2 carers to 16 residents with four of those bed bound, needing turning 2 hourly, changing incontince pads and trying to get them to drink fluids is beyond a joke. We have one resident who is compus mentis and self caring, those who aren't in bed are mainly dementia. I try to treat all my old people how I would like a member of family to be treated and I know I'm failing them.
I spoke to the assistant manager about a gentleman who came in to us yesterday, only taking sips of fluid and no urine output since lunchtime and do you know what she said... 'you must get him to drink' No **** Sherlock! Short of putting him in a headlock I tried to get him to drink, does she think I'm so ****ing thick.
We've asked for more staff, but have been told that there is no chance as the bed bound ones will die soon! Compassion eh?
Time for another glass of wine I think.
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