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Beginner June 2011

Giving me away...

McSquirtle, 22 June, 2010 at 19:54 Posted on Planning 0 11

My biological father left me and my mother when I was 2 years old and I havent seen him since. Since then my mum met someone else (my step dad) but now they have separated, not on great terms either might I add. Although my step dad was there for the majority of my life I never classed him as a father figure so my mum is going to give me away on my wedding day Smiley smile It will mean so much more to me because we're so close, however I just wondered how common this is and if anyone came across any problems/prejudice for it? I know its not tradition and that worries me, I'm a bit worried about what everyone will think, especially H2B's extended family who may not know the reasons.

Also, my mum is gorgeous (I hope she doesnt upstage me Smiley tongue) but what kind of outfit would be fitting? Does she need to be co-ordinated with my colour scheme? I'm sure she'll want to wear a dress of some description but I dont want it to look too much. Any ideas/advice?

Thanks girls Smiley smile

11 replies

Latest activity by lamby, 23 June, 2010 at 11:37
  • Rizzo
    Beginner July 2011
    Rizzo ·
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    My friend had her mum give her away as she got married in Jamaica and her elderly father couldn't travel there.

    She said it meant a lot to both her and her mum as they're very close and she liked sharing 'her moment' with her mum.

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  • Mrs Bass
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs Bass ·
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    I think it is lovely that your mum will be giving you away!!! I dont think it matters what she wears, i wouldn't purposefully ask her to wear the theme colour.

    My dad passed away when i was 17 so my frst thougt was my mum, however she has declined as she said it is going to be an emotional day as it it, she doesnt want any more added emotion!! ? there for, i have my 2 brothers giving me away and my god father, who has been amazing the last 10 years, is going to do the 'God Father of the Bride speach'

    completely unconventional and my mum wasnt sure at first but i want all 3 of them involved and i think this is the best way to do it! at the end of he day, its all about you and your H2B so you have to do what makes you happy!

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  • Princess_Dimples
    Beginner August 2013
    Princess_Dimples ·
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    My dad passed away a couple of years ago, so my mum will be walking me down the aisle. She also gave my elder sister away as she doesn't speak to her father!!!

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  • buggerlugs
    Beginner June 2012
    buggerlugs ·
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    I don't blame you for you having your Mum-I think thats lovely and sod anyone who thinks otherwise! Its your day and you can have who you like!

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  • M
    Beginner June 2011
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    My dad died 11 years ago and my grandad 2 years ago so I think I'm going to walk down the aisle on my own. My mum doesn't really want to do it as she thinks she will be too emotional and I don't have any other close family so I think I'll just have to go alone - show off my dress!

    But I think if your mum is happy to do it you should go for it and not worry what other people might think - it should be the person closest to you and I think its lovely your mum can do it for you.

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  • VikingPrincess
    Beginner December 2011
    VikingPrincess ·
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    Hi, McSquirtle!

    Don't worry, it's more usual than you think. As my situation is much similar to yours, I was given away at my first wedding in 1995 by my mum (see pics below - excuse the horrible 90s style i am wearing) and she might still give me away at my second next year if it turns out my male childhood friend who is supposed to do it this time can't come from abroad. At the time (15 years ago) Mum had to have "dispensation" from the vicar (Church wedding) as it was more usual then to be given away by the father but she did and it was lovely. She didn't wear any other outfit than she would have worn anyway as MOTB. See below.

    OH and one more thing - LOL - mum is gorgeous too esp for 62 and I was thinking too I hope she doesn't upstage me LOL xxx

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  • Suzie&Karl
    Beginner January 2012
    Suzie&Karl ·
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    No advise on the outfit, but i personally dont think he'd need to be matching with yur colour scheme.

    i think its a lovely idea your mum giving you away!

    Its none of anyones business what the reasons are and why you have chosen it to be that way. Its your wedding and not theres Smiley smile


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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    I think it depends on what your style is - have you seen Sex at the city 2 where carrie acts as "best man" is a very feminine and tailored tux, which I think is fab, depending on what peoples style opinions are.. Or perhaps a black and white dress to represent a formal traditional suit?

    Saying that I am also a fan of the traditional MoB dress/jacket combo - got loads in Debenhams magazines.

    I don't think there is any reason for your mom not to give you away. I am considering having either my Grandad, Dad or Brother and I have been to weddings where a friend gave the bride away. Whatever makes you happy is perfect i'd say! x

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  • Josiep00
    Beginner December 2010
    Josiep00 ·
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    Hey, my mum is giving me away too. Purely because my mum and dad seperated when i was young and I grew up with my mum. It will mean so much more to me to be given away by her, as she is the one my OH asked permission from to marry me in the first place!

    My mum still wants to wear a hat, but we haven't figured an outfit out yet, but it will prob match the colour scheme in general.

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  • Spangler
    Beginner September 2010
    Spangler ·
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    Here comes the old Hitched mantra again "Your day, YOUR way". If you want your Mum to give you away then that is your choice - I don't think anyone will question it.

    My Mum is giving me away. Dad died when I was a toddler so I always knew that it would be her doing the honours. Everyone I have spoken to about it thinks it's a lovely idea. My colour scheme is black and white - so thinking Mum will probably be in a bright colour like candy pink but we're still looking!

    I think a nice contrasting colour would look best else she might look like another bridesmaid.

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  • julia (modernphotographic)
    Beginner July 2010
    julia (modernphotographic) ·
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    I think your mum giving you away is lovely! I've seen it a few times and it's a lovely touch.

    If you have a colour scheme it might be nice if she matched but its by no means necessary! xx

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  • lamby
    Beginner August 2010
    lamby ·
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    Hi, my Mum's giving me away as my Dad passed away when I was younger. I wouldn't have had it any other way, whatever anyone said, but haven't come across any prejudice or people thinking it's strange, the Priest was totally fine and we're getting married in a very traditional Catholic Cathedral!

    We haven't found her outfit yet (panic!) but I've said to just wear what she wants, I wouldn't worry about co-ordinating with colours, etc, though there is some tradition about mum's of bride and groom doing that, but I think it's a bit controlling anyway! She has said she wants to look special as my mum, and cos she's doing an important job so in a way I think she feels a bit of pressure, but certainly not from me - I'll be so proud walking down the aisle with her and though it will of course be emotional I'm so glad we're doing it.

    Hope that helps, but really don't think you will come across prejudice, and as the others say - your day, your way xx

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