum gave him the ring. It's beautiful, Victorian sapphires and diamonds on a gold band.

    I cried a lot!

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  • MetalBride
    Beginner April 2018
    MetalBride ·
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    After 12 years I'd had enough of waiting, we were going to a gig near home so I booked a hotel, made this fancy card and got really excited/ nervous. The week of the gig comes up and he said he had to work, I was furious but he didn't know why. I cancelled it all and went to the gig alone.

    This is when I realised that the band was playing again the following night in the city where we'd gone to our first gig together. So I thought sod it lets try again, rewrote the soppy card and picked him up after work. He was really excited about the band and at the end of the gig having lost the courage to actually ask out loud I handed him the soppy card. So I'm there all nervous, he hands me the card back and says "come on we need to get going", so I get back in the car and start driving. I asked him, "well aren't you going to answer the question?" "What question?" He responded, so I'm cross thinking he's saying no in a really roundabout way. We get home and I storm off to bed. The following morning he asks "why are you so angry?" I just repeat "because you won't answer the question!" "What question? He asks. "The one in the card" I said. He looked really confused, "there wasn't a question, and anyway I stopped reading it when I fell over the floorboard at the gig". Then I realised that he hadn't actually read it, so I gave him back the card, "oh he says, that's why you're angry". Total romance fail. As we get married in less than two months I guess you know the rest.

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  • P
    Beginner September 2018
    pooksgirl ·
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    Ohh such lovely stories, and here I was in the kitchen putting pots and pans away!

    We'd been together 8years, lived together for best part of 7, in our own place for 3 and I had no idea. We'd discussed it in the abstract as in we will get married one day. Unbeknown to me he'd been tapping up my friends for ideas of rings and took his mum shopping with him, telling me he was going to help her with her computer. He came home with some boxes of posh crockery his parents had replaced and didn't need so I was unpacking those and putting them away, turned round and he's all quiet and comes out with I suppose I better tell you what I've really been up to today and presents me with a little box of chocolates that are shaped as Mr & Mrs but in place of the & is a ring.

    He's a soppy sod at times but ❤️

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  • P
    PaylorPhoto ·
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    These stories are so gorgeous! Such a mixture of stories, shows that it doesn't really matter how you 'propose' when it's with the right person!

    We've been together since we were 16, known each other since we were 11. When we were 21 we took a walk up round the church yard near Whitby Abbey (it's one of our favourite places) and he got down on one knee at the top of the cliff and asked me to marry him Smiley smile We waited three years to get married as we were both at uni Smiley smile

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  • E
    Savvy August 2019
    ExpensivePinkCars56269 ·
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    I waited 9 years for my partner to propose, but it was worth the wait and he made the proposal really special. In the summer we both took some extended holiday and travelled all over south east asia. For my birthday we thought we would go to the Gili Island's and decided to stay on Gili Meno. We had a lovely day snorkelling and it was my mission to see some turtles swimming (which we did!).

    After a beautiful day, we went out for dinner on the beach and I had my favourite dish (roast lamb which was by this point the only non-asian food i ate for the whole 5 weeks!) After dinner we walked along the beach which was completely empty and sat watching the stars together. He then apologised for not being able to give me any presents as he was unable to carry them around with him due to our limited bag space. I then suprised to see that he had wrapped a small book shapped present and he said he had managed to get me something small. When i opened the present it was a book that he had, had made called "The Story of Helen and Dan". The book described when we first met, our first date, our first kiss, getting together, moving in and buying our first house together. It was very romantic, when I got to the end of the book it started talking about sitting on a beach in Gili Meno underneath the stars for my birthday and that he had an important question to ask me. As I turned the page over, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him and gave me the most beautiful ring.

    It was so romantic and I love reading the little book he gave me to remind me of that special night. Can't wait to marry him now!

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  • F
    Savvy August 2019
    Fairy5 ·
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    We were on holiday in Devon last October with our dogs. We took them out for a walk on the Monday morning through some woods and fields and on the way back he said "Do you love me?" so I said "yes, do you love me?" and he goes "yes". So I said "how much?" and he then said "this much". I looked to my side and he'd disappeared. I turned around and he was on one knee in the woods with our 2 dogs just looking at him wondering what he was doing on the floor! It was so lovely. Just a shame I was holding a bag of dog poo. We then went to Lyme Bay that afternoon for a drink and an ice cream along the VERY windy seafront and that night we had a beautiful dinner at a nearby gastro pub followed by prosecco in the hot tub. I'd waited 8 years and seen all but one couple in our group of friends marry so it had been a long time coming!

