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Beginner April 2016

Fitness Encouragement, Support & Tips

Mogf, 9 January, 2016 at 11:35

Posted on Beauty & Wellbeing 206

AKA Please encourage me to actually exercise and not just sit and talk about it. Right, I am aiming to drop 1 stone, and tone my body, specifically my arms and stomach. I have signed up to a 12 week fitness routine that I am starting on Monday 11th Jan. Alongside the exercises, I am planning on...

AKA Please encourage me to actually exercise and not just sit and talk about it.

Right, I am aiming to drop 1 stone, and tone my body, specifically my arms and stomach.

I have signed up to a 12 week fitness routine that I am starting on Monday 11th Jan.

Alongside the exercises, I am planning on reducing my carb intake and following a Low Carb High Fat way of eating.

I WILL drink 2 litres of water a day.

I have until April / May when my dress comes in for fittings and I WILL BE HAPPY with how I look and feel.

Anyone else?

206 replies

  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Evening all, sorry that everyone has been so unwell.

    I'm easing back into exercising, just have to be careful with my chest so lightly does it at the moment, perhaps you should try a scaled back version of your exercise for now Romantic, just until you feel completely better. Doing a little something, even if it's jogging on the spot in my kitchen for a bit makes me feel like I'm doing something without all the hassle of actually doing my routine.

    Pooba, well done on your measurements and your pt sessions! I like reading through your mega posts and always feel bad mine aren't as detailed.

    Mittel, I hope you're feeling better x

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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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    Hi Ladies!

    I'm feeling quite a bit better thank you. I'm having to be careful with what I eat but I managed to find a useful menu idea for easier I'm currently having porridge in the mornings, pitta bread with houmous and salad for lunch and meat and veg for dinner. I'm laying off the fruit (apparently It's hard to digest) and I'm using the myfitness pal app to keep track of steps and calories.

    Shock horror tonight, I opened a beer (I felt i deserved it!) and found the taste revolting....this is unheard of for me! Perhaps I have finally turned a corner!!

    My 2lbs have come back off again and I only did 10 mins of jogging on a treadmill Monday, 12 minutes yesterday...come on ladies, let's try to do more walking, jogging or running. Whatever you managed one day, up it by 2-3 minutes each day. Every little helps and when you start seeing the number on the scales go down its such a fab feeling!

    Pooba well done on your measurements! You must be so pleased with yourself!

    RBF sorry to hear about your ear infection, I hope you start to feel more motivated soon.

    Lets get back on the slimming train ladies!!xx

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  • KinkyBride
    Beginner March 2016
    KinkyBride ·
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    Sorry for my lack of posting, I've been in the wars a bit! I had a particularly bad day at wor last Friday so when I got home, H2B handed me a big glass of my favourite tipple and ran me a lovely hot bath. I duly obliged in both offerings however didn't quite realise how much the drink had gone to my head. After my soak I stood up to shower and wash my hair and H2B joined me. All good until I started to feel very queasy while he was washing my hair. Next thing I'm being pulled up having passed out and banged my head and jaw on the wall/bath and taken a nice chunk out of my ass when I hit the taps on my way down.

    H2B then tried to get me out of the bath and sat me on the edge. Apparently I then slipped off the bath falling onto the floor, banging my head on the floor and burning my arm on the towel radiator.

    Luckily, I have on serious injuries, other than the wound on my behind. Part of me is very grateful for that but another part of me wishes I had something to show for my spectacular efforts!

    Needless to say, I've missed a couple of wobble classes but I'll be going to one on Saturday morning so fingers crossed I ache a little less by then.

    In terms of weight, I maintained last week and this week I've put on just 1lb. I have 3 weeks to lose that though so not worried at all, my dress will still fit!

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I haven't been on here for a while. Busy work + home life = no time for Hitched!

    Hope everyone is feeling much better and had a good weekend.

    RBF - your ear infection sounds absolutely awful! How is it (and you hearing?) now?

    Please don't beat yourself up about the exercise routine. You WILL get back into it, your body has been through a huge amount of stress recently so you need to take it slow. Start gently - go for a walk maybe? Then work up to a jog. Then do level 1 shredding. Slow and steady and before you know it, you'll be back on the saddle thinking about this as a minor blip!

    Mogf - how are you getting on? Hope you're now back to 100%.

