My poor, poor little dog. It became clear today that all was not right, so I took him back to the vets. She was very worried and straight away got on the phone to get him refered to the Animal Health Trust to see an eye specialist. They saw him stright away.
Turns out in both eyes his retinas are detached. God only knows why, maybe as the result of an infection or virus. So he is basically blind right now. But the retinas have not been torn, so he is on strict bed rest now and on some heavy duty anti inflamatories to get the fluid behind his retinas to subside. Hopefully then the retinas will go back to their original place and reattach I guess.
Glad he has seen a specialst and that no surgery is required. I just hope we caught it in time. Will also be expensive, as he is not insured (big mistake, I know). But if there is any chance we can save his sight I have to take it. ?