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Beginner April 2016

Fitness Encouragement, Support & Tips

Mogf, 9 January, 2016 at 11:35 Posted on Beauty & Wellbeing 0 206

AKA Please encourage me to actually exercise and not just sit and talk about it.

Right, I am aiming to drop 1 stone, and tone my body, specifically my arms and stomach.

I have signed up to a 12 week fitness routine that I am starting on Monday 11th Jan.

Alongside the exercises, I am planning on reducing my carb intake and following a Low Carb High Fat way of eating.

I WILL drink 2 litres of water a day.

I have until April / May when my dress comes in for fittings and I WILL BE HAPPY with how I look and feel.

Anyone else?

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Me me me! I am on day 8 of the 30 day shred and calorie counting plus running for just over 2 miles every other day. Hoping to loose 2 stone at least but I have 18 months until my wedding so like 15 months till my first fitting. I got my dress in a sample sale and it literally only just did up but I couldn't breathe properly let alone eat and I have some back fat lol. So I CANT gain any weight, and if I loose I may be able to fit in it perfectly and not require as much alterations thereby saving money which is always good! Plus I want to look good in honeymoon pics!

    What is your 12 week fitness routine? I will continue to run but I need a plan for when I finish the 30-day shred!

    Weighting myself on Monday morning (1 week after I did my first weigh) and really hoping for a loss as this shred/running thing has been quite exhausting doing it every day!

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  • E
    Beginner March 2017
    elliek92 ·
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    Hey! I'm looking to drop about 10 pounds now but struggling! I've started following slimming world and I'm on week 5 of the couch to 5k app. I also have a Jawbone UP to count my steps which I'm finding really useful. I've done really well with the first half stone I lost but I've plateaued now which is starting to diminish my motivation. Hopefully this thread will get that back up again!

    I weigh in at home every Friday morning and record it on my UP app. Just getting frustrated at the straight line on the graph now!

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    A friend had brilliant results with a routine she found on Instagram, so I'm trying it to. It's called Fit Girl Bootcamp, 12 weeks of set daily exercises. I know because I've paid I will follow it. So fingers crossed!

    I got a Fitbit for Christmas so I'm hoping that will help too.

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  • L
    Beginner October 2016
    Lakesbride16 ·
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    This is a great idea!

    I don't really need to lose much weight but I do really need to tone up. For wedding and for honeymoon! I cannot wear a bikini looking like this!

    I am on week 3 of the couch to 5k app and I am starting to go to parkrun every Saturday morning. If you are in to running and haven't tried parkrun, I'd recommend it! It's a national volunteer-run organisation. Visit the website to find your local one and to see how it works (Google parkrun) Every Saturday at 9am (no matter where in the country you do it) and you walk/jog/run 5k. You then get your time logged on the site and you can monitor your progress. Brilliant.

    I am also doing Davina's 15 minute workout on the days I don't run. It's tougher than it sounds!

    Im struggling diet wise as I've still got lots of crap given to us over Christmas but I need to kick my will power in to shape!

    I haven't actually done my DVD today and now I feel guilty. Off to do it now to make me feel better. This thread is already working!

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Thanks for finding me... We CAN do this!

    This morning I have weighed myself, chucked on my exercise gear and went for it. I've done my first 30 minutes of my 12 week plan. I am also considering following the 30 day shred in the evening if I'm up to it.

    I have eaten breakfast, have lunch and dinner planned. I have snacks just in case and plenty of water. Lets see how long this can do attitude lasts....

    How are you all getting on?

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Mogf - our lives could read the same, although my wedding is in April so slightly more panic stations!

    I had a personal trainer and cut out bread and snacks about 2 years ago and lost 2 stone. Last year I relaxed the diet and dropped the PT and have re-gained about a stone, so now back on it. I think my fitness is fine - I'm aiming to do a Rough Runner course early April to act as motivation for that - and working on my diet since New Year.

    Trying to cut out all snacking - apart from nuts.

    Breakfast has gone from weetabix minis (with chocolate chips) to low-fat, greek yoghurt with fresh fruit.

    Lunch is either soup or a tuna infusions steam pot by John West.

    Dinner is absolutely where I fall down, but trying to have meat, veg and a bit of sweet potato most nights. Swapping pasta for rice noodles. Trying to avoid takeaways. Eating salads when we go to restaurants.

    I haven't weighed myself since beginning of December and using my clothes as indication of losing cm's (hopefully!)

    I don't know about you guys, but the eating healthily really isn't the problem. For me, it's the forward planning and working out what to make for my OH that'll be tasty - I'm happy to eat gruel, because I'm putting myself through this. Unfair on him if he doesn't want to!