    Mittel - how's your diet changing going? Myfitnesspal is a great idea to use to keep track - and also if something doesn't agree with you, you can link it back to what food types you had that day to help diagnose. You're so right about just adding a few minutes of exercise each time. My friend and I are training for the Rough Runner in April and going for jogs once a week. Started at 5km mid-January, now at 8km just by adding a little more distance with each run.

    KinkyBride - Jeez, I can't believe what you've been through recently! Trust you're now fully recovered?! Did you go to class on Saturday? Hope it wasn't too painful!

    Afm - up to 20 press ups a day now, although I found out on Friday that I've been doing them (a little) wrong. Apparently you're meant to keep your head looking straight ahead of you as you lower yourself down, while I've been straight down looking at the floor. Such a little thing, but makes it so much harder! Once again, my food went out the window at the weekend but I'm not kicking myself about it. As long as I'm careful during the week, the weekend is mine and this all leads to me being able to maintain lifestyle change once all the motivation has gone.

    Hugs to all xx

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  • M
    Beginner August 2016
    Mrs-Riley ·
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    Hi guys- can I join in on this support thread? I'm so rubbish at dieting so somewhere I can share progress and tips would be great!

    I've been losing weight very slowly since June 2014 - a variety of Slimming World, My Fitness Pal Calorie Counting & cutting out snacks + on/off gym visits and at home exercises. So far I've lost 1st 12lbs, but would ideally like to lose at least another 7-10lbs before my dress alterations at the beginning of June.

    At the minute, my key plan is calorie counting (1200 calories a day)- just seeing how that goes at the moment, as I know sometimes you can eat too little and your weight doesn't change!

    I'm aiming for three gym sessions a week and I have an exercise ball at home which I've been using to target my legs.

    My H2B is a weightlifter so fitness is a big thing in our house! I can't fault him for motivating me.

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  • KinkyBride
    Beginner March 2016
    KinkyBride ·
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    Not quite. Still a little achey although that's getting easier. I had my wound checked at the GPs earlier and it's apparently healing well so no longer need daily dressings. I've never been so humiliated in my life than to have to show so many people my ass with such frequency!

    I didn't go to wobble club on Sat. I was still to wary about the wound. I'll definitely be going on Wednesday night though.

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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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    Good evening ladies!

    Wow kinky bride, sounds like that was some pretty strong tipple you had before the bath....I hope you're recovering well now. I once took a tumble down a flight of concrete steps at a bar and had to show a number of people my ass during my recovery so I totally feel your humiliation!

    Hi Soon-to-be-Riley, always nice for somebody new to help us all along the way! Well done on your current weight loss.... I would do anything to drop a stone let alone almost 2!

    Pooba well done getting your press ups to 20! That's amazing! I totally agree with you, giving yourself a little break at the weekend definitely makes it easier to be strict during the week!

    I had a good week with food last week and the gym, but then this weekend my sisters wanted a get together and invited me round for chilli, baked potato, garlic bread and red wine. All the things tricky to digest for IBS sufferers and boy, did I suffer afterwards ? I was up most of the night in agony, I felt rotten all the next day, lethargic, bloated and generally crap. its horrible because I feel like it's knocked me back a bit because then today I didn't do the exercise session I'd put in my diary.

    Im going to try to have 2 weeks of the 'new diet plan', no alcohol (?) and more exercise to hopefully Kickstarter me again. I'm still dreading the phone all from the wedding dress designer telling me it's time for a fitting ?

    Good luck this week everyone!xx

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Thanks Pooba. Ear infection is clearing slowly but surely. Is not painful at all anymore and my hearing is coming back slowly. I would say it is currently 75% so I should get back onto the routine now. I think that it usually takes me like a week to get my mind in the right place after an exercise break and I have been thinking about it for a good few days now. Almost went for a run this morning but woke up to find H2B not at work as he decided to have a day working from home. So I enjoyed another day with him (weekends are over far too quick these days!)

    Will restart Wednesday as am pretty busy tomorrow. I will go for a short run and then do the shred. Regarding that I think that I will do a couple of days level 1, then restart level two from day 1 and do all 10 days again. Can't believe I got to day 9 then stopped haha. I was so close to progressing lol.

    I am really not doing too well with eating well either so may start weight watchers.

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Well done on your press ups! Do you think it is making a difference? I didn't realise that, I though that you were supposed to keep your head in line with your body, i.e. facing down?

