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Beginner April 2016

Fitness Encouragement, Support & Tips

Mogf, 9 January, 2016 at 11:35

Posted on Beauty & Wellbeing 206

AKA Please encourage me to actually exercise and not just sit and talk about it. Right, I am aiming to drop 1 stone, and tone my body, specifically my arms and stomach. I have signed up to a 12 week fitness routine that I am starting on Monday 11th Jan. Alongside the exercises, I am planning on...

AKA Please encourage me to actually exercise and not just sit and talk about it.

Right, I am aiming to drop 1 stone, and tone my body, specifically my arms and stomach.

I have signed up to a 12 week fitness routine that I am starting on Monday 11th Jan.

Alongside the exercises, I am planning on reducing my carb intake and following a Low Carb High Fat way of eating.

I WILL drink 2 litres of water a day.

I have until April / May when my dress comes in for fittings and I WILL BE HAPPY with how I look and feel.

Anyone else?

206 replies

  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Haha not quite everywhere but yeah, a lot of places - especially as I have only lived here since 2011! I'll look up your venue, mine is the Burley Manor Hotel - in the barn out the back which is still under renovation but they do have a pic of the deigners drawing on their website.

    Well done on the PT session and 4 sessions this week. Are you paying a PT (as opposed to it being someone you know?). I'm also trying to sort my arms out haha. It is my least favourite thing about me in my pic of me in my dress eugh! But will cover them up with my lace bolero for most of the day!

    Story of my life with those girls. They seem to follow me whereever I go. I am a midwife and when women I look after have had a baby literally 5 seconds ago are slimmer then me I just want the ground to swallow me up! Also, I just do not have any sense of style that so many girls seem to pull off on a daily basis, how do they have the time and effort to look that good all the time!?

    Thanks both for the kind words about the dress Smiley smile Pooba I have not heard of that designer before but just googled it and is lovely! I love the lace and neckline - very similar to my neckline. Are you having the feathery brooch thingy - that's gorgeous too!

    I am probably very silly haha! But I lived in Finland for 8 months including over their winter so it was regularly below freezing outside. And we used to go swimming in lakes etc. We even went when we were holidaying in Lapland and it was -20 degrees. But we had a sauna there to warm up after Smiley smile

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    RBF - Burley Manor sounds amazing; I'm sure it's going to be wonderful! Gym - yes, I'm paying for a PT on top of the membership. In fairness, the work outs I could probably make up myself, but having someone there shouting and encouraging me certainly makes me work harder, so it's worthwhile. Wow, Finland?! Can't believe you used to go swimming in that weather as well! Major kudos to you!

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  • L
    Beginner June 2016
    Lexi_K ·
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    My original target weight means that I need to lose 25lbs in the 21 weeks left before my wedding. Don't know how achievable that's going to be. Ideally though I'd like to loose at last 19 which I think could happen. I've been doing 5:2 for around 8 weeks now and going to up my gym sessions to 3 times a week. Cutting out snacks and got my Fitbit to make sure I keep active. I just really don't want to have paid all this money out on a photographer to wind up hating myself in all the pics! Lexi Smiley smile

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Hey Ladies, has gone a bit quiet on here last couple of days. I compelted day 7 of level 2 of the shred today, preceded by a 30 min jog so am pleased with myself. Will have to have 3 days off the shred next week as I am working 13 hour shifts on mon, wed and fri but will do a run and shred on the days in between. I am feeling a little poop today though because I weighed myself this morning and since running every other day, and doing the shred every day (bar a couple of fails) for 3 weeks, I have gained a pound. I know that it might be muscle weighing more etc but I am a bit gutted tbh, no loss in 3 weeks of hard work Smiley sad x

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Weekends are hectic for me, sorry I've not been around. How's everyone been? I've lost 8lbs in 1 week with the low Carbing, most of it will have been water weight, but I can already notice a difference in my waist with the added exercise. Small steps, but I'm getting there! My stomach is my main issue, I had an emergency c section, and they artfully sliced my muscles to pieces - I Can't complain as it meant I didn't die - but it's difficult to tone my stomach to how I'd like it.

