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Beginner July 2008

h2bs stag night?

so_excited, 13 June, 2008 at 15:32 Posted on Planning 0 27

whats ur h2b doing for it? and how would u feel if strippers were involved?

27 replies

Latest activity by Mrs Bloom, 14 June, 2008 at 12:14
  • D
    Super November 2008
    donnaj36 ·
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    I don`t know where he`s going yet, and there probably will be strippers going on-the last stag he went to, one of them was going to organise porn star/prostitutes around the pool in their villa!!! I was NOT impressed with that-fortunately, that never happened!! Unfortunately, it is same blokes stag in Ibiza next week, and I shudder to think what will be going on. Ignorance is bliss, I reckon.

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  • B
    Beginner July 2008
    Burrows2b ·
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    My H2B went to Cardiff last weekend for his Stag Weekend, he said he had an amazing time there were 16 of them all in all and they went out to a night club on friday and they dressed him in a wedding dress they then went paintballing on the saturday and the saturday nite they dresses as 118 men and 80's runners, they didn;t go to a strip club but it wouldn't have bothered me if they had, he quite regularly goes to our local strip club on boys nites out, he doesn't have private dances but it doesn't nother me that he goes

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  • Hepburn
    Beginner August 2008
    Hepburn ·
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    My H2B flew off to Krakow for his stag weekend this morning! They are firing assault rifles at a firing range tomorrow! ?!!!

    They will e going to a strip club either tonight or tomorrow and I would imagine the boys will get him a couple of private dances whihc will be way better than anything I could ever do!!! I have no issue with it at all. It's obligatory to see strippers when on a stag do isn't it!!

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  • CountDuckula
    Beginner August 2009
    CountDuckula ·
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    He doesn't know what he's doing yet, it's too far away.

    I couldn't give a monkeys whether strippers will be involved. it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

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  • willownat1
    Beginner September 2008
    willownat1 ·
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    Personaly I dont mind if my H2B went to see some strippers TBH, but then I am really laid back about stuff like that. Plus I will be goiing to a lapdancing club for my Hen night so I dont see the problem. We are commited to each other and there is no question of either of us being unfaithful.

    Plus its his Stag night so I am kinda expecting it

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  • lisaloulou
    lisaloulou ·
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    My H went to Vegas for 8 nights with 25 mates (when we first talked about it, it was 3 nights!!!). They had a great time but he was ready to come home after 3 days as he missed me so much he said awww. It was a joint stag do with a friend of ours who gets married in August.

    I wouldn't have been thrilled if they had strippers every night mainly because I know that's not "him" or the other groom IYSWIM and it doesn't interest either of them so they would be going along with it for the others. But of course in Vegas I thought they would. However turns out they didn't see any strippers as they preferred to play poker instead!

    Turns out it was me who had the naked man at my hen do - and H knew it was planned!

    Has your planned anything yet?

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  • S
    Beginner July 2008
    so_excited ·
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    so just me that doesnt want him 2 see strippers-its not the strippers as such its just i know the others will buy him private dance/show and it makes me feel quite ill/jealous at the thought of it, and him enjoying some other woman iykwim?

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  • D
    Super November 2008
    donnaj36 ·
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    I think thats just men for you. At the end of the day, these poor girls are just doing it for the money and the daft men that watch them know this. The thing I don`t like is the exploitation of the women that do it, but I suppose they get well paid for it.

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  • Hepburn
    Beginner August 2008
    Hepburn ·
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    I don't think you are alone feeling that way so_excited, only a few people have replied.

    The reason it doesn't bother me is that I know that the women are professionals and no matter how much they excite him he'll be coming home to me and not doing anything with them. It's their job so unlikely to be getting turned on themselves and they certainly wouldn't cross any boundaries.

    Blokes will get turned on by a lapdance but at the end of the day he's marrying you and it's you he will come home and go to bed with.

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  • willownat1
    Beginner September 2008
    willownat1 ·
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    This is exactly what I was gonna say, plus a couple of my really close friends in Manchester work as strippers and they do Private dances too, they are even coming to the wedding. They see it as away to pay the bills and put food on the table. Its nothing special to them and I think men only like it so much as its kinda a taboo thing. Honestly dont worry yourself over it, its you he loves.

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  • rlw2b
    Beginner September 2008
    rlw2b ·
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    I seriously wouldn't worry about it. As far as I know unless they're going to a VERY fancy place, most of these girls are just normal looking women and nothing special (apologies to any strippers/lapdancers I have just offended) and probably so tired they can barely stand up and a stag party is the last thing they want to see! Also as everyone has pointed out, they're doing a job and are not there to tempt away your beloved.

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  • lisaloulou
    lisaloulou ·
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    No its not just you at all. I should have expanded on my post but I fear I was starting to ramble.

    I told H that if he went in strip clubs, whatever. I know he wouldn't choose to go in them but he would if the others wanted to. However, private dances I was not happy with. I guess my thing is, I'm the sort of person that if I don't want to do something then I don't do it. He's got a big enough mouth on him to say no if he didn't want to do something so I guess the "going along with the others" annoyed me a bit as it was his and the other guys stag do and its not what they wanted to do.

