Please ignore, i just wanted to vent somewhere, i hope it is ok.
Im just reall hating myself right now.
Since my OH dumping me, ive just felt so needy and desperate. I worry about everything.
I dont want him to see me as needy, i wanna be strong, but i just cant do it.
I had kinda sorted my head out at the start of the week, and was going along the line of "if its meant to be, its meant to be" If we're meant to be together it will happen, if not it wont. But i dont know if i just convinced myself of this because i keep telling myself we are destined to be together.
I just wanna see everything at face value, and not read stuff into everything.
For example, last night my boss told me that he had given me next Saturday off, as id been wanting one in a while (mainly so i could spend it with OH). So i went home, wondering what I was gonna do with my night off. I open my emails and there is one about a comedian that Ive been wanting to see. I first saw her with OH about 5 years ago. We always said that if she toured again, we'd go see her. So, it turns out she is playing that Saturday night.
Me, being such the fcuking idiot, I am, started thinking, "ooh, its fate". I made the stupid mistake of texting him and asking if he wanted to go for old times sake. He text back saying, he thinks its best to give it a miss.
So now im bloddy gutted all over again.
I get home, and hes deleted me as his "other half" on bebo. Now im sitting here crying like an idiot.
I dont wanna feel like this.
I wanna be strong, I wanna be one of these people that doesnt worry what others think.
Sorry for that ramble