    How are you all doing? I imagine, your weight gain is due to muscle weight rather than anything else, does your shape feel different?

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Lexi K - Hi! 25lbs should be just about doable, as long as you don't go mental and do it safely. How are you finding the 5:2?

    RBF - yes, sorry for my radio silence. I don't tend to come on here on the weekends and we went to a funeral yesterday. Still managed to go for a jog yesterday morning with SIL to clear our heads, though, which was nice! Mogf's right, your weight gain is probably muscle. Or (TMI?!) time of month. Or water retention. I'm going by clothes as opposed to weight, so hopefully you're feeling more toned and losing cms. Just don't be discouraged! Talk to us and carry on what you're doing - it's all worth it Smiley smile

    Mogf - well done on your dieting. Is it getting easier to plan food? Do you miss carbs?!

    Afm - the weekend was a little bit less successful. We had all the family down, so meals out in abundance. Tried to stick with healthier options and I stayed away from desserts and fizzy drinks, but it was all rich so feeling a little sluggish. Managed the gym a few times, though and yesterday was draining, so trying not to beat myself up too much. I have a PT session on Friday morning and between now and then, hoping to go to gym once or twice and then again at the weekend.

    Promise - this week, I promise to carry on with my press up challenge - for past two weeks I've done 10 press ups a day the first week, then 12 press ups each day the second week. So this week I'm trying to do 14 each day. I sometimes forget so have to do them in my pyjamas just before bed, but they are getting easier so obviously working something.

    Hope you're all okay and doing well x

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Love the press up challenge hehe! Are you doing man ones or girl ones. I can only get about half way down man ones!

    No need to apologise either of you for not coming on! I hope you are both right and this time next week I will be less but if not I think I'll give up haha! Did day 7 or level 2 today which was still so hard but slightly easier each day now which is good. This is my week of long days so will take 3 days off but my plan is to keep going in between and not stress myself over it. My job is very active so trying to view it as exercise haha!

    My promise - I promise to keep shredding in between work days, and keep trying to reduce my portion sizes! (my biggest issue with food).

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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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    Hi Ladies!

    I hope you don't mind me jumping on your post but I'm desperate for some motivation, guidance and support pleeeease?!

    I get married in 17 weeks in Ibiza so not only do I want to look my best for the photos in the dress I need a beach body too!

    I tried slimming world last year with my mum...the weight dropped off her but it had absolutely no effect on me ?

    I'd love to lose a stone and a half but I know that's going to be hard work so I'm thinking maybe a stone and tone everything up. So my question to you all is, how can I stop being so hungry?! Especially in this grim weather at the moment. I know I'm going regret it if I don't make some changes but I've always got an excuse ?


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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Hi Mittel, Ibiza sounds lovely! Are you eating proper meals and finding yourself snacking? If so, drinking plenty of water can when you feel like snacking can help. I've found if you make sure your meals have a form of slow release energy then it helps you to feel fuller for longer.

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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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    Thanks for your reply Mogf.... Yes I try to eat proper meals but I work 7-7 so it ends up being a long day hence the snacking on c**p in the day, oh and lots of caffeine based drinks!

    I find I have good intentions but then it all comes crashing down around me ? When you say slow release do you mean wholemeal carbs? Sorry, I probably should know all this but I really am totally lost and beginning to panic ?


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  • KinkyBride
    Beginner March 2016
    KinkyBride ·
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    Hi everyone, room for a (not so) small one to join in?

    I re-joined slimming world at the end of July and have so far lost 2 stone 3.5lbs.

    When I ordered my wedding dress I was told it could be taken in by 2 sizes max so we decided to order the lower of whatever 2 sizes I fell between. When it arrived it was already too big and I've lost another 1 stone 6.5lbs since last trying it on!

    I've tried my best to maintain my weight this week or even put a little on as I feel like I'm skirting very close to the 2 size loss. In my every day clothes I'm definitely 2 sizes smaller than when the dress was ordered. I have my dress fitting this Saturday so will find out for sure what the score is then and know whether I can lose any more or whether I need to maintain until the big day.