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  • B
    Beginner May 2019
    BrodietoMee2019 ·
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    It started at 0630 on a Sunday morning when I was woken by my mum with a gift from my FH, it was our 5 year anniversary and he was working away in Scotland and she was helping me look after our kids. When I opened it it was a stack of envelopes all time stamped with when to be opened throughout the day. The first one contained a note and a 1st class train ticket to Inverness and instructions to pack for 5 days and to not worry about the kids he had taken care of everything - i.e roped the grandparents into a major babysitting shift. Once on the train I could open the envelopes every 20 minutes which contained vintage postcards of places we had been with memories written on the back.

    7 hours later I arrived in Inverness and my last postcard instructed me to look for a man in a suit holding a sign with my name on it. Sure enough this man was waiting for me and was my chauffeur who put me in his swanky merc and just started driving. With no idea where I was going I tried to make polite chit chat with this suited and booted stranger until he pulled into an industrial estate and pulled up at a helicopter port. I got out and was greeted by a man who introduced himself as my captain! 30 minutes later we were in the air flying over Loch Ness towards Fort Augustus to where my FH was waiting for me. He proposed to me with a haribo ring in a Tiffany box on a rowing boat in the middle of Loch Ness, which is where we had our first kiss 5 years ago to the day. He also had a secret photographer hiding in the bushes who captured the moment, the photos are so beautiful. We then flew to New York the next day to choose a ring at Tiffany's - the most incredible and amazing experience!

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  • S
    Beginner October 2018
    Susi-B ·
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    Mine wasn't at all romantic, no candlelit meals, no flowers, no special place and no one knee, nope none of it. We were sat watching Don't Tell The Bride one night and after discussing thru lots of episodes what HE would do we got serious about wedding talk. Months gone by and no ring i got sick of talking about other peoples weddings and I said (and ill never forget it) "you'd never get married" and he took one look at me, stood up, and walked over to his coat and took out a box. He tossed it to me and said "wouldn't i"? and that was his proposal. Two or three years of being together. We are getting married this October and as of this september coming it will be ten years together so i've waited long enough lol.

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  • M
    Beginner February 2019
    MusicalTheatrepippa26886 ·
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    Me and my H2B met a year ago, when I was producing a musical that I was also in, and he was recommended to play the lead. I had the biggest crush, but he was a lot younger so I thought he would never be interested in me. In the show, we were both in love with the same guy, so spent 5 months making out with the same guy. We got together at the after show party. We'd been together 7 months when he proposed.

    We had talked a lot about getting married, and we had chosed the engagement ring together (one of his mothers). I knew that he was going to propose, but not how or when. All I knew is that it would involve our song.

    The day after valentines we went to London to see a couple of shows. I'd joked earlier in the week when we'd left his mum's about him packing the ring. An old friend of mine was in one of the shows that we were seeing, and he'd said that we could go on the stage after the show! I was buzzing! The whole way through the show my OH was sooooo clammy when I held his hand, and I didn't know why. After the show we had about 30 mins before we had to meet my friend back at the theatre, so we went to get a drink.

    We went back to the theatre, and we were asked to put our bags in a separate room. As soon as we were on the stage, my friend kept pushing us to go more in to the centre. All of a sudden I could quietly hear our song playing. I wasn't sure if I could actually hear it or not, but it slowly got louder. I burst in to tears as I realised he was about to propose on a West End Stage! He got on one knee, and I was on the floor with him before he'd finished asking. I wasn't even sure if I said yes, but he assures me I did.

    My friend had it all recorded, which is a lovely momento. People have asked why I shook my head in the video, and it's because my OH asked if I wanted to sing. Not a chance with the amount I was crying (really regret that now, when will I ever get the chance to sing on a west end stage?).

    Musical Theatre is such a big part of our life that this was truly amazing, and us. I'm known as the planner in our relationship, so it was lovely to see how much effort he went through for me! He's since shown me all the messages between him and his friend, and it still makes me smile to think about it. I can't watch the video without crying!

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