Ok, around 6 months ago I started getting twinges of pain in the heels and arches of my feet when I first stood on them in the morning, and last thing in the evening after working all day. Nothing to worry about. Fastrack to today, I now rely heavily on the use of a walking stick every morning and evening, and feel a constant dull pain in both my feet the rest of the day. I'm only twenty-bloody-four, for christ's sake.
After battling with the doctors for months, I've finally got an appointment with a consultant in a week, but I went researching things on t'internet tonight and I'm really scared with things I've found ☹️ There's something called 'Posterior Tibial Tendonitis', which I reckon I have based on the symptoms, and it means I may have gradually torn or worn down my Achellis tendon, which requires surgery to fix and can cause permenant flat-foot, which is apparently agony. I know it's stupid, but where I hadn't researched anything I wasn't as scared, as I could bury my head in the sand- but now I have to face how serious it may be. And I'm just flipping out a bit- I'm scared of what the doctors will say, I'm angry that I'm 24 and less mobile than my 69-year-old dad, and I'm upset because I've recently come off my anti depressants completely, and things were going so well... I hate being so self pitying, I don't usually do it, but I'm just so fed up with thinking positive- it makes no damn difference. ?
UPDATE- Had my hospital appointment, I have what is known as 'Plantar Fasciitis'- basically a problem with a tendon in my foot. I am going back to the hosp in 4 weeks to be fitted for some special insoles (which I will have to wear all the time, bah) and a night splint to wear when I sleep, but that combined with physiotherapy should get rid of the problem! YAY!!! Thankyou all for your support xxx