I have started this report so many times and Im sorry but I need to start it with a mention of my beloved, beautiful brave Mum as without her last words to me there wouldnt be a report to write. I hope I dont upset anyone with my honesty.
Here is my mum and me at my engagement party as I feel its only right that she is a part of this as she was and still is a true inspiration to me and I feel her around me all the time. I said my final goodbyes to Mum on Wednesday 11th May.
So here goes girls please be patient.
Friday 13th (eeekkk) May.
Started out the day with my two sisters having our nails done and running around town getting the last bits. Has my eyesbrows threaded (Blo*dy Ouch!!) well worth the pain though!
Got home and loaded up the van (thank goodness Mr Fluffy has one as I would hate to think how we would have got everything there). Mr Fluffy dropped me off at the venue at around 2pm and I checked in and said my goodbyes to him (very hard) as he had to pick my step daughter up from school.
This was the one of the first hard parts of the wedding as I was meant to be there with Mum, and had to spend quite a few hours on my own in the room waiting for my sister and friends to arrive, but after a few tears and a phone call to my best friend Janean I got busy ironing all (6!!!) bridesmaid dresses and try to sort what seemed like endless boxes of wedding stuff!
My sisters and friends finally arrived at around 6ish and we all went for an early dinner. My youngest sister was meant to be staying with the night but found it too much too soon bless her and needed to be at home. Superwoman Janean stepped up to the mark and offered to stay even though she had nothing with her.
And I tell you what that woman did me proud!! Within an hour we had all the button holes sorted, sorted the arrangments for the tables with Anton the amazing wedding planner, got the cake decorated, sorted the sweetie table and the favour table.
I was I must say completley calm and kept sayng that although I was excited I had no nerves whatsoever! Ha ha little did I know what was to come lol ?
After all was done we sat and had a few drinks and I was a very good girl and was in bed by 12am, although we were like bloomin school girls. giggling and chatting for atleast another hour!!!
Saturday 14th May!!!! The Big Day!!!
Got up at around 6.30 and still felt calm and this lasted for around 30 minutes!!! Although didnt realise how nervous I was until I tried to hold a cup of coffee, I was shaking like a leaf!!
My tog was coming at 8.30 from London and hairdresser and make up artist were arriving at 9.30ish so had a relaxing bath while Janean was giving her husband an endless list of things he needed to bring her!! Poor bloke!!
Janean also made an emergency call for champagne as my nerves were getting worse.
Ania my Tog and tracey my friend and hairdresser arrived with the Kat make up artist and this helped a lot as it occupied me a bit, oh and the champagne had arrived by that time!!
The girls then started the epic transformation
My wonderful husband surprised me with flowers, pink champagne and Armani Diamonds parfume (which I hinted at alot!!)
This was the calm before the storm as I started to hear other people arrive (I was upstairs out of the way thank goodness)
My two sisters arrived with my nieces and nephew along with my now step daughter and MIL, SIL and my flower girl and other page boy!! Phew!! It was like that 'Take a Break' advert, kids running about upstairs, shouts of 'Mind the Dress!!!! and 'Put those flowers down'!!! And I loved it!!
My nephew who is 4 had decided at home that morning unbe known to my sister that he wasnt going to wear any pants!! This wasnt discovered until she was getting him changed in the room!! ? So the little blighter went commando all day!!
Everyone worked together and before I knew it the time had come for them all to leave and greet the guests. Well all that meant for Janan was that she was running backwards and forwards to the room doing all the last minute things in 4 inch high heels!! Told you she was superwoman!!
Again the nerves started as I got in my dress, which as you will see took some doing (dont know how my boobs had grown so much in two weeks!!!!)
So finally got in the dress saw the registra and my Dad was waiting for me to come down but then disaster!! In my infinite wisdom thought I would re-apply my lippy but of course due to the shakes dropped it and watched in horror as it dropped against my dress leaving a lovely large pink line down the front of it!! Im ashamed to say I screamed to Anton for help!! But didnt have to worry as Wendy his assistant came with ice in a napkin and worked her magic and within five minutes the stain was gone!! I dried my hysterical tears and walked down to meet my Dad for a ride in the beautiful car our Best Man Dave arranged as a suprise for me!! (Red Rolls Royce previously owned by Elton John dont you know).
Amazing what a bit of slap and good photographer can do for you eh? lol
Finally arrived 20 minutes late!! Poor Mr Fluffy!! (evil laugh) and looking just a bit happy to be there!!
He was waiting very patiently and looking very handsome I must say!!
My gorgeous bridal party went first, after Anton had finally found the right song (gggrrrrr)
My Dad had to tell me to slow down as I walked up the aisle but as soon as I saw Mr Fluffy I just wanted to get to him!
When I finally got to Mr Fluffs he was amazed how much I was shaking and quite concerned bless him. He was as cool as a cucumber! He said later that he was was so blown away with how I beautiful looked (aaaawwww) and just wanted to get that ring on my finger!! lol
The ceremony itself was just lovely with laughter as well as emmense emotion, I cried (tears of joy) at just about everything! My friend Sarah did a beautiful reading which yes surprise suprise I cried throughout the whole thing!!
After my husband getting my name wrong and me trying to put his ring on the wrong finger we were finally pronouced Husband and Wife!
it was only when I sat to sign the register that took a proper look around the room and then went a bit shy!! I said louder than I thougt 'Ooohh bloody hell there are so many off you!! he he. But to see the look of love and happiness on everyones face was an absoloutly amazing feeling. And as you can see Mum was there with a front row seat.
We then danced our way out to Black Eyed Peas 'Ive got a feeling' (woohooo!!)
Phew didnt think it would be this long!! You all still with me????
The car was waiting again outside to take me and my new hubby and ofcourse my new step daughter for a drive around the village, which I can tell you wasnt that easy with the wind quite strong, an open top car and tying to keep hold of my veil.!!!
Couldnt resist getting in the driving seat though!! Start as you mean to go on!!
Right ladies my fingers are hurting now so will be back soon with more I promise, thats if your not bored already