Hi everyone.
First post on here however I am a long term lurker.
Why wedding is at the end of November and I'm starting to think about my speech as the groom.
I would like to do something a little different rather than just rambling off a piece of paper. I would like it to be a bit more qwerky and memorable.
So my question is this: Would guests mind standing up when asked so that I can address them more personally?
It wouldn't be like: "Could Mike please stand", but rather a sort of question which will make the audience think about their relationship with myself and the bride. Ill be able to inject humor and get some tears on the go.
As an example....
"If you grew up with myself or my wife, went to school with us, played in the park, drank in the pub, partied at university, please stand up. " Few words about how important our friends are
Same as above for family.
"2 months ago I was dressed in a thong, had a face full of make up, and ended the night sleeping in a barn next to a horse. If you were complicate in this... Could you please stand." Then, of course, all of my best friends would stand up and I can say a few words..
Same as above for wife's closest friends.
Another example: "These persons have been there for us from the very beginning, giving us love, care and affection from the moment we were born to what we are today. Could you please stand. Of course, the mothers stand up and I can say a few words and give the gifts.
Another example: " Now as far as I know , our mothers aren't the virgin mary and they will have needed a helping hand hand..... " queue dads stand up and say a few words.
This would lead up to me describing the most beautiful woman in the room, heartfelt words, and of course my wife would stand up as the final and main person in my life.
Aim would be to have everyone stand up at least once. Most people would just come under friends or family.
If this is a stupid idea please let me know!
Speech would be about 10mins, asking 5-6 groups in total to stand briefly while I address the group (that should cover everyone)./