    Good way to look at it re weekdays/weekends. Has anyone tried juiceplus, where you substitute breakfast and lunch for a shake and have a healthy dinner. I think that this wouldn't be too hard to me as I dont usually have breakfast and if I do, then I don't enjoy it lol, and I could probably easily skip lunch as long as I was full. Dinner is the main meal which I enjoy.

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Hi Soon-to-be-Riley, welcome to the thread! Congratulations on your weight loss so far. Your plans sound great - it must make it harder/easier with your H2B to be so focussed! Hopefully he'll be able to help and give encouragement Smiley smile

    KinkyBride - I'm so sorry, but I did let out a little giggle at you showing your ass so frequently. Glad you're on the mend, though and hopefully you'll have fun at class tomorrow night! What sort of things do you do at the class? I've never heard of 'wobble club!'

    Mittel - eek, your weekend sounds like it should have been amazing... bummer about the IBS problems afterwards. I guess it's a case of weighing up whether it's worth having a blow out for the pain you go through the next day.

    When do you think your dress will be in?

    RBF - Glad you're nearly there healthwise Smiley smile I hate how it takes so long to get back into exercising after time off. Why can't this exercising and dieting malarkey be easy?!

    Press ups - I don't know if I'm over-thinking it (and bearing in mind I have been incorporating more weights into my workouts and PT sessions), but my arms and chest seem to be looking more defined. It's just such an easy thing to add to my day; even if I don't go to the gym or go for a jog, I know I've done at least some exercise once I've boshed out my 20 press ups in the morning. I also (embarrassingly!) do squats while I'm brushing my teeth, and it all helps!

    re. technique, I don't think it's hugely wrong to look down at the floor. My PT just said that by lifting your head, you engage your chest and core more and it makes you more inclined to do it correctly. Or something like that... I was dying a little when she was explaining it Smiley tongue

    I did think about juicing for a while, but I enjoy food in all shapes and forms too much to substitute meals. I also thought about doing the 5:2 diet, but again, fooooooooooood. There are lots of articles arguing the benefits/disadvantages of juicing, but I figure it's what works for you and how easy it is to work it into your life. Maybe try it on weekdays for a month and see where you are at the end? Just be careful about skipping meals; without sounding too preachy you need to make sure you're getting the energy and nutrients you need! x

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  • M
    Beginner August 2016
    Mrs-Riley ·
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    Thanks for the welcome!

    It's been a slow journey (with a lot of missed gym days and pizzas) but I think I've been lucky enough that my metabolism has sped up, so I haven't piled it all back on, on my cheat weeks.

    I tried the local Body Combat fitness class at our gym last night.

    It was really great and I'd definitely recommend- my arms and bum are killing me today, mind! First off started as an aerobic style class with plenty of movement and punches thrown in, then there was a section for your abs (which I found VERY hard- so it's prompted me to try some ab exercises at home to get better).

    Got me sweating. So I'm going to use that as one of my gym sessions.

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Hi soontoberiley! Well done on your motivation and loss so far, you've done really well! I used to do body combat when I was thin and fit lol before I moved away from that gym and everything went down hill. I used to love it!

    Pobba I honestly can't believe how hard it has been to get back on the exercise train! I went for a quick run this morning, cut it a little shorter then normal so was about 20 mins. Will start the shred again tomorrow. OK that is interesting what you PT has said about technique, will have to try it out next time I am press-up-ing!

    I have decided (for now) not to go extreme on the diet and do jiuce plus and just watch what I am eating. I do have plenty of time to go slowly but surely so no need to detox (YET!). I will do weight watchers if I struggle again.


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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Soon-to-be-Riley; yes I can see that being an issue! My OH is a huge fan of eating biscuits during the evening, it takes all my willpower not to grab them out his hand and stuff them in my face.

    I love Body Combat classes as well, although neither of the gyms I go to has it on their timetable. It was such a good workout when I used to do them and it was so much fun to imagine punching the person annoying me at the time Smiley smile

    RBF - hopefully your body will get back into it now. Have you done your shred yet or is that joy to come? I'm trying to get motivation to go to the gym at lunch, but cried off yesterday and get the feeling it's going to happen again today.