    I've recently started attending Clubbercise classes too which I'm loving. I have all the grace and skill of a newborn giraffe though. I did my 3rd class in 2 weeks last night and still have no idea where my hands or feet are meant to be at any point haha! I'm enjoying it though and hopefully it will help me tone up a bit. As it's done in a darkened room, I'm just hoping that nobody sees me going wrong the whole time!

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Mittel, yes things like this

    I work odd odd hours too, I find I have to prepare my meals the night before so that I'm not tempted to snack. Would that be possible?

    Kinky, welcome! 2 dress sizes? That's really impressive, are you feeling better for it? I am so self conscious, I don't think I could do a class, though your clubbercise sounds fantastic, is it like Zumba?

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Welcome to the thread ladies!

    KinkyBride - well done on your loss so far, that is amazing! Good to hear you are enjoying it too so perhaps will lead to further loss following the wedding too? (assuming you have anything left to loose?) I am trying to start early with 17 months to go until my wedding I only need to loose about 3-4 inches off my waist to fit comfortably into my sample dress I have bought but feel like I am getting no where. I'm not huge to start with so I guess that is why I am struggling to get it off the ground and feeling very low about it today. I think once the pressure of the wedding is off me I won't have anything to keep me motivated to not eat like a horse haha.

    Mittel - I also suggest when you are hungry in between to get into the habit of having half a pint of water or so to fill that gap until the next meal, but I know how much easier that is to type then do! I am also a long shift worker, usually **** but I don't have time to eat with what I do luckily. If I get a lunch break this is a good day haha! And the odd coffee to keep me going which is usually cold by the time I actually drink it!

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  • KinkyBride
    Beginner March 2016
    KinkyBride ·
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    Oh there's definitely more to lose! I'm aiming for another 3 stone off after the wedding although will probably stop before that depending on how I feel.

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    RBF - with the press up challenge, I thought it was an easy way to gauge any improvement (they are getting easier!) while toning up arms, shoulders and chest. I can indeed do the 'man' press ups, although I'm always out of breath by the end of my segment!

    Hope you're okay and not losing too much heart. Unfortunately the losing weight and toning up path is never easy - else everyone would be doing it! Just keep telling yourself that even if you aren't losing the lbs or cms... your life and your health is so much better for exercising than they would be if you weren't. Think about what you've achieved - the blooming 30 days shred and the stuff you do in that must be proof that you're fitter than before! If the weight still isn't shifting in the next few months, maybe your diet needs to be changed slightly... but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!

    Mitteltobe - hi and welcome to the thread! 17 weeks to go?! And a holiday in Ibiza to boot! Much excite Smiley smile Are you exercising as well, or is the plan just to look at what you eat? I'm pretty good at gymming it, but my diet has been generally overhauled in the past month so can hopefully give some pointers: when at work, I now snack on nuts (usually cashew, or occasionally sunflower seeds) instead of biscuits and chewing gum. Lunch has changed from soup (I'd be hungry within an hour or so) to a John West tuna steam pot (cous cous and tuna, which fills me up nicely until dinner). Dinner: eating more meat and veg, along with replacing pasta (spaghetti) with rice noodles.

    This might also sound silly, but when I think I'm hungry I ask myself if I am actually hungry or just bored? The amount of times I realise that I don't need food is incredible, whereas before I'd stuff myself with snacks unnecessarily. Water is also a good stomach filler and it means I'm not dehydrated! I'm drinking 2 litres a day at least and feeling better for it.

    KinkyBride - welcome to you too! Congratulations on your weight loss - and good luck for Saturday! I have my first dress fitting next weekend (6th Feb) and very nervous about whether it will fit! Clubbercise sounds amazing and I love your approach - even if it was a light room, just close your eyes and pretend you're Lord of the Dance! When I'm at a class I make sure I'm not in front of a mirror so I don't have the proof in front of my eyes Smiley tongue

    Afm - I went to the gym last night with a friend and today I have good aches all over my body - I always take it as a) a good sign I did a good work out and b) an annoyance that I obviously didn't stretch well enough at the end Smiley tongue Will probably go for a long walk after dinner tonight, back to the gym at lunch tomorrow and then a PT session on Friday morning. Still being good and not snacking on badness although I failed a personal challenge last night - had rice noodle bolognaise and previously promised myself I would avoid the parmesan. I couldn't. I love cheese too much Smiley sad

    Hope you're all okay, and the shifts are going quickly for you, RBF! x

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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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    Hi Pooba! Thank you for the kind welcome!

