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Beginner June 2015

Feeling depressed, scared, peed off, etc... UPDATE AFTER HOSPITAL APPOINTMENT...

Polkadots_and_Pincurls, 3 September, 2010 at 00:03 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 10

Ok, around 6 months ago I started getting twinges of pain in the heels and arches of my feet when I first stood on them in the morning, and last thing in the evening after working all day. Nothing to worry about. Fastrack to today, I now rely heavily on the use of a walking stick every morning and evening, and feel a constant dull pain in both my feet the rest of the day. I'm only twenty-bloody-four, for christ's sake.

After battling with the doctors for months, I've finally got an appointment with a consultant in a week, but I went researching things on t'internet tonight and I'm really scared with things I've found ☹️ There's something called 'Posterior Tibial Tendonitis', which I reckon I have based on the symptoms, and it means I may have gradually torn or worn down my Achellis tendon, which requires surgery to fix and can cause permenant flat-foot, which is apparently agony. I know it's stupid, but where I hadn't researched anything I wasn't as scared, as I could bury my head in the sand- but now I have to face how serious it may be. And I'm just flipping out a bit- I'm scared of what the doctors will say, I'm angry that I'm 24 and less mobile than my 69-year-old dad, and I'm upset because I've recently come off my anti depressants completely, and things were going so well... I hate being so self pitying, I don't usually do it, but I'm just so fed up with thinking positive- it makes no damn difference. ?


UPDATE- Had my hospital appointment, I have what is known as 'Plantar Fasciitis'- basically a problem with a tendon in my foot. I am going back to the hosp in 4 weeks to be fitted for some special insoles (which I will have to wear all the time, bah) and a night splint to wear when I sleep, but that combined with physiotherapy should get rid of the problem! YAY!!! Thankyou all for your support xxx

10 replies

Latest activity by Polkadots_and_Pincurls, 7 September, 2010 at 12:32
  • HappyGirl
    Beginner November 2008
    HappyGirl ·
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    Sounds horrid and painful!

    I would try and step away from google - it is never your friend on medical matters ?

    hope it all works out for you x

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  • Petal
    Petal ·
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    ? You poor thing. That sounds crappity crap. Step away from Google - that way madness lies.

    I'm not surprised you are fed up. Wait to see what your consultant says and then take it from there.

    Lots of vibes for you that things work out well. xxx

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  • shoegal01
    Beginner October 2010
    shoegal01 ·
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    My Mum had/has this - she went to some chinese herbalist bloke who did acupuncture in her feet and she says its been a miricle - it is 100 times better than it was before.

    She had scared herself by googling away and it turns out it was nothing serious at all - step away from the internet woman!

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  • Browny
    Beginner June 2011
    Browny ·
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    I agree with the others - google does no-one any good when self-diagnosing! I've done it before and panicked - but it turned out to be nothing. I felt like a fool!

    Honestly, its probably not as bad as you think - just try not to worry until you've seen the specialist.

    AND speaking from experience, there is a reason you are no longer on the anti-depressants - you are strong enough now to deal with life's ups and downs. Dont let this ruin all your progress!


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  • jem179
    Beginner May 2010
    jem179 ·
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    OK, so I just lurk now but just wanted to agree with the others

    I have joint hypermobility quite severely which means I am flat footed, my foot just rolls in. If you do end up with flat feet it's not the end of the world. The only time I struggle with it is when I'm on crutches having done myself a mischief as a lot of pressure ends up on your arch when you're only on one foot. Scholl shoes are also absolutely fantastic for arch correction although they're quite painful until you get used to them...

    I'm sure google just has you panicked (googling medical symptoms should be banned!!) but it probably will be fine, maybe you just need a rest and a bit of pampering ?

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  • MarieMarie1980
    Beginner August 2010
    MarieMarie1980 ·
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    Hi Bex. hope you are feeling a little better after all of the (very good) advise. I'm sure the consultant will be able to put your mind at rest. I have a weird pain in my right heel when I walk (more so in flat shoes), so you have urged me to get it checked out after honeymoon!! Please let us know how it goes.

    Mrs D x

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  • Pittabre
    Pittabre ·
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    I am another hyper flexible person! And I have had paisn like you described and all it took was a quick talk to a physio who just advised me to walk very slightly differently - can't even remember the difference now and it sorted it out. You can self refer to the physio and they are truly fabulous people!

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  • V
    Beginner June 2004
    very excited ·
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    Google is evil!!!

    I was on a gardening chat room (I am 36 honestly! ;-) ) and there was a guy on there with pain in his foot and had worries he would have to hang up his spade then he tried insteps recommended by his physio I think and he was sorted.

    I really hope that it is something which can be rectified, please don't look on the negative side, there are loads of simple things it could be.

    Take care, I hope you get it sorted soon xx

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  • Polkadots_and_Pincurls
    Beginner June 2015
    Polkadots_and_Pincurls ·
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    Thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU sooo much to everyone- I cannot explain how much you've all helped and calmed me down. I feel so much better- it was my own fault for googling, I won't do it again, I promise ?

    Thankyou to everyone for your experiences- I'm so glad to hear flat-foot is not as bad as the internet makes it out to be, lol. And I've been toying with the idea of acupuncture, but hearing it helped has convinced me to give it a try. I'l let you know how it goes.

    Again, thankyou everyone xxx

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