Never started one of these before enjoyed seeing one last week so thought I would start one this Friday
Good Managed to get some equipment cheap for our school of Rock
Good Got two cheap seven string guitars for two of our students
Good Husband bought a cheap bass rig, it is so much easier and lighter to move than his old one which I always felt wanted to kill me wait distribution appalling. My husband has a disability and so it is me who has to move equipment around.
Good Our new washing machine and separate tumble dryer arrived. I managed to plum in the washing machine it is so nice and quiet and does a great wash. First time we have found separate washing machine and dryer which will fit in our small kitchen.
Not Bad but sad my sons teacher who has been awesome has retired after being a teacher for 28 years
Bad still need to lay our blue brick path at the side of our house. We caught someone nicking them a few weeks ago grrr.