    Erm.... Exercise is a sensitive subject! I try, really I do, but I always seem to burn myself out and get ill or I injure myself!! So yes, I'm planning on 'moving more' but nothing too crazy!

    Thank you for the snacking and drinking water advice, something I know I should improve on but never put into practice. And yes, you're right, I think most of the time it's because I'm bored!!

    I'm also worrying that my dress is going to arrive at any point and I'll be summoned for my dress fitting before losing any weight.....does anyone know how close to the wedding the last fitting can be? I probably shouldn't be counting 17 weeks to lose weight should I? Probably more like 14? ?

    Its great to know you're all here to help ??xx

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    I think 'moving more' is a great way to look at it. For example, my OH HATES exercise, but will happily go for a 3-4 hour walk. At least twice a week we go on a ~5km walk after dinner around the houses - we don't get out of breath, but at least we're out in the fresh air and not sat watching TV and eating junk! Maybe go out at lunch? Climb the stairs a few times? Get a couple of light weights and play with them while watching TV? Lunge across the kitchen to get that saucepan? All simple things that help Smiley smile

    Re. dress, my wedding is 21st April. I have my first fitting next weekend and then at least one more 1-2 weeks before wedding. In an emergency, I think they said they can work to 3-4 days before, but that really is worst case. Probably wise to put a deadline of 14 weeks or so, but don't allow that to panic you!

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  • LuxuriousBlueHair486
    LuxuriousBlueHair486 ·
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    I also think that going out for a walk is actually a really good exercise! Especially if you're not a huge fan of closed fitness studios, this is the best option! Also, cycling is fun for those who enjoy it.

    However, my best friend is getting married in about 5 months and she decided to go for an intensive fitness program with personal trainer. You can already see results even though she has been doing that only for a month. This is also an effective way to lose weight since it involves also a healthy diet but it is essential to continue with this lifestyle after the wedding otherwise you can easily gain weight!

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  • Arpee
    Beginner August 2016
    Arpee ·
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    Hello ladies, another one joining in with the slimming motivation! I joined WW two weeks ago, went to my meeting last night and I've lost 1.5lbs for the second week running which feels great. I'm enjoying what I'm eating and I'm trying to walk more - when I've lost a bit more weight I will go to zumba every week as well.

    Wedding is in the middle of August, 28 weeks away. I'd like to lose between 2 and 3 stone by then (which I think is quite achievable if I continue with WW and do zumba too, as 1lb a week is 2 stone off, 1.5lb a week is 3 stone), and after the wedding I'd like to keep going until I get to 10 stone, or just below.

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    LBH - definitely. OH does enjoy cycling as well, although maybe not in this weather Smiley tongue I've started up with a PT in the last month, although I was already pretty fit to begin with - just needed that extra oomph and help with nutrition. It definitely helps, if you have the spare cash and motivation.

    Arpee - welcome! Well done losing the weight over the past few weeks; here's hoping it continues on that path Smiley smile Zumba is a great idea for when you have more energy - I used to love going when there was a class at my gym. Thread is here to keep you upbeat and talk about anything and everything!

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Hey ladies, feeling rather poo at the moment as after doing a 13 hour shift yesterday, after my 8 hour shift today I have not long got home and haven't got the energy for a run/shred ☹️ Working again tomorrow so am sure I will feel the same way. I am off Sunday so will try and do it then but will also ask OH if he wants to go for a nice long walk.

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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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    Hi ladies!

    good start to the weekend for me....2lbs off! at last the numbers are going in the right direction!!

    Hi to all the other newbies! Sounds like you're all doing well too.

    RBF your shifts sound horrendous, I'm amazed that you ever have the motivation to exercise!

