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Beginner April 2016

Fitness Encouragement, Support & Tips

Mogf, 9 January, 2016 at 11:35

Posted on Beauty & Wellbeing 206

AKA Please encourage me to actually exercise and not just sit and talk about it. Right, I am aiming to drop 1 stone, and tone my body, specifically my arms and stomach. I have signed up to a 12 week fitness routine that I am starting on Monday 11th Jan. Alongside the exercises, I am planning on...

AKA Please encourage me to actually exercise and not just sit and talk about it.

Right, I am aiming to drop 1 stone, and tone my body, specifically my arms and stomach.

I have signed up to a 12 week fitness routine that I am starting on Monday 11th Jan.

Alongside the exercises, I am planning on reducing my carb intake and following a Low Carb High Fat way of eating.

I WILL drink 2 litres of water a day.

I have until April / May when my dress comes in for fittings and I WILL BE HAPPY with how I look and feel.

Anyone else?

206 replies

  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Hi everybody!

    RBF - I haven't been swimming yet, but went for a jog yesterday and my knee was... okayish. I have an assessment at the hospital tomorrow and then a physio session, so hopefully they'll be able to get to the bottom of what's happened and FIX IT! I have a 5km Race for Life thing on Saturday morning, but planning on listening to my knee and walking if necessary.

    We watched the film with both sets of parents and there wasn't a dry eye in the room. We all got more emotional watching it back than when we were there on the actual day! It was wonderful - would thoroughly, completely, 100% recommend getting someone to film your wedding, regardless of cost!

    How's BMF been recently? Hope your hay fever has died down - I've been suffering with it too, although thankfully it's 'just' the itchy throat that's killing me.

    RR - I did the Hampshire one in early April. I'd recommend doing one slightly later in the year if you can; while it only rained a little on ours, it was blooming cold and you have a better chance of at least staying a little warmer if you do a RR in the summer!

    Mittel - fudging congratulations to you! So glad you had a wonderful day, although boo hiss about the chest infection. I hope you feel better sooooon! And you have another big party to look forward to! Yay!

    Your photos are STUNNING. Argh, so happy for you!

    Peace and love y'all x

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Mittel you gorgeous lady, what stunning pics! Aww I am so happy for you - well done for ploughing through and not letting the illness ruin your day! I hope that it soon passes. The weather looks great there, very jealous!

    Pooba - Glad to hear your a kind of getting there re. your knee. Take it slow though! Good that you seem to be on top of getting it sorted with the Drs and physio. BMF is great, I am really loving it. Wasn't actually free for any other the other sessions last week after the monday session, so I went again this week on monday (also not free for any other sessions this week boo!) SO.....starting next week I am planning on going twice a week. After the first session I ached for like 4 days after but this week I was a little stiff yesterday, but absolutely fine today yayyy! Still feeling very positive about it so that is good. The only thing is that OH didnt go again this week so I hope he doesn't start to not want to go back ☹️ Hopefully he is free next week but his work is so busy at the moment I have a feeling that we wont be seeing huge amounts of each other from now until xmas despite that fact that yes we do live together lol (that is when my course finally finishes and his work project comes to an end).

    Do they only run RR once a year in each location. I am a bit reluctant to do a London one as I can imagine it being massively busy!

    Aww I wish I could get a videographer but they are simply too expensive! We just don't have the money for it ☹️ The cheapest I could find was £800 ad they didn't look that great! We have decided to use my dad's pretty high standard video camera and our camera tripod to record the ceremony, speeches and first dance, and put our most trusted BM/usher to take charge of pressing play and stop and ensuring good angle. I will then edit it all together with some music from the day and our photographers pics to make a bit of a video.

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Clifton - well done a 5kg loss in 3 months is amazing well done you! How has the last week been? One to go! Not long till your wedding either how are the final plans coming into place? Re. the dress - better too big then too small. I bet you are so excited to see it fitting. Mine is a mix of too big and too small if different places so I cant wait for next year when I know the size I will be and can get it fitting me all over! Will look like a completely different dress I reckon! Not heard of that - what is it?

    It's gone so quiet on here lately - my support are all going off and getting married and leaving me ? hehe!