    Also trying to overcome unexpected issues. His grandmother sadly passed away last week, so we a few family members staying with us. Happy to accommodate, but meant diet went out the window while I was trying to sort food for everyone!

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Pooba - you sound better than me. Fitness isn't my thing, I won't even run for a bus... I'm active generally with my job and children to run about after, but actually making an effort to exercise is like hell to me. The eating isn't an issue as long as I have the stuff I need in the house. OH wants to sort himself so he's happy to eat as I am which makes things easier. We are cutting out all major carbohydrates so no bread, pasta, potato, flour etc etc, means we are left with meat (unprocessed), fish, dairy vegetables and salad.

    The science behind it is pretty compelling, so I'm hoping it will pay off. It's not the same as the Atkins diet, but shares a few of the same principles.

    Sorry to hear about your OH's grandmother and I hope that everything settles down soon for you.

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    I go through fits and starts with exercise. For a long time I hated it with a passion and only went to the gym to lose weight. I then magically started enjoying it. Then went through a bad patch, didn't make time to exercise and fell back to hating it. I'm now a bit meh; I actually tend to use it as escapism. I'm lucky enough to be able to go during my lunch hour so when I've had a stressful morning, I put all my pent up energy and frustration into the treadmill or lifting weights.

    Your diet sounds really good - not least for losing weight, but for a much healthier lifestyle. If you have any good recipes or ideas, please share!

    Thank you for your kind words Smiley smile

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Hey ladies sorry I've not been on since signing up to join you!

    Good luck on the zero carbs - I tried it for a weed and nearly died (exaggeration - but I couldnt cope at all) so I quit after a week!

    Just going for avoiding chocolate, cake, takeaways and reducing portion sizes for now and seeing how I go, along with all the exercises! Was supposed to be on day 10 of the shred today but I failed as had a busy day at work. But got a few straight days off now so will get back on it tomorrow.

    Pooba I am exactly the same when it comes to exercise - either love it or hate it! I feel the same way about my body (although not love, more like dont mind it so much!).

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Yeah, I don't think I could hack the no carbs at all diet. But fair play to all those who try it!

    RBF354, I'm sure one day off won't hurt. I've heard such good things about the 30 day shred and I got / / this close to buying one of the DVDs, but I really struggle working out at home. How are you finding it?!

    I'm certainly a lot more confident with my body than I was a few years back, but still tend to hide behind baggy jeans and hoodies. I'm a little apprehensive about my wedding dress - it's form fitting and I haven't got anywhere to hide, but my mum, MIL and SIL all said it looked the best so I followed their recommendation!

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    The low Carbing is difficult for the first 3/4 days, especially when 'Carb Flu' hits, but after that it's really not that bad. There's a range of food you can eat, including puddings! I just make sure that I don't have bread in the house, otherwise I can't help myself. Can't go wrong with steak, salad and mushrooms cooked in garlic and herb Boursin, it makes a wonderful sauce.

    I fell short on my water yesterday, so trying to get back to full amounts today. How are you all getting on?

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    You're right, Mogf - it's having the things in the house which aids temptation. We were pretty good at eating/giving away all the treats from Christmas, so now the house is pretty much free from the worst items. I received so many Lindt chocolate balls that we changed our minds about wedding favours and we're giving them away to our guests! Ha ha.

    Yesterday was the first official day I finished my 2l water bottle. It's sad just how pleased with myself I was!

    Q: I had an absolute body crash (shaking, nearly passed out, feeling faint) last night, even though I'd eaten well during the day. I had an old penguin bar in the car so scoffed that down so I could function and get home, but it was pretty scary. Do any of you get moments like that? What do you tend to eat to get back to normal?

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Pooba, that sounds awful. Is it possible that it was due to low blood sugar? I have to be careful to make sure mine doesn't drop too low otherwise I have the same symptoms, lightheaded/dizzy/shaking then pass out. When I low carb I've found an amazing lowish carb sugar boost, dollop of double cream, dollop of extra thick double cream, and a square of dark chocolate. Melt the chocolate square in microwave, add the double cream and mix until it thickens, then add the extra thick double cream and mix until it's a mousse consistency. Beautiful as a pudding, and keeps the sugar levels up.

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Probably. I had it again last night at around the same time, which is strange. Mon + Tues I went to the gym at lunch, had food afterwards. Rested Wed + Thurs, had the same lunch just slightly earlier and body went into meltdown... I'm planning on going to gym this lunch and see what happens!

    The only additional thing I can think of is that I am quite stressed at the moment with homelife... but unsure why that's only affected me the last few nights and in such a way.

    That pudding sounds absolutely amazing. I'm drooling all over my desk!

