Ok, so a little bit of background before I delve in.
My H2B has been married twice before and this is my 3rd engagement. We have both had messy pasts but knew we were meant to be together as soon as we met 3 years ago.
When we met, My H2b was separated from his 2nd wife and I was with my 2nd Fiancé but the relationship was rocky and not great.
When we decided to be together is was on the condition that we needed a fresh start somewhere new, so moved to the other end of the country to start a new with no ex’s or mess. I have since moved around the country for the past 3 years with H2B’s job so he could move up the ladder. We’ve lived in 6 different postcodes and I’ve had 6 different jobs within this time which has been HARD. I’ve struggled to make and keep friends and have felt really unsettled moving around so much and not knowing anyone as well as being away from my family and friends.
So, In March this year (when I turned 30) I had a MASSIVE meltdown about how I was getting on and that I had accomplished nothing that I wanted to (ie marriage, kids, hadn’t finished my degree etc) and we came to an “agreement” that we would get married and went out to buy a ring….
Ever since this, I have felt like I’ve been robbed. I feel like it’s only happening because I winged about it and if I hadn’t, we wouldn’t be getting married.
Yesterday, when H2B picked me up from work he told me that a guy from work had bought a ring and was going to ask his girlfriend who he’s been with for 5 mins (and is an awful person) to marry him this weekend and I got a massive case of the green eyed monster.
I’ve told him how I feel and he just doesn’t get it. He thinks I’m just miffed that he doesn’t get involved with the planning.
Am I being stupid/unreasonable/demanding?
I feel like I’ve been robbed of a proper proposal…. (Feeling like a selfish c0w)