My biological father left me and my mother when I was 2 years old and I havent seen him since. Since then my mum met someone else (my step dad) but now they have separated, not on great terms either might I add. Although my step dad was there for the majority of my life I never classed him as a father figure so my mum is going to give me away on my wedding day It will mean so much more to me because we're so close, however I just wondered how common this is and if anyone came across any problems/prejudice for it? I know its not tradition and that worries me, I'm a bit worried about what everyone will think, especially H2B's extended family who may not know the reasons.
Also, my mum is gorgeous (I hope she doesnt upstage me ) but what kind of outfit would be fitting? Does she need to be co-ordinated with my colour scheme? I'm sure she'll want to wear a dress of some description but I dont want it to look too much. Any ideas/advice?
Thanks girls