    Let me know how you get on with new press up technique. I'm still finding it very strange, although I can definitely tell I'm engaging more of my chest when I do them. Hard to explain, but I feel it in my shoulders and upper chest (just above my boobs). Part of me thinks it doesn't really matter how you do them - I've been told so many different things by different trainers, but it's worth doing for a change.

    Probably wise re. diet. See how things progress over next few months and then make a call.

    Afm - feeling very, very miserable at the moment. My friend and I went for a (planned) 8km jog on Tuesday night, but it was so cold and I felt weak so we cut it short but incorporated a few hills into route back. Boyo, I need to practice them - it was horrific!

    My OH has also been extremely down in recent days. I don't know if any of you remember, but his grandmother passed away at beginning of Jan and it was her funeral a few weeks back. We've been helping sort out her house and I think that, combined with a lot going on at work has made him downright miserable. He's barely talking to me and everything is a struggle. We both go through periods like this every so often, but thankfully the other has been positive enough to drag the other out of their funk. This time, though, I can't seem to help and I'm not really in the right headspace either. I know in a few days everything will be back to normal and I'm actually feeling more upbeat this morning, but Tuesday evening and yesterday was awful and I just couldn't stop crying.

    nb. on an aside note and at risk of sounding preachy, check your boobs people! One of the reasons I've been a bit strained recently is because I found a lump in my breast about a month ago. I'm late-20s so I know age is on my side, but you know when you get imagining things... anyway, I went to the doctor yesterday and turns out it's a 'breast mouse'. Yeah, I was stumped by the name too. Basically, as I've been losing weight, fatty deposits in my boob/s have become more apparent and these are apparently called 'breast mice'. As long as it doesn't harden or become lodged in the same place, it shouldn't be anything bad.

    Anyway, GP recommended keeping an eye on the boobs so I am spreading the message! xx

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    I did the shred this morning. Decided to do level 1 for a few days and then get back to the beginning of level 2 - so frustrating! Interestingly, level 1 was quite easy after doing level 2 for 7 days haha. I mean it was hard still but instead of literally dripping in sweat, it was just a nice sweat glaze all over haha.....sorry if thats TMI - I am a midwife so nothing phases me!

    Interestingly, Jillian said about press-ups to keep oyur head in line with your body. But I did try and look a little more forward and I def felt it in my chest and abs more.

    Pooba I am so sorry to hear about all you have been going through. I'm not sure what to say about this phase with your partner. If it happens every so often then I guess you just need to get through it. Maybe talk to him after about how you are finding it hard to support him now to ensure he knows where you are at the moment, but try to reassure him that you are still a team and will get through it together?

    I just checked my boobs and am all good lol! What a rollercoaster you have been on, well done for being aware and getting to the GP. I must admit I don't check mine. I have barely anything there - I say I am a 34B but could easily fit into an A, poor excuse though.

    Incidentally, I was just reading on another forum a weight loss thread and someone suggested upping the green veg on the side of your dinner plate and it seems such a good idea as I totally love veg. So this is my weekly aim (from next week as I have got my food for the rest of this week and there is no broccoli there lol...). I will have a portion of green veg more then 50% of my dinner meals this week as a REPLACEMENT of the carbs. I say replacement in capitals as it is just the sort of thing I would do is add the veg and not actually reduce the amount of naughty stuff on my plate lol, just exacerbating my oversized stomach problem!

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Hi RBF, well done on shredding this morning! You're definitely doing it the sensible way - no point jumping straight back into level 2 when you haven't done it for a while. I've never actually seen the shredding program, what sort of exercises do you do?

    Interesting what you say about veg. I enjoy it, but 50% of your meal?! Just green stuff?! I think I'd go a little crazy. I'll definitely try to increase the amount of veg on my plate though!

    Thanks for your kind words. As I said, we do go through this every so often (normally me just being a woman) but he also gets like this occasionally. I think it's all come at a rather bad time, which makes it worse! Things were more promising this morning and fingers crossed we'll be able to talk properly tonight.

    Glad your boobs are alright! Ha ha. In fairness, I had the appointment booked to get a prescription for my contraceptive pill, but planned to highjack it about my boobs anyway. I'm a 34ish Bish - used to be a comfortable 36C and I was so sad when they started deflating when I initially lost weight Smiley tongue I don't know if I check them correctly, but just give them a yank and a prod when I'm in the shower. Figure doing something is better than doing nothing!