    Seriously though...POOBA where are youuuuuu!

    Mittel - is it your UK party this weekend? How are you feeling now - hope better?

    As for me.... I am loving being back at BMF - I never thought I'd say this but I am really enjoying classes. I have been busy the last couple of weeks so only gone once but starting next week I am going to go twice a week and eventualy up it to 3x. H2B is being completely shite and only been twice thinking of excuses, mostly football - obviously he can't watch it on a 5 minute delay - that is all it would be by the time we get home, as kick off's are at the time BMF finishes....? So I have just left him too it. He said he will come saturday but I reckon he will either a) make an excuse or b) come but then realise how much fitter I am and I will show him up meaning he won't ever go again. I feel horrible saying this but it is true.

    On a positive note for H2B, he is loving cycling at the moment and got me a mountain bike to do it wth him. We went around the perimeter of Richmond Park on sunday which was lovely ?

    And, personal triumph......I ate 3 fajitas for dinner yesterday rather then the usual 4. woohoo!

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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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    Hi everyone! How's it going? It sounds like everyone's still keeping up with their weightloss attempts!

    Yes we had our uk celebration yesterday. Unfortunately the storm clouds decided to turn up too. We had lightening, thunder, slight flooding in the field, random glorious sunshine and then more rain. It didn't stop anyone having a good time, especially me! We all still went on the bouncy castle, we had photos outside under trees and with white umbrellas, our caterers were fantastic and moved everything much closer to the marquee door and then, the sun shone for long enough for me to do 'wreck the dress'. I've now had 2 wears out of my dress, it was caked in mud and the bottom ripped off on thorns so I was pleased to add a bit of colour to it and loads of people got involved. If I can give one piece of advice, it's don't be precious about your dress. We spend months finding the one, trying to get into it, trying to look gorgeous in it and then that's it. It gets boxed up and we never look at it again. Mine will be going in the bin tomorrow. Not because I don't love it but because it has served its purpose and I have all my memories of it in my head. My dress designer actually encouraged me to wreck it and it was definitely one of the best parts of the day!!

    I hope you've all had a good weekend xx

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Hi everyone,

    So sorry it's been a while since I was on here. Been caught up in lots of things this end... work is mental (and boring), home is mental (kitchen being demolished as I write) and we've just helped SIL move house over the weekend - a workout in itself!

    I'm still carrying on with the PT sessions - 30 mins, twice a week and then trying to get back into jogging. My knee is playing up still, although it seems to be getting better so I'm just taking it all very slowly. Food is alright; bombed this weekend with Dominos on Friday night and Frankie & Bennies on Saturday night, although with hauling boxes up and down stairs we all felt like we deserved some comfort food!I'm a little worried about what we're going to do food-wise without a kitchen for the next week... but will do my best not to succumb to takeouts every night!

    RBF - so sorry for being AWOL. I never thought I'd stop coming onto Hitched once married, but I find it a bit strange being on here when everyone else is so excited for their upcoming event and I'm like... mine's done. Will try and make more of an effort.

    Back to your message in yesteryear re. videographer; I fully understand that it's an added expense that you don't need. If you have friends and family that are happy to do it, then go for it - but I'd still think about getting a professional if you manage to free up some cash nearer the time. The more I ponder - and watch the highlight video! - the more I think the film is better than the photos! Also, are you really going to have the energy and motivation to put something together yourself after it's all done? Anyway, I'll stop banging on about it now Smiley smile

    SO glad you're still enjoying BMF! Did your OH come on Saturday in the end?It's always a bit gutting when your partner is fitter than you (or in this case, vice versa!) but I try and use it to motivate me. My issue is that I've been going to the gym for what, 3-4 years now? I'm definitely stronger and fitter than I was and in a solid jog, I'd beat OH hands down. That said, he has strength and speed like nothing else with absolutely no training, so mullers me in sprints and push ups and pull ups. I know man vs woman thing, but it still annoys me. In response, I'm training to do pull ups and did 2 straight off the bat at my PT session last week... absolutely killed me for the rest of the day though! Ha ha.

