Ill try not to bore you too much!!!!
Saturday 5th September 2009
Day guests - 32
evening guests -300
Bridesmaid, navy and mocha
grooms tartan- hunting stewart
I Woke up around 730 with a bit of a sore head following the meal i had out on friday night with my family.
the hairdresser arrived around 830 and my bridesmaid at 9. the preparations began, dad had the full scottish breakfast on the go which i scoffed and it certainly helped the hangover. we were all ready by 12. downstairs we went for some bubbly and to wait for my uncle to arrive who was my chuffeur for the day. still no nerves at all and only nearly cried once when i saw my sister in law.
my brother and uncle arrived and off we went. the traffic was murder and as a result we were 20 mins late. it didnt help that the best man had forgotten the marriage schedule so the groom hadnt even made it to the church on time so was just as well me and my dad got caught in traffic.
we had the wedding ceremony, where we both managed to hold it together really well and the whole thing had a nice intimate, relaxed atmosphere.
after the service we couldnt get out the front door of the church as the wind and rain was driving right in that direction so out the back door we went and ran into the cars. it was lovely to spend some time with D and finding out what he'd done with himself that morning. my uncle had champange on ice in the boot but we opted for the magners cider he also had chilling in the back, a pear one for me and an original one for D.
then it was off to the second venue of the day for our meal, we stopped off on the way to see my great aunt who couldnt make the wedding due to poor health. we had kir royales as our reception drinks which went down well then we sat down for our meal at 330pm. It was just AMAZING the food and service couldnt have been any better. the speeches were fabulous and i managed not to cry as everytime there was a tearjerk moment some joke would be cracked so the whole atmosphere was just lighthearted and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
From the meal, we headed up to my parents house where all my aunties, uncles and cousins met us before the evening dance. it was so nice to be able to see and spend time with my family and close friends before the madness of the evening reception. it was also a friend and my sister inlaws birthdays so we had a birthday cake at my parents house for them and we also decided to cut our cake there as well.
from my parents house it was off to the third venue of the day, the gathering halls where we just had the most fun, it was a real party atmosphere and everyone commented on how they had never been to a more relaxed wedding, it was the day we had wanted. we had our first dance to rod stewart have i told you lately, it was really lovely and although i was dreading it it really wasnt as nerve wracking as i had thought ( think the champange propbably helped with that!)
we danced the night away and had an absolute ball, before we knew it it was time to leave so we headed for our hotel, the same place we'd had the meal only to find when we arrived we had left the key in my sister in laws bag, oops! the nightporter let us in and we found a bottle of champange from the inlaws in our room. i was straight into the maaasive roll top bath as my husband (how strange is it saying that!) poured me some champange.
the next morning we woke up, starving to find we'd both forgotten to bring our overnight bags! id packed mine but left it at my parents. had to phone reception and ask for breakfast to be brought up as we had no clothes. my dad brought them down mid morning and we headed up to my parents house again, my auntie had made a big buffet and everyone gathered for a post party analysis, cue more food, more champange and a lot of laughs!
D had to work on monday which was unfortunate so he left at 5 on the monday morning to make the 2hr journey back down the road and i left the monday afternoon.
we flew out to the maldives on the tues which was just fabulous, highly recommend it if you havent choosen your honeymoon destination yet!
well done if you've made it this far, really didnt mean for it to be so long. i should have more photos by the end of the weeks so will post them when i get them but heres a few to keep you going meantime!