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Jumbly Girl
Beginner May 2010

Geordiebarbie, Bethanw, end of May brides

Jumbly Girl, 7 May, 2010 at 13:52 Posted on Planning 0 8

How are we feeling/doing? Anything left to do? Anyone got a last two week checklist?

I'm ok, bar my stupid error of deciding to move house in the days before the wedding. I'm such a fool and quite stressed about when on earth I'm going to pack (I'm away both weekends prior to the wedding). ?

The wedding stuff itself is ok (bar my knicker drama). Still got to make the table plan, but we potentially have two dropouts, so we're waiting on confirmation (on 20th) before printing that out and making it. I'm making my OODs this weekend. Got to do a cake practice run next weekend. I think that's nearly it!

How about you?

8 replies

Latest activity by bethanw, 9 May, 2010 at 15:17
  • jem179
    Beginner May 2010
    jem179 ·
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    Can I join in as a mid-may bride? Can't believe it's the last week now!

    Had a minor drama today, the flower girl cant walk in her shoes, which is what I said in the shop but she wanted them and her mum said they were fine. So the suggestion was made that I take her shopping tomorrow (I'm having my eyebrows done in the morning, gotta collect my new contact lenses, have an appointment for a facial at 1 and have to change some clothes I bought for the honeymoon that were on the wrong hanger!!), luckily her grandma has seen some today so I've sorted that with a 'buy them and Ill sort the money etc later!'

    It's amazing how efficient you get with this wedding planning. Other than that I have to get my stereo to the church and wire it into their sound system as theirs is so old it wont play CD-Rs!!

    Then that's it ? Rehearsal is booked for next Thursday after work, we're decorating the church and hotel on Friday, having my nails done Friday night then it will be the wedding day!!! ?

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  • GeordieBarbie
    Beginner May 2010
    GeordieBarbie ·
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    Aaaaaaaarggghhhhh!! I've just typed a massive response and lost it!! ☹️

    I'll report back another time.

    Quick update - off to Bristol tonight for some final meetings tomorrow! ?

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  • BonnieLass
    BonnieLass ·
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    I'm feeling pretty stressed, not because there is necessarily so much to do, but more what if I forget to do something!

    My diary is my life at the min, I would die if i lost it!lol

    There are the uisual things that I have appointments for in the last week - dentist, hairdresser, jewellers to get ER cleaned.

    ASAP, I need to decide on music for walking in/out & signing & let quartet know, then sent OOS to be printed. Start making table plan. G

    Think thats really it! Oh & clear out all the bootsale stuff, hopefully get to one this weekend!

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  • Jumbly Girl
    Beginner May 2010
    Jumbly Girl ·
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    Gosh girls, it sounds like everything's coming together. Jem - so annoying about your FG's shoes - especially as you knew already they would be a problem!

    Bonnielass - I know what you mean about the diary. I've been carrying a notepad around with me for the last few weeks and I'd be lost without it!

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  • PennyFarthing
    PennyFarthing ·
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    Well, I've got loads to do and am doing my best to stay calm and do one thing at a time...

    Pay Registrar and let her know what hymns, readings we are having, oh and anthems while we are signing register, thankfully, registrar is doing the OOS otherwise I think I would cry.

    Sort out our wedding bands.. mine should be easy, but OH has got a massively stupid ring size which may need ordering in - pah!

    Make a decision about my hair (I have another hair trial tomorrow morning)

    Sort out appointments for nails, facial and waxing

    Thankfully today, pressies have arrived for the parents - picnic hampers and we are going to attach picnic in the park tickets to them - huzzah, something sorted!

    Need to chase up our venue as I need to check how big the tables are to sort out how we are going to set out chairs and tables

    Order some chairs (oops,) otherwise no one will have anything to sit on, lol

    Still need to pick up booze and soft drinks

    PIL are still to go off to france and buy alcomohol!

    give the florist our cake stands so she can make flowers to fit

    pester my SIL to make sure she's sorted out when she's going to make the cake

    finish the bunting

    oh, there's lots more but I don't want to drown myself in one day lol ?

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  • Jumbly Girl
    Beginner May 2010
    Jumbly Girl ·
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    Hi PF,

    What's your date? Loving the parents' presents. I got mine hampers and some fancy collectable stuff, but wish I'd thought of picnic in the park tix!

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  • PennyFarthing
    PennyFarthing ·
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    I'm 29th May - I am Bonnie Lass' date twin (poor girl!)

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  • casinogirl
    Beginner May 2010
    casinogirl ·
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    I think I am doing ok, the only major things I have left to is

    Get menu to hotel

    Choose songs for DJ

    Get underware

    Get clutch bag

    All the above WILL be done this saturday lol!

    Booked my nails, spraytan and massage and foot pampering today for next wednesday and Friday

    So I think I am pretty much there, although I am certain I have forgot something........oh yeah and pay people lol

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  • bethanw
    Beginner May 2010
    bethanw ·
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    Hi girls, sorry for the late reply, i've just got back from my hen weekend.

    Most people are paid now. My list is:

    Me - Done apart from getting dress steamed

    OH - Done except buy shoes and book his haircut

    Photographer - send list of pics and arrange timings

    DJ - arrange timings, send playlist and arrange money to pay on the day

    Toastmaster - run through final details

    Registrar - Done

    Florist - Done

    Cake - Done

    BM's - Get hair extensions and one has to have a fitting

    Venue - Done

    String Quartet - Done

    Ushers/Parents - Buy gifts for ushers and FIL

    Stationery - Table plan/place cards/table names/menus are being made now

    Decorations - Finish making up boxes per table with all the decorations in once the final lot of stationery and favour boxes arrive

    Magician - Done, just got to arrange money for paying on the day

    Hair & Make Up - Done except arranging money to pay on the day

    Chair covers - Friends are setting up for me so need to deliver covers to them

    Honeymoon - Everything to do except buy suncream!!!!

    I feel far too laid back about it all!

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