    So for this coming week I've actually allocated time in my diary to get out and do some sort of exercise, if any of you are like me you know how easy it is to find more important things that 'need doing first'! This way if it's in the diary I'll MAKE myself do it!

    have a great weekend everyone!x

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    This weekend has gone to pot. Had to take OH to A&E, was there from 5pm and didn't get discharged until midnight. Running on lack of sleep, a chest infection myself, and no food means no exercise for me. I'd probably die. Any quick tips for getting better fast? I'm on antibiotics, steroids and inhalers. Feeling pretty shocking. Hope all of your weekends are going much better!

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    RBF - hope this week is less stressful for you and your shift patterns are better. DId you end up shredding/going for a walk yesterday?

    Mittel - well done on the weight loss! And great idea about allocating the time in your diary - you'll be much more likely to go do something if you've already set aside the time and make no excuses.

    Mogf - I hope your OH is okay! And your chest infection calms down pronto! No tips from me unfortunately, just make sure you don't rush back into exercising and dieting - you need to focus on getting better, resting and building your body back up. If you jump back into exhausting yourself, your recovery will be ruined.

    Afm - this weekend also went to pot, although more through my own doing. I was so good during last week, exercising and not eating rubbish. Went found my parent's house on Friday night, had a massive lasagne. Saturday was my hair and make up trial, Mum came, we ended up at a steakhouse for lunch (not necessarily a bad thing, but I had normal fries instead of sweet potato) and then had a reasonable dinner - lamb and sweet potato mash. Yesterday was absolutely shocking: Burger King for lunch and curry for dinner ? I just couldn't help it and my body was so tired from the week that I barely did any exercise. We went for a loooong walk over the heathland yesterday afternoon, but even so... I feel rubbish today (curry belly!) and just down about everything. I'm meeting up with a friend for dinner at Nandos tonight and panicking about what to eat and then I have my dress fitting on Saturday. Grrrraaaagggghhhh! My only saving grace: I'm now up to 16 press ups a day on my own personal challenge and they're getting faster and easier.

    My promise for this week: FOCUS ON FOOD. I'll aim to have something 'healthy' at Nandos tonight (although only been there once before so not sure about menu) and then it's clean living from here on.

    Hugs to everyone x

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    How's everyone doing so far this week? Hope you're feeling better, Mogf!

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    How is everyone? I'm still struggling, trying to stay out of hospital. Steroid are putting weight on me, I think I'm back further than when I started, I'm dreading weighing myself!

    Cheer me me up with your stories of how well you are all doing, please?

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that you're still ill, Mogf. Sounds like a horrific infection! How is your OH?

    Don't worry about your fitness and weight - your health is more important. Just try to relax and get better pronto!

    I've been doing fairly well since the weekend; food is back on track, I'm still doing my press ups each night and I have measurements with my PT tomorrow. A little nervous, although I'm sure I've lost some mm's - just not cm's or inches unfortunately Smiley tongue

    I'm also off for a jog with a friend shortly. We're doing the 10km Rough Runner obstacle course at beginning of April (2 weeks before the wedding!) so starting to train for that. I can run 5km easy enough, but any more and my body gives up. Not sure why! x

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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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    Hi everyone! Happy weekend!!

    Pooba, how did you get on with your measurements?

    Mogf I do hope you are starting to feel better. I've had many chest infections in the past, you have my sympathy. Have you thought about taking floradix in liquid form? It's from Holland and Barrett and great for building up immunity and strength after illness.

    I too have been in hospital this week. I've been having stomach pains on and off since November, finally got my referral appointment and a diagnosis..... IBS and sensitivity to insoluble fibre. So turns out a lot of the foods I've been eating since starting slimming world last February have been disagreeing with me and that could explain why it didn't work for me ?

    Annoyingly there doesn't seem to be much advise for what to eat so it's trial and error at the moment. Oh, and my two pounds have gone back on again ? Must do more exercise!!

    I hope everyone else is doing ok xx

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Mittel, sorry to hear you've been in hospital, at least now you know what is causing your issue and you can find something that works for you. There are lots of IBS support groups around online if you have a look.

    Pooba, how did your measurements go? I think I may start the press-up challenge when I'm up for it. It sounds like it's easy to see how quickly it's making a difference in your strength.