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    How has everyone found this week? I must admit, I lacked on my exercise a few days, I did it, but half hearted. I'm hoping that it will just get easier with time.

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Hi Mogf, hope you had a good weekend!

    I'm the same. Diet lapsed a little last week and over the weekend... just in a bit of a funk at the moment. Home life isn't brilliant and losing motivation left, right and centre. It's hard to keep strong when it's cold outside and all I want to do is bury my face in a trough of chocolate...!!

    New week, new go at it... or something like that.

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Hey ladies,

    I am fine with exercising at home as it is just me and H2B and I have plenty of space to do it undisturbed. It just got to the point that I was fed up with loosing 2 hours of my day when you factor in travel and a shower for a 1 hour gym class. At least with this it is literally 25 mins and 5 mins for a shower and it is done! I am doing it on youtube as the videos are on there but I am not sure if level 3 is so maybe I will need to buy it oops!

    I wish I could have worn a form fitting dress, but any that I tried on wouldn't go over my bum! My bum is like a dress size 16 and my waist is like a 10 so I took that as a sign my shape is not made for a mermaid/trumpet style!

    It does sound like you are having a bit of low blood sugars. If it happens again, the best thing to have is a fruity soft drink or a sugary biscuit rather then chocolate or milk products as they are fasting acting sugars where as in chocolate the sugars are slow release ones. Well done for drinking all that water - maybe I should buy a 2 litre bottle and measure how much I drink as I am sure it isnt enough! MOGF that dessert sounds amazing! I want some now!

    For me, I went away this weekend so it all went to pot. I woke up this morning raring to go again and it appears my endometriosis h=is flaring up so I am still in bed with a hot water bottle Smiley sad


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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    ? it's nice to know it's not only me who struggled last week. I am determined, just maybe not as much as I should be. What with work, children and space, I struggle to find the time to fit in 30 minutes. That sounds really silly written down, but I think I'm going to have to make a huge effort to get up that 45 minutes earlier to fit it into my day.

    I almost need someone to shame me into doing a workout. I know that I want to do it, and once it's done I feel great... But actually starting it is proving difficult.

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    RBF354 - I definitely get what you mean about factoring travel time in when going to the gym. I'm very lucky - I have a gym that's £12.99 p/month 3 minutes walk from my desk at work, I then have another gym which is £19.99 p/month 5 mins drive from home. I enjoy going to both for different reasons, so while I have the funds I'll keep it happening!

    I struggled to workout at home a) because of space and b) it felt wrong doing it on carpet Smiley tongue And I couldn't do it in the kitchen!

    Without sounding too strange; your body sounds phenomenal! Proper Kim Kardashian!

    Thanks for idea about biscuits vs. chocolate. Thankfully I haven't had another episode since last week, so fingers crossed it was my body stressing out over nothing.

    The 2l bottle is a life saver at keeping track of what I'm drinking. I even managed to drink it all over the weekend - took a smaller bottle out with me during the day and then had a couple of large glasses in the evening. Slight side effect: I'm blooming going to the toilet every hour! Ha ha.

    Hope your endometriosis is calming down today and you're feeling better Smiley smile

    Mogf - you don't sound silly at all. Early mornings are an absolute killer for me, but I had a PT session this morning at 0730 and have another one on Thursday so I obviously can do it. Just don't like to.

    As if wedding wasn't motivation enough, I've signed up to do a Rough Runner with some friends and I don't want to be the one who lets the side down... that helps when all I want to do is curl up and stop exercising!

    All - do you think it would help if each week we promise each other we'll do x,y,z and then comment as each day goes on? As in, this week I promise to go to the gym/work out at least 3 times.

    Hope everyone is okay and having a good day x

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Oh wow you are so lucky! Being in South-West London, my gym is the cheapest I could find within 15 mins drive and is £50/month! Even the local PureGym is £23/month but my closest is a good 15 mins drive but towards central so wouldn't really be 15 mins.

    Carpet is a bit odd but then I don't wear anything on my feet when doing it haha! We have a cat a dog so our carpet does get hairy despite hoovering every week at the very most! But I once did a sess the day before we were due to hoover and then when I finished H2B was like your back is covered in dog hair from laying down to do sit ups lol!

    I proper lol'd when you said that about my body. Tbh, I loved my bum when I was a bit slimmer and more toned! My name is Jennifer and my nickname is J-Lo! I still love it now but the little tyre that has appeared needs to shift in order to fit in my dress!

    That's OK! Fruit juice is the best thing for quick recovery from hypoglycaemia (I am in healthcare). My belly is a bit better today but I skipped exercise just so it doesn't flare up, fingers crossed I can be back on it tomorrow!