    Cycling around Richmond Park sounds wonderful. OH and I would go for more bike rides, but it requires a lot of forward planning - my wheels always deflate so we need to pump them up and then his bike is having issues which we need to fix.

    CliftonBride - well done on getting through your exams - and losing weight! Hope the nutrition is still going well despite finishing the plan.

    When do you have alterations booked for the dress? As weird as it sounds, might be worth stopping losing weight and focussing on maintaining - it would be awful if you've lost too much weight for the dress! Ha ha.

    I'll admit I've never heard of Kayla Itsines. Have you started it?

    Mittel - how is married life treating you?

    Glad you had such a good weekend despite the weather - and trashing your dress sounds like amazing fun. Mine's somewhere in Dry Cleaning Land and I'm waiting for the call to say it's cleaned up. I did consider trashing it, but my parents paid a lot of money for it, so feel it's up to them what happens with it. Mum suggested keeping it for my daughter (!!!!!!!!!!) but I think I may end up giving it to charity... who knows.

    Ha ha, RBF. You say you've missed us... bet you haven't missed my essays!

    Look, it's Monday morning. I have a lot of things I need to do today, but really don't want to. I'm in London tomorrow for a work thing in place of my MD, and I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I have no kitchen, not a huge amount of money and in my eyes, I would still like to be a stone lighter. HOWEVER, I have my health, happiness, wonderful family and friends. I am motivated, I am alive and urgh... is it Friday yet?

    Love to all x

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Awww Mittel I am sorry the weather didn't work out for you but I am glad you just got on with it anyway and had some periods of sunshine. I guess the weather might have made it rather dramatic! That pic is very cool! Do you have a pic of the finished product of the trash the dress? I'd love to see more - that in itself could look rather cool!

    Hey pooba! Sounds like you have been keeping busy ? You definitely deserve some good food after moving house. I justify my Sturday night diet fails by saying "oh well, it is SATURDAY". So helping someone move house is a great excuse to me!

    Maybe no kitchen calls for some salads??

    Who was your videographer? Just in case I am feeling rich? ?

    Im still enjoying BMF - he did some on Saturday yeah! I am going again tonight (in a minute) but he is late out of work so cant (again!). Also going down south this week tomrorow till sunday so have found a BMF down there to go to as I'll miss my 2nd session this week otherwise. That;s the great thing about their memebrship is you can go anywhere, like the big gyms.

    Cycling there is lovely, we can't wait to move out of london a bit and do the new forest/south downs/coastal paths.

    Of course I missed your essays pooba hehe!

    I've had a poop day today but hopefully BMF will make it better and if not, I am on holiday (at my mums, without OH #sadlife) for the rest of the week. In fact, I have a LOT of wedmin planned ?


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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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  • M
    Beginner June 2016
    Mitteltobe ·
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    RBF here's the finished product and I love it! It's been well and truly worn to death and loved every minute of it!!

    You'll be pleased to know I'll be jumping back on the weightloss and fitness wagon.... After my poor attempt before the wedding I thought I might try a bit harder in the run up to the honeymoon. We're going to the Maldives in January and I'd love more than anything to enjoy having my picture taken in a bikini rather than demanding 'from the waist up!!'

    I hope everyone is having a good week. I must admit, I'm absolutely shattered from all the wedding planning and physical prep that was involved. This week I'm taking it easy and eating what I want, then next week I'll start to be more restrained and go back to the gym.

    Take care everyone xx

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Hi everyone,

    London wasn't too horrific yesterday and I managed just about to keep the food healthy-ish, which I normally struggle with when I'm away for work. The only downside was that my train was slightly late getting in, so I couldn't walk to the meeting. I then had to tube it back to Waterloo, so actually did very little exercise Smiley sad Shame - I love walking around London Smiley smile

    RBF - ha ha, no kitchen DOES NOT = salads. No, no, no, no.

    Hope you had fun at BMF. It's great news that you can use BMF wherever you are in the country - whereabouts are you down south this week?

    Have fun doing wedmin! Have you heard/thought any more about seamstress for your dress?

    Mittel - that photo is very funky! Love it.

    How are you feeling health-wise - I seem to remember you had an awful infection when you came home?

    Happy Wednesday People!