    So I think I'm going to compromise at lunch - have food and then go for a quick stroll along the beach (I'm so lucky I work in the centre of Bournemouth. 2 mins from my desk to the sea!) It won't be a gym session, but at least I'll be getting some fresh air.

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    I am back and around again! All better now and back on track. Running about like a mad woman today, but wanted to share some knowledge I have. As Pooba said, checking your boobs is important, as is wearing the right Bra size... Most women in the uk are wearing the wrong size, I beg you to have a look at this link and re measure yourself.

    It will seem odd to begin with, and may give you a size that you think is ridiculous, but trust me, it is the best fitting bra you will buy with your new size.

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Oh Pooba I am giggling so much about imagining myself yanking my boobs in the shower (so immature I am sorry lol!), just a funny way of putting it! I'll give it a go ?

    OK so the world does not want me to exercise! I woke up this morning really NOT feeling exercise but knew it must be done. I sulked for a while by lying in and then went for a run, about 5 minutes in my right shoulder started hurting and it got worse and worse for the wole 25 minute run and now I am in agony when I move my arm/upper back. I was planning on doing the shred shraight I was planning on washing my hair I was planning on having a productive This is NOT going well. Fingers crossed it is just a strange muscle issue and will resolve by tomrorow!

    I would also be crazy if I was eating 50% veg every meal haha. I meant a portion of veg on the side of half my meals over the week! BAwful wording from me bad! Obviously I have veg with meat/potato meals, but I mean if I am having pasta or rice meal, then to add veg.

    The lunch stroll is a great idea. And actually a little activity following meal times is the best way to help your body control blood sugars and avoid type 2 diabetes. So a stroll after dinner too. I try to walk my dog after dinner but this doesn't always happen and H2B usually walks him whilst I am cooking, and I don't complain as it is one less thing for me to do! So jealous of you in Bournemouth, I love the south so much!

    MOGF - I just had a brief look at that website and saw a pic of measuring when looking downwards - I def wouldn't be an A then! Ill give it a shot and see what I get!

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Yay, welcome back Mogf! Ha ha. Glad you're back on track. What have you been up to this week?

    Thanks for the website link. The image of the woman measuring her dangling knockers did make me laugh (RBF, we can be immature together! I think it's just the mental image of me trying to do it and failing miserably that's making me chortle!) I do have a couple of really comfortable, well-fitting bras but I do need to get more. A chance to try out the method and make sure I get the right size! Maybe I can get my newly revitalised OH to help Smiley tongue

    RBF - yank awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

    Really strange about your shoulder pain. Trapped nerve? How is it now?!

    Lol, thanks for clarifying the veg thing. Makes much more sense now - sorry I'm dense! Great idea and a good (and hopefully) easy target.

    So I was meant to have a PT session this morning, but my trainer is ill and probably won't be able to see me next week either. Not great, especially when my motivation is so low at the moment. As I said ^ things with OH are now magically fine, but work is being a right pain and it's eating into my gym headspace. I'm still doing my press ups, but no walk at lunch for me and we're meeting friends tonight for dinner so that's going to be a big hefty pizza carb fest. Must do better this weekend!

    Best to all; have a great weekend Smiley smile

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Honestly, a proper fitting bra makes such a difference! You can all enjoy measuring your dangling bits, and then report back on how different your sizes now are... I doubt very much any one of you will be an A. Women in bad fitting bras drive me mad.

    I have been doing the press up challenge, I can do 11 so far. Have also started silly arm exercises to try and tone them up. Today I ordered a rowing sort of machine, that folds up to help with storage, it's difficult to explain, but it should turn up tomorrow so I can encorporate that into my routine.

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Yeah it was the dangling knockers image that got me it! MOGF I will try it when the H2B isn't around as he will actually think I have gone crazy if he catches me! I'll let you know how I get on and I am sure I won't be an A doing it that way either!

    Yeah I did think of trapped nerve. Gah! Is actually not bothering me right now but I have been lounging on the dofa doing various wedmin for a couple of hours.

    I'll let you know how I get on with the veg! Going shopping tomorrow or sunday so will try to incorporate!

    That's annoying about your PT pooba, I guess it isn't worth seeing another one this week and next week? We're having a takeaway tonight as OH has been away a few days (expecting him back any minute yayyy!) so fancy a lazy night together.

