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Jayne E

For old times sake - good week, bad week.

Jayne E, 22 January, 2017 at 08:20 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 9

Other topics seems to have died. RIP. So in memoriam I thought I would post our old favourite good week/bad week. See how long it takes for people to pay their respects lol.

So for mine......

Bad week. After an amazing return to Lapland for our anniversary we thought we would come to Spain for a weeks thaw out. Well we have had hail, torrential rain, freezing temperatures, gale force winds and SNOW!!! We haven't had snow here since 1926! (So I'm told. I'm not quite that old)

Good week. My Spanish home has no leaks so unlike many other people we have not a bucket in sight. Plus the log fires are quite nice. ?

9 replies

Latest activity by Jayne E, 7 February, 2017 at 12:07
  • 2BMrsC
    Beginner May 2017
    2BMrsC ·
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    Ahh, go on then Jayne, for old times sake! Great news about your Spanish home not leaking... and as for Snow in Spain.... well, you obviously love it and it loves you!!

    Bad Week: One of my patients, who I was particularly fond of and whose family are absolutely wonderful, passed away early on Monday morning.... an hour and ten minutes after I finished my shift. Odd as it might sound to anyone not 'in the business', I really wanted to be there when he passed- not just for him, but for his lovely wife and children ? It was an honour to be there for him and his family for his last couple of nights, I just wish I'd stayed on even longer than I already had to be there for them all.

    Good Week: I finished work on time (for a change!) this morning (I work nights) and now I'm on holiday for ten days.... I have the rest of this week off to get on with some Wedding DIY then it's my OH's birthday on Saturday so we will be having a bit of a celebration and then we are going on a 'pre-moon' (otherwise known as a 'mini break' we'd have gone on anyway!! PMSL!) on Monday and I'm actually really looking forward to five days 'off' from Wedmin!

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  • DreamsComeTrue2015
    Beginner July 2017
    DreamsComeTrue2015 ·
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    Poor OT - it was really busy when I was lurking then it just died!

    Good week - we've ticked off a lot of the little things for the wedding so I'm feeling pretty confident. I've also lost a stone since Christmas! So the diet's going well! I've also been asked to lead one of the children's groups at church. I've been desperate to get more involved but I'm not good at pushing myself. When the opportunity came up it was offered to me and I grabbed it! I'm excited to start now!

    Bad week - it's self assessment month and I work for an accountant. Work is horrible.

    The bad stuff sounds rubbish for you ladies but chin up, it's nearly the weekend!

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    Ha ha, great idea Jayne! RIP OT, long may you live in our memories.

    Yes, Europe really has been through the mill recently, been fascinating to watch. How was Lapland?!

    2BMrsC - your post nearly made me cry. My grandmother passed away recently and 3 nurses from the care home took holiday/used their break/worked overtime to come to the funeral. On such a sad day, it made it a little better to know they cared so much for her.

    I'm sorry for your loss and hope you're able to relax and enjoy your time off.

    DreamsComeTrue - well done on your weight loss! Very impressive. Hopefully stresses at work will be few and far between Smiley smile


    Bad week - I have (another) cold coming having just got rid of the last one. My role at work is changing in a direction I'm not quite sure I'm happy with and it's making me nervous for the next few months. I had such grand plans to be an exercising demon as soon as the new year came around, but that hasn't happened...

    Good week - I have (most of) my health. My OH and I had a lovely weekend and have a potentially chilled one coming up. The fog is slooooooooooooowly lifting after 2 days of oppressiveness; there's a chance we may even see the sun soon!

    Hugs to all!

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  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    Well the good week seems impressive for everyone and when my dad's time comes I hope there is someone with him who cares as much as you do.

    Lapland was amazing. My friends wedding was stunning and was lovely to watch as I took more in than when it was my wedding. My new hearing aides meant I could even hear it! We went out with our wedding photographer one night who loaned us a pro camera and we photographed the northern lights AND we managed to get a picture of the lights with a shooting star in too. He took this picture of us.

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  • DreamsComeTrue2015
    Beginner July 2017
    DreamsComeTrue2015 ·
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    Aw Jane that picture is gorgeous! I've always fancied Lapland and every time you post about it I get so jealous haha! I'm trying to persuade the OH to go their for our mini-moon and chase the sun later in the year. But we shall see!

    Pooba - I hope the job works out. I'm changing roles in February too but I've got this overwhelming feeling I'm not where I'm supposed to be. Hopefully, for both of us, things work out.

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  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    Dreams come true I'm totally addicted and hated the cold with a passion my whole life. It's stunning and if lucky enough to see the lights there are no words to describe it. I will be going back. Just maybe not next winter ?

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  • T
    Beginner May 2016
    Tidal Wave ·
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    Jayne that photo is amazing!

    Pooba and 2BMrsC sorry about your loses, family and newly acquired friends - I do hope you are coping.

    Dreams, that weight loss is really good.

    Bad week (going to include last week)

    - The water company 11 days ago jackhammered through our phoneline, which also serves the internet and the tv box.

    - When we finally got someone out to fix the issue, soonest date they can fix it is 14th March...I also sometimes work from home, oh and the water company are more annoyed than us.

    - My mobile data has run out.

    - The water pressure in the house is going, may or not be related to point one.

    - I've had to have my filling redone, and in fairness good with the injection which I am sh*t scared of, but not too kind with the cleaning drill.

    - My dad forgot it was my 30th (it is day after their wedding anniversary and he can never remember both!) so booked a few nights away for their wedding anniversary.

    Good week

    - I have been given a dongle - so some internet at least.

    - Started Game Of Thrones - Recommend it highly, we've only got a series and half to go out of 6.

    - My old car that has been sorned for ages is finally being sold.

    - Netflix offline is very good once you figure it out (not very good at technology)

    - Celebrating my 30th on Sunday in style - pizza and proseco in bed ? followed by Amsterdam to see Van Gogh Museum.

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  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    Tidal Wave your good and bad are quite extreme. Hope your house is sorted soon! I'm also ? scared of needles. Imagine Chemo lol. W a s like aversion therapy and made me worse not better so can sympathise totally. Have a wonderful 30th in bed with pizza lol. My idea of heaven. What is it with men and birthdays?

    Hope this week is better ladies.

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  • T
    Beginner May 2016
    Tidal Wave ·
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    Thank you, husband's getting restless with no online access for the playstation, so has bought a wifi modem that takes a simcard. Oh god yeah they must have used you like a pin cushion, how did you get through the needles?

    How's everyone's week shaping up? Any nice stories to be smug for, or any venting issues?

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  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    I had hypnotherapy twice. Didn't really work. I also had reflexology twice during Chemo which was lovely lol. Chemo Ward were really good. District nurse came every time to do the injections into my stomach. They wanted me to do my own (?) well that wadnt happening. The ward weren't so good when I got sepsis and became even more of a pin cushion. Hey i survived so all's well that ends well so far. Bring out a syringe and I turn into a crying gibbering wreck lol. Embarrassing!

    Good week.

    I'm back n Spain and it's warm and sunny and definately not snowing.

    House is being decorated and coming along nicely.

    Bad week.

    Having it all done in on go means one room is piled to the rafters with everything and I'm banished to one bedroom.

    Find small leak in roof from storms and floods so also got a builder here at minute.

    All above probably means no northern lights for me this year ?

    Haha I know what you mean I've just said to decorators yes yes that's all fine but do NOT unplug my modem!!!!!

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