Went out last night with my H, brother and sister in law. We decided last minute that we'd go out for a curry so booked a table at place near their house (which happened to be one of those curry karaoke places). We paid for our food on arrival - was fixed price buffet - and had couple of rounds of drinks and then left after the meal as I was tired as i'm 6 months pregnant and also really suffering with back pain.
On the way back home, my sil got a call on her mobile from the restaurant asking where we were (I did try and get a waiters attention to advise we were leaving and thank them but they were all busy serving), when she said we had left she got a load of abuse down the phone saying we had conned them and they are not just a restaurant and how dare we just have our meal and leave (ie not staying for the karaoke). He said we had conned them and that we are all now barred ? my brother phoned back and they guy just kept going on about how they are a licensed premises and we should not have left!
I am in total shock at how a restaurant thinks they can behave this way! I'm presuming the manager is pissed off cos he would have been expecting us to stay til closing and spend more on drink. The place wasn't even full so surely the money we did spend was better than nothing! Not sure what we can do about it as it was the manager who called in the 1st place so not sure who we can report them to now!
Not much point to this most, just thought i'd share my story!