    MOGF the rower sounds great! I live basically on the Thames and there is a rowing club near me which I was thinking of joining and this would be good preparation! Post a pic of it set up when you have it! Well done on the press-ups - are they man ones....I can barely manage one of those!

    OK I probably am one of those annoying girls wearing the wrong bra ? Is that a personal bug bear or something to do with your job (are you a professional bra fitter?)

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    OK so I did it. Was intrigued! I came up as 34 DD????? I honestly don't believe this is accurate but will def give it a shot next time I am in a bra shop. That made me giggle, both the process and the result!

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    Used to be a professional fitter, have changed professions entirely now so it's just an annoyance. A good fitting bra should be a human right! You say you're still measuring as a 34 back, are you certain? If you've jumped from a B to DD I'd wager you should be a 32 band. The tape should be pulled tight around where the band would sit, you should JUST be able to get two fingers underneath the middle of your bust.

    Even an if you don't need to buy a new bra, pop into somewhere like m&s and have a look at their selection in your new found size, and try some on. Trust me, it makes a huge difference. You'll be uplifted and gorgeous in all the right places. Pretty much guaranteed your OH will notice, as you'll be supporting your boobs rather than just covering them with material.

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Well I did it once and it came up as 32.5, but felt it was hurting me when I breathed in deeply, so did it again with it tight but not too tight and it was 34.5 inches. So I settled at 34!

    I will definitely go in and check because I am so curious! I could definitely do with a new bra but am totally skint right now. I'll treat myself if I notice a big difference.

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  • M
    Beginner April 2016
    Mogf ·
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    When you get round to it, try a 32 band as well. Remember, when you do your bra up it should be on a looser clasp, so that after a while when the band gets worn and therefore loose you can wear it on a tighter clasp.

    My rowing / resistance machine came today, I've just put it all together and it's wonderful. I'm amazed it's so quiet, hopefully this will make the difference in my toning. Am off for a dog walk in the rain now, taking the kids so should be cold, windy, wet muddy fun.

    Hope everyone is doing well this weekend.

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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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    Evening everyone! I hope you all had a fab weekend.

    Im intrigued about this bra measuring thing, I'm lying in bed at the mo but will definitely give it a go. I'm a 34A (I think) but could definitely do with checking!

    I too had a lump, a few years back now, but it was very scary all the same. The consultant said it was a fatty tissue but it felt (and still feels) like a marble. I didn't have it removed, the biopsy alone had me in tears so I couldn't bear anything more if it was essential ?

    Pooba, I'm pretty sure the designer said my dress would be in in February. I've not heard anything and I refuse to chase anything up until I'm at least 8lbs lighter!

    I've been doing research on my tummy trouble all weekend....I'm going to try a cleanse this week. It's only for 5 days but it apparently cleans out any possible candida overgrowth (which can cause symptoms similar to those that I've been experiencing) it can also cause fatigue, mood swings and anxiety, all of which I suffer on a regular basis. It's mainly meat and veg or salad, no potatoes, fruit or milk for 5 days and then you slowly build it up to normal food again. So I really WILL be doing 50% veg at mealtimes!? Oh no caffeine either ?

    Pooba how are things with your OH? I had a hell of a time this time last year after losing a friend. My OH tried so much to pick me up but a part of me just wanted to be sad for a while. Losing someone is such a hard thing and it's different for everyone. Just let him know you're there if he wants you, but If I was you, I'd let him just be sad for a while, as hard as that is, he just needs to get through the grief.

    RBF how are you feeling after your painful run the other day? Your day sounded like a LOT of my days lately. Sometimes I swear the universe just wants me to stay in bed!?

    Mogf how are you getting on with the rower?

    Im starting a fitball class on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to trying something new, bound to be in agony for most of Thursday from it though ??

    Well, I hope you all have a great start to the week....I'm taking my bridesmaids for their dress fittings Tomorrow ?Xx

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Well done on your 11 press ups, Mogf! I'm up to 22 a day now - I raise the number by 2 each week. I could probably do more, but would rather build up slowly and steadily.

    Your rowing machine sounds really good! Easy way of doing exercise - stick the TV on and row until the end of the program!

    RBF - How's your shoulder now? And exactly how full was your shopping trolley with veg?!