    Yes lets do that. This week, I want to do the shred every day and go for 2 runs (providing I feel better tomorrow). And I will join you from tomorrow drinking 2 litres of water a day...need to work out how many pints that is!

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Wow! Could you walk/cycle/tube to PureGym safely? Whereabouts in SW London are you? I'm originally from Balham, although have now made home in Bournemouth Smiley smile Ha ha, can't believe your nickname is J-Lo! That's awesome! Have you picked your dress yet? I remember you mentioned that you wanted to wear a form-fitting gown... a proper designer may be able to alter a dress to make it fit your requirements - and show your assets off! Glad you're feeling a little better. Fingers crossed everything calms down and you can get back to normal ASAP. According to Google, 2 litres = 3.51951 imperial pints. I've been drinking at least 2l a day for 9 days and I'm still waiting for the magic to happen - I suffer from acne (especially around my chin, which is apparently largely hormonal) but had been hoping this would magically make everything disappear. It hasn't. I've been waiting to feel super amazing and fresh, with bright eyes and amazing hair. It hasn't. Bah, why can't I just click my fingers and look and feel 100%?! My promise this week is to not snack. My biggest weakness is a few after dinner biscuits, or some chocolate. Not. This. Week. I've stayed strong so far!

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Stupid formatting. My PC is throwing a wobbly, so no paragraphs for me Smiley sad

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Good plan for checking in and making promises. I promise for the rest of this week I will exercise... Honestly! How do you find going to the gym? My couple of experiences have been of the 'perfect' shapes strutting around admiring eachother, I felt stupidly out of place. Is this the same everywhere? Pooba, a Rough Runner as well? You brave lady. Romantic, I'm also jealous of your figure. Out of interest, you don't have to answer, what age is everyone? I'm 26, though people say I act like a I'm in my 40s.

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Hi Mogf - good luck with the exercising! I don't mind going to the gym once I'm there... it's the motivation to get there I struggle with! It helps when I go to classes and have a PT session - I don't have a choice then. With regards to the people there, I don't look at them. I just put my head down and get on with what needs to be done - I've got very good at ignoring the peacocks and the people who stand there and talk. I'm 27 and starting to panic about nearing 30! Ha ha

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Wah I could walk/cycle but I know that I wouldn't be assed with exercising to get to the gym to....well, exercise! Ironic isn't it. Nah. I am happy with running and shredding at the mo! I do have a dress - a Naomi Neoh and I am sooo in love with it! Get teeny wobbles from time to time as I initially wanted a full ball gown but this is more a-line so I just look at a pic and fall in love all over again! I prob could have got a form fitting dress in a bigger size and got the waist and bust taken in by like 3ish sizes but I couldnt see it on me. My dress was a sample and although it does do up, with the effort of two people, it was too tight to enjoy myself and I wouldn't be able to eat anything lol. Hence the diet. Gotta loose about 3-4 inches. Also doing it for general health/fitness and to actually like my honeymoon pics - a bikini just won't work the way I am now!

    Oh no sorry that the water isn't doing its magic! They should make magic water which does all those things instantly! My biggest weakness is also something sweet after dinner, sometimes chocolate, sometimes icecream (Ben&Jerrys) and sometimes cheesecake, but a meal jsut doesnt feel complete with a dessert of some kind!

    Good luck with the exercise this week MOGF, start little by little and you'll get there. I am really in a stage I like exercise but the urge and enjoyment really does come and go every few months. Hoping to keep it up regardless of what I WANT to do this time, because I NEED to do it for my dress. But your gym sounds about right for a standard gym haha, try not to look haha! If we keep at it those "perfect" shapes will be us soon ladies!

    I am 26 too! We are all very close! MOGF I say that about myself (being in my 40s haha). I also panic about turning 30 thought lol. H2B found a singular "light" hair the other day which we aren't sure if it is a random blonde (I have very dark hair) or a grey Smiley surprise shock horror!

    I am feeling better today by the way and did both a run and the shred and feel good for it. Trying to make up for 4(!) days off. Jillian would kill me!

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Oh I forgot - I live in Richmond at the mo but have lived in Streatham, Brixton, Canada Water, Crystal Palace and Kingston so definately know Balham. Funny that - I grew up Southampton way so we have swapped! My wedding is near Ringwood! Are you getting married down there?

