When my OH proposed, we knew immediately where we wanted our wedding venue to be. We also knew that the price tag was going to be pretty hefty, but were prepared to wait a couple of years so that we could save up and have the wedding of our dreams without getting into debt.
A couple of weeks into our engagement, my OH's parents (who are quite well off) very generously gave us £10k towards the wedding. We were totally blown away, hadn't expected it and were so grateful. Even better, it meant we could bring the wedding forward 12 months.
I told my parents about the gift because they would need to know why we could suddenly bring the wedding forward so much. They were totally fine about it and said how generous it was of them. My dad mentioned that he felt bad they couldn't give us that kind of money towards the wedding, but we assured them that we didn't expect anything from them and we were more than happy to save up the rest ourselves.
Since then, my dad kindly gave me £700 towards my wedding dress, which was a lovely gesture and really kind of him.
But ... Here's the ranty bit...
On Facebook, my dad keeps on giving the impression that he's paying for the wedding. He posts pictures of the venue or just random statuses about the wedding and how he 'can't afford to do other things' because of it. It's started to annoy me now, not only because we are paying for the majority of the wedding ourselves, but also because my OH's parents can see my dad's facebook posts and obviously it is they who have forked out quite a lot of money, not him. We're even paying for his suit and shoes!
The latest one tonight is a photo of the venue and underneath he has put "This is where my daughter is getting married ........Wallet 1 - Me 0"
The thing is, I've already got a bit of a complex because I know some of my friends already joke about me being spoilt and it really isn't the case - I'm the youngest of 5 children and I've always paid for my own things. I work really hard and earn every penny of my own money and it's just starting to make me annoyed that he keeps posting these types of things. He does it in person to people as well.
Just for information, I am the first of his 3 daughters to get married, and he is also reasonably well off.
As I said, just needed to rant