    I only have one PT and pay by direct debit, so it gets a little awkward if you try and have sessions with others. I like her and know she's not messing me around - she text me this morning explaining that there are family issues and she'll be back in the game ASAP. I know enough stuff to look after myself for now, and it means that in the lead up to the wedding I'll have more sessions per week. Good: I'll look better for the wedding. Bad: there's the potential for wedding dress to need altering closer the time.

    Can't believe the change in your bra size! That's quite an incredible difference.

    Mitteltobe - thank you for sharing your boob story. I think it's important to keep an eye on any changes - if your lump has stayed the same all this time, there's probably nothing to worry about.

    Good luck with your cleanse this week. Just keep thinking about why you're doing it Smiley smile Thankfully I've never got on the caffeine bandwagon (apart from the odd glass of coke) and I have such an addictive nature it would be game over if I started.

    Hope you have fun at fitball as well - sounds amazing!

    Things with OH are back to normal. We had a talk last night and his mood was just a build up of everything: work, money, grandmother, family, wedding. I asked him outright if he was getting cold feet or if it was anything I had done and he was emphatic when he said no. He apologised for how he had acted, but I warned him that I will probably be the same/worse when I come off contraceptive pill later this year.

    On that note (and please don't respond if you don't want to) - do any of you have much experience with coming off the pill? I've been on Cerazette for (gulp) 9 years and it's worked a dream, until the last 18ish months where every so often I have all the symptoms of PMT but none of the byproducts (IYKWIM). I'm planning on coming off after the honeymoon - not because we want kids now, but because I want to get back to being me again. I've read some horror stories on the internet and I'm a bit nervous what's going to happen to me and my moods afterwards!

    Anyway, onwards and upwards. After last week, I'm all for having a better one this time and getting back to the gym after a week away. Planning on going at lunch today; a skipping circuit (alternating 60 secs skipping hard with lunges, shoulder presses, bulgarian bag, squats, etc.) Dare I say it, I'm almost looking forward to it...!!

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Mittel I am sure you will come up bigger, I couldn't believe it was DD, still cant! Waiting to see the evidence yet though! Sounds horrible these health scares. TBH after this ear problem and now shoulder, I won't take my fitness for granted again! I am usually very grateful for my health, working in the NHS, but now I can't exercise it is horrible....I must come accross like such an unhealthy, ill person!

    My shoulder is marginally better but comes and goes. I am pretty sure it is a trapped nerve as you suggested so just need to wait it out. As it is a bit better already I am hoping it wont be too long. A friend suggested today that a massage would help, so I might look into that.

    Mittel, my dress is in now. I am not getting married until summer 2017 but they are expecting me to go in to have a session trying on boleros as they are making me a bespoke one but I am yet to decide on style. However, I refuse to go in until I have lost some weight/toned up again. I was getting there before this ear infection but it is all back on now.

    Haha I had a fair amount of veg this week. Just had some pasta with a salad on the side. It was a kind of mediterranean style dish so didn't think broccoli would go with it.

    Do you mind me asking how much you pay your PT? I have been looking into it as it seems like it would be really good for motivation and results and very convienient as I heard that some come to you. The prices I was getting was like £40 an hour session so would only really be able to have one every 2-3 weeks.

    I don't have experience coming off the pill sorry pooba! I, like you, have been using my contraception for 8 years now. The implant though. Am a bit nervous of when I eventually decide to stop.

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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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    Hi Ladies!

    well, I got the bridesmaid dresses today! And they're perfect! Need taking up a little bit but overall I'm thrilled with them. My sister (as normal) managed to p*** on my parade a bit.... Has anyone else experienced a sister or friend making comments to upset you? My sister is older then me and already married but is managing to soul every step of the planning. To the point where (and I know she's joking but it still winds me up) she CONTINOUSLY says she wants to come to my registry office ceremony in her own wedding dress! I just feel like she's not taking my big day seriously. It's one hung after another. She wore some silver sparkly shoes to try on her dress today (for height reasons) and kept saying "I'm wearing these on the day and thats that" she's not. She's wearing wedges although at this rate she won't be coming at all!!

    sorry, rant over!

    Right, I came off the contraceptive pill 2& a half years ago. My periods stayed like clock work and my period pains were no worse. I did however develop spots (which I've never suffered from) and my mood swings became very erratic. I was determined not to have hormones pumped into my body anymore though so went to a homeopath who really helped with the moods. i have now got a copper coil. No hormones and no chance of getting pregnant. I'm dreading having it taken out though as the pain was unbearable when I had it fitted (I blacked out!)