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  • L
    Beginner October 2016
    Lakesbride16 ·
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    Hi ladies! Sorry for not being on here for a while! I've had a busy few weeks. How's eveybody getting on? I've been pretty rubbish to be honest! Not much exercise this week or at the weekend! I must pick it up a bit! It's just so cold and I don't want to go running in it! The weekly targets thing is a great idea! This week I will stop snacking (that is a major downfall of mine!). I will also exercise 3 times this week. Fingers crossed I stick to it! I also need to start drinking more water too. I wonder why I have a headache at the end of the day and then realise I've hardly drank anything! If it makes you feel better, I'm closer to 30 than any of you are! I'm 30 in May! I have been dreading it for years and I'm finally here *sigh* BUT I'm getting married to my best friend this year so it can't be all bad! Can it?

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Do you all have your dresses? I was amazingly lucky, I won the Hitched competition for a Justin Alexander dress, I'm over the moon I've chosen the 8797, it is beautiful, now I need to work out to do it justice! All Naomi Neoh's are beautiful, which one did you go for? Strange how we are all fairly close, I'm Brighton based. 30 is nothing, I keep getting told 70 is the new 20, so I think you'll be fine! A few of my customers have joked that I'll need a blue rinse soon. On that note, I'll make you all feel better by letting you in on a secret... I found my first White, not even grey, white hair at 17, and plenty more since! I bleach now, blonde is far better than white.

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Hi LakesBride and welcome back! You can do it. I went for a run in 3 degrees yesterday in just a sports bra and knee length gym shorts and also shuddered when I stepped outside, I soon warmed up and actually it was nice as I didn't get too hot like I normally do!

    MOGF that is an amazing win! So jealous and Justin Alexander dresses are stunning.....*googles your dress*....omg stunning, I lovveee the back so beautiful and the way the train comes out from just under the booty! My Naomi dress is Nyria. I literally love her. There is a tonne of fabric in the skirt but not much "poof" so I have added a full underskirt to make it flare more like "marianne", and then have swapped the jacket for the "fleur" jacket but only half sleeve stopping just before my elbow. Oh and also have the blush flower.

    I definitely won't grow old gracefully and will start dying it brown when it gets bad haha.

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    RBF - Wow, seems like you've lived everywhere but Balham! Ha ha. In fairness, we left there when I was 9, so I haven't lived there for a while but we go back every so often and our best friend lives in Clapham so we visit the area fairly regularly. Funny about you originally being from Southampton! We are indeed getting married in the area - Parley Manor, in Bournemouth. Just near Hurn Airport. Whereabouts in Ringwood are you doing the deed? Lakesbride - welcome back! You're right, there's nothing to be sad or worried about this year Smiley smile Hope your target comes off as well - when are you thinking of hitting the gym over next few days? Mogf - sounds very similar to me with my hair. I started noticing greys coming through late teens and my roots are now a mis-match of white, grey, natural blonde and dark brown (?!?!) - I dye them all away to a nice sunny blonde Smiley smile Dress - wow, the dresses you have are stunning! Congrats on winning that awesome prize, Mogf! I've got my dress (first fitting on the 6th Feb! So scared!) - Chanticleer, Coco. The image online looks ridiculous, but from what I remember it was nicer in real life. Is it bad I can barely remember what it was like? Smiley amazing Water - from saying that I haven't noticed any difference in my skin, I should be a little more honest. I tend to get flare ups every so often, so can't really comment on whether they've stopped for good, but thinking more objectively my skin is probably the best it's been for a while. I've had a few spots appear, but they're a lot smaller than normal and seem to be disappearing quicker so... maybe...?! Can't hurt to keep the water intake up! Exercise - I did my second PT session of the week this morning and boy, did it hurt. A good hurting, though! We were focussing on arms (for the dress!) and core, so did rope work and weights. I'll probably go to the gym with SIL at the weekend (Sat and Sun) so that'll bring my total up to 4 visits this week Smiley smile I also haven't had any chocolate or sweets at all, so it was all looking really good... until I came out the shower this morning and stood next to a statuesque model doing her make up in the mirror. You know, one of the stunningly beautiful, thin, well-dressed girls with a great hair, a rolex watch and amazing fashion sense. I felt like such a troll next to her Smiley sad

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Grrrrrrrrrr. I still can't put in paragraphs! I'm sorry for the mass of text Smiley sad

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    All of your dresses are gorgeous, I've lost ages looking them up and trawling through the rest of the collections. I think in most cases the pictures don't do the dress justice, I know the model pic of my dress looks completely different, it looks much more rigid. Romantic, you are either very brave, or very silly running in so little ? I'm amazed you're not still frozen to the spot, it's been so very cold here the past few days. Has been down to -1 by 6pm the past 3 days. Water does take time to work its magic, but it really does work, the difference is noticeable. Exercise has happened, but I still need to do more, am sticking with at home as I just don't fancy the posers at the gym right now.

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