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  • R
    Dedicated July 2017
    RomanticBrownFlowers354 ·
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    Aww that's a shame that you weren't able to walk much - I hope you did OK standing in for your MD. What line of work are you in? Well done for not eating crap though. That's all I ever do in London, when there is so much tempting yummy choice, it breaks my bank!!

    How's the no kitchen going today?

    I'm in Fareham staying with my mum. Doing some of the DIY stuff which was starting to pile up (boring) and a couple of appointments. The seamstress is one of the main reason I am here - went to go and see two today and they were both cheaper. The original quote was £470 and I got two, one £195 and one £325. So both significantly cheaper. The higher one was much more enthusiastic and filled me with confidence and explained to me in detail what she would be doing to my dress. The other one not so much. So I'll probably go with the higher one, but I will also first try to haggle with the shop I got it from as this is much more convenient for me in London.


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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Jeeeeesus, how has it been 2-ish weeks since we posted on here?! Where has that time gone?!

    Kitchen is now in and 95% complete - just need to get a splash back behind the oven fitted and some curtains. It's looking good!

    Shame I'm not looking so good myself; bad food + a real aversion to exercise = 2kgs extra weight. I'm really feeling very lethargic and need to get back into the zone pronto. I'm still doing my 2 half-hour PT sessions a week but I'm not running or doing much at the weekends and it's all getting to me a little. I had planned on getting back on the 'good' wagon this week, but had a shocking day at work yesterday so used and abused Domino's 2 for Tuesday and then felt fat and lazy for the rest of the evening. Back on it today!

    How are you getting on, RBF? Hope you had a lovely week with your mum and got lots of wedmin complete Smiley smile

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  • H
    HappyIvoryCakes653 ·
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    Hi all, I'm new to all of this and have never actually used a chat forum before!! It's 4 months to go until our wedding and my dress has just come into the shop where I bought it and I'm going to go see it and try it on again on Friday. So I really want to kick start my weight loss for the wedding now ( I know I should have tried hardier the last few months!!!). The dress was ordered a size too big for me as I have a fairly large bust (34E) so it will have to be altered to look right. I'm currently about 3lbs heavier than when I tried it on the first time but I really want to lose 1 stone before the wedding and ideally in the next two months so I don't have to pay for the dress to be taken in lots of times. Anyhow, I'm really looking to chat about my progress to keep me on track - I'm following weight watchers but didn't actually sign up (I've done it before and lost weight but I think I can just follow on my own now) and I've signed up for a swim challenge to increase my level of exercise. I'm currently 10st 6lbs ( which is close to the heaviest I have ever been!) and 5ft 3 so I would really like to get to 9st 6lbs ( or ideally 9st but I also wanna be realistic given the time frameSmiley winking) I used to find losing weight easy in my 20s but now that I'm in my 30s I think I've just gotten lazy but my weight does really get me down and I just don't want to hate my wedding day pics!

    Started today and it's gone well, stuck to my points and went for a 50 min brisk walk Smiley smile

    Any motivational tips are welcome


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  • S
    Beginner August 2018
    sam4718 ·
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    Hey everyone, I've got quite a lot of time before my wedding (just under 2 years) but really want to lose some weight for the big day. I had been really good the last couple of years and lost 2 stone but recent life pressures have meant I've let myself down a lot and put a stone back on Smiley sad really trying to find some motivation from somewhere my main let down is actually the eating side of things rather than the exercise (weirdly quite enjoy the gym/running/fitness classes). I don't believe in crash diets just want to be healthy in a way that I can continue for the long term!! I really love my food ha! Any tips would be most welcome Smiley smile

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Hi everyone; not sure if anybody still comes on here but thought I'd send a message just in case! Feels weird looking back over the messages from last year - almost like reading someone else's life.

    I'm doing good, can't believe we got married 9 months ago! Exercise took a back seat towards the end of last year and I'm now as heavy as I was at the start of fitness mania last January and probably less fit. Slowly trying to get back into it though, and me and my friend are on the running train tonight.

    Just wanted to see how you all were doing? RBF - you must be getting excited with your wedding only a few months away! How's the dress?! How's work?! Do you still shred and BMF?!

    Love to all x

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