    I hope everyone else is ok. Seems like we're all slowly getting back on track with our health now!

    pooba, well done for bringing up the subject with OH. Talking makes things so much better huh??

    Take care guys!


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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Happy Tuesday everyone!

    RBF - glad your shoulder seems to be getting better. Have you tried doing your own exercises? i.e. gently rolling it back and forth? Facing a wall, raising your arms above your head and bracing your body against it? - just be careful with these; don't want your arm to pop!

    I completely failed veg-wise last night. Got back late and OH had bought fresh bread and bacon, so we had bacon sandwiches for dinner. It was brilliant... but not very healthy at all!

    Bearing in mind I'm in Bournemouth and only go to the local 'The Gym' - 24/7 no contract place, no frills - it works out £27.50 p/hour. For that, I get the exercise session but also nutritional help - I send a food diary every day and she comments on how I could do better/alternative options which are healthier. It is a lot of money and I think I'll stop after the wedding, but certainly worthwhile in the meantime.

    Mittel - great news about your bridesmaid dresses, although sorry about your sister. Thankfully I haven't had many comments like those - more the opposite. Most sides of the family have been asking what colours they can dress in and whether x, y, z would be appropriate. I love them all for it, but at the same time I'm running out of ways to politely say I couldn't care less. Would you sister understand if you spoke to her about the way she makes you feel?

    I don't have periods at all with the pill I'm on and they were irregular as anything beforehand so I really don't know what to expect. I still have acne now so expecting it to get worse when I come off - I'm all over that positive mental attitude Smiley tongue

    I usually dread any sort of confrontation (I'm the sort of person who cowers at loud noises, even if people are shouting at each other and I have nothing to do with it), but OH and I often care and share during our evening walks. Makes it easier as you're strolling; you have other things to look at and talk about!

    After our talk last week about Body Combat classes, my gym has unexpectedly started one up! So I'm planning on heading there after work and punching the hell out of the air around me. Booyaaah!

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Hey Mittel,

    Congrats on the dresses. My sister has been rather fussy over my colour choice which I didn't expect at all as she is so selfless all the time (with her being a middle child and my being the youngest!). But nothing like what your sister sounds like she has done. I would have a chat with her and tell her how her comments are making you feel. I am sure she doesn't realise what she is doing.

    So I had a sports massage today and came away feeling worse tbh. Feel generally less tense in my shoulders (I am aware that I carry a lot of tension) but the nerve problem is still there. It has relaxed now but I think she aggrevated it. I'll give it a couple of days but if no improvement, she said to seek an oesteopath. I really hope it improves soon as I want to start loosing weight!

    I had sausage and mash tonight, so plenty of veg with that one ?

    Wow that is a pretty good deal for your PT, and great that she gives you nutirtional advice too - that must be such a motivation!

    I am so jealous of your combat class - I wish I had a good local gym with good classes and not crazy priced....grrr London!

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Bummer about the massage not solving the problem... although hopefully the pain will die down over the next few days. Is it any movement that causes you pain or just when you move your arms? Maybe impossible, but could you just work on your legs at the moment? Squats, lunges, walking gently?

    I had sausage and sweet potato mash last night as well! It was either that or takeaway and we managed to avoid temptation!

    I do feel very lucky to have two cheap gyms in my area. Just wish I had more time to do all the classes and workouts I want to.

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Yeah it is a bummer, so annoying. It is better today tbh so fingers crossed. I couldn't work out specific mvoements etc the set it off, seemed to be random but include back and neck movements. Seem worse when lying down.

    Sounds silly but I had my routine and just want to stick to that tbh lol. I'll get there in the end! I am doing well so far this week on the food front. I bought a smaller plate (can't remember if I told you) so am having to dramatically reduce my portion sizes. This is one of my worst habits and I should have taken action months ago. PLUS I have added greens to all the meals I can face adding greens to lol, which has been most of them. Having a homemade curry tonight so no veg on the side of that, but will use my small plate and also had a smaller lunch. The only thing is OH brought me back some chocolate from his trip to belgium last week so have had sneaky bites of that. It isn't loads though..... It is strange that I don't ever snack or crave fod between meals, but knowing the chocolate is here I just have to eat it. But I eat little bits at a time ?

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