    I ended up hospitalised, but am back and nearly fighting fit now. Chest infection and asthma just doesn't go together. Oh well, back to square one and more determination!

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  • Mrsjones2024
    Rockstar June 2024 Essex
    Mrsjones2024 ·
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    Hi ladies,

    I'm not getting married until July 2017 but I need to lose two stone and tone up massively so I am starting now! I have my first dress shopping appointment booked in for 30/04 so I would like to have lost a stone or so by then.

    I have signed up with a personal trainer where I get unlimited sessions for 12 weeks. I am a bit worried though as I had two sessions with him last week then he cancelled my third! He doesn't work weekends and only two evenings a week so I am finding it hard to fit in with him. I have two sessions booked for next week so I think I will have a chat with him and see if I can see another PT when he isn't there as I don't want to waste my money.

    I have also signed up to go on toning tables with my mum so going to aim to do that 1-2 times a week. I also have Davina's Fit in Five Weeks DVD which I need to start doing too as it is only 20 minutes a session.

    I am trying to follow a high protein and fat diet and only eating good carbs when I have worked out, it is working so far but needs quite a lot of prep. Also drinking lots of water. X

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Morning everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend and no one else has had to go to hospital! My goodness, I'm so sorry to hear about everyone's health problems. Personals:

    Mittel: Hope you're okay and back home safe now. While the diagnosis is a shock, at least you know what you're dealing with now and once the diet is under control, hopefully everything else will fall in line. My SIL had to do a special diet about 2 years ago, where she went back to basics (literally gruel) and then re-introduced certain foods and types to see what she could/couldn't cope with. Worked a treat, realised it was wheat (and onions, randomly!) and is now much better.

    Weight will fluctuate, but carry on exercising and it will be fine!

    Mogf - so glad you're doing much better and (nearly) ready to get back on the saddle. Don't push too hard, too soon and listen to your body. If you're tired, rest!

    FutureMrsSmith - welcome to the thread! Sounds like you're certainly going the right way about losing the weight, although be careful about doing too much and not resting enough.

    Toning tables sounds interesting! What on earth do you do?!

    Diet does unfortunately take a lot of prep, I'm certainly much better at it during the week but as soon as the weekend comes I cave... Well done on drinking water as well. I carry around a 2 litre bottle every day and make sure I finish it one way or another.

    Afm - measurements went really well on Friday, thanks all for asking! I was so nervous, but since the beginning of December I've lost half a stone, 3cms from stomach, 3cm from hips, 2cm from thighs and 2cms from arms. Still have a way to go with my stomach (I have an absolute pot belly from years of bad eating) but the rest of me is okay and I'd be happy-ish if I stayed like this for the wedding.

    The only issue with doing okay with measurements was that my PT said I deserved a treat weekend (just not to go too mental). I tried - honestly, I tried! - to ignore her and keep healthy, but KFC on Friday night, big burger and chips on Saturday night, bacon sandwich Sunday lunch and pizza for dinner doth a good weekend make. Feeling very lethargic this morning and press ups were arduous! I'm now up to 18 per day, though, and not giving up!

    Guys, we can do this. I honestly look forward/feel embarrassed to post on here and it's doing me good to have people to talk to. I'm sorry I always put in long essays, but writing everything down really helps. Hope you're all doing well - new week, new goals! xx

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Pooba good to hear from you and good to see that you are doing really well!

    Mittel and MOGF sorry to hear you have both been unwell ☹️ I hope that you are both feeling better soon.

    As for me, my radio silence in the last week or so is also because of illness. I suffer regularly with outer ear infections which I have learned to sope with well, however, this one was awful and spread to my middle ear and I have now lost my hearing in that ear. It has been 13 day now and still no improvement.

    I initally put the exercise routine on hold as was feeling rather unwell with it. I am now completely better except I still don't have my hearing back - so I should be back to the exercise but I just cant get myself to do it and this makes me so upset with myself as I was in a really good routine and starting to notice a slight change in my shape (despite the scales not going the right way). Needless to say I am back to feeling unfit, fat a lumpy and like I'll never get slim ☹️

    Help me find my motivation ladies!

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