    Its these girls jobs and in a way I think fair play to them for getting blokes to pay to see some boobs if the blokes are silly enough to pay. The girls aren't interesed in the blokes and are probably thinking what to put on their shopping lists. It never crossed my mind that he would cheat and it wasn't insecurity in that respect. I don't like the idea of private dances as he wouldn't think it was ok for a woman to jiggle her bits in front of him any other time so why in a strip club just because he's getting married,

    See, I rambled! lol

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  • S
    Beginner July 2008
    so_excited ·
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    thanks ladies, i think im more annoyed that its his brother whose "organizing " it, as "best man" but thats another post, and he said will go strip club coz ally would hate it ( thats me) i really dont like his brother, 4 lots of reasons but dont to ramble on.

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  • Kebab thief
    Beginner August 2008
    Kebab thief ·
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    so_excited you are definitely not alone in this! I felt physically sick at the thought of my h2b having a lap dance and began to get irrationally stressed about it. I guess it stems from my own insecurities about my body and the fact that I am often too tired to have sex and an underlying fear that one day he's going to get bored of having to look after me and not getting enough sex and he'll probably leave me. On my good days however I just laugh all of this off as me being daft and irrational.

    I really do have an issue with my h2b getting an erection whilst looking at another woman - and yes that probably makes me sad and immature and everything else, and yes I know that it's not something that men have a lot of control over but it just makes me feel icky.

    Oh and please don't flame me for any of this, I'm not having a good day and I just wanted to give my honest reply

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  • willownat1
    Beginner September 2008
    willownat1 ·
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    Ahhh so the 'Best man' is arranging it just to get your back up?

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  • S
    Beginner July 2008
    so_excited ·
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    i wont flame u , i agree with what yourve said, i also have low self esteem i think it doesnt help that my body changed after i had our son, ( 2 n half yrs ago) , also sometimes i think he will get bored as we been together since we were young (18) that was 5 years ago nearly so guess he mite feel his missed out on things

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  • S
    Beginner July 2008
    so_excited ·
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    percisely! the "best man " that is worse than useless, he make me so angry just thinking about him,

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  • Kate84
    Beginner August 2009
    Kate84 ·
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    I am another one of these. I felt sick just reading your post, stems back to an old cheating b*stard of a boyfriend. I trust my H2B (of course) but I am glad he's just going down the pub with friends and male family (I am guessing my dad won't get him a stripper, but you never know!). Even though you know theres nothing to worry about, its stressful.

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  • Morrigan
    Beginner July 2008
    Morrigan ·
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    You're definitely not alone.

    I'm looking for go kart tracks for my H2B's stag do atm as his bro/bestman has been pretty lame and it's meant to be in 2 weeks but he hasn't really organised anything yet. They're planning to go go karting and then down to near his favourite brewery for lots of his favourite real ale. I very much doubt there'll be a strip club. H2B wouldn't want to go to one and he's stubborn enough not to be pushed into it. For which I'm glad as I can't say I'd be comfortable with it.

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  • Melancholie
    Beginner December 2014
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    My h2b said to tell you that as long as his erection isn't IN another woman, you shouldn't worry about it! ? It's a perfectly natural thing and something he has no control over.

    Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with h2b going to a strip club, although he isn't doing. When my cousin got married her h went to a few different strip clubs and he came back rather unimpressed. He said he actually just felt sorry for the women who were having to walk round a grotty club in their underwear asking men to put money in a pint glass. He said it was all a bit seedy. For his, he's going paintballing, followed by a curry, then on to a rock club.

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  • Kebab thief
    Beginner August 2008
    Kebab thief ·
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    Good point MrMelancholie2b! Told you I'm irrational!

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  • D
    Super November 2008
    donnaj36 ·
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    Kebab theif-maybe it`s just the topic that got me thinking, but that piece of meat at the bottom of your avator looks very penis like-is that deliberate??!!!

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  • Kebab thief
    Beginner August 2008
    Kebab thief ·
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    Hehe, can't believe you're the first to notice! It is indeed meat and 2 veg

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  • D
    Super November 2008
    donnaj36 ·
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    thought I was seeing things!!!!!!!

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  • E
    Beginner August 2008
    Els09/08/08 ·
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    Mine is off to Amsterdam so I've no doubt there'll be something stripper like invoved (ping pong balls were mentioned!). I'm not bothered about that aspect at all. One of them has been told he is not allowed into a lap dancing club under any circumstances and he seems determined to stick to that but I reckon the rest will bully him into going. My only fear is that they'll play some kind of prank on him that could involve him getting hurt because they are pretty immature when they all get together without their ladies.

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  • willownat1
    Beginner September 2008
    willownat1 ·
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    Arent they all? hee hee

    I think mine is trying very hard not to bother with a Stag Night, He's not very trusting of his friends once they get drunk. Plus he would rather spend more time with his BF2 game!!

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  • A
    Beginner November 2009
    Alicatt ·
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    'Im indoors has gone on a stag do today and there will be a strip club involved later on and it doesn't really bother me too much. I did tell him he was only allowed to look and I was told he wouldn't and that he doesn't really enjoy it that much but will go cos it's a bit of a laugh. He went on a stag weekend last year and was offered a private dance but had to turn it down because apparently she looked too much like me. Oops. There will be a strip club involved on his own stag in a couple of months I'm sure too.

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  • M
    Beginner March 2009
    Mrs Bloom ·
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    H2B's best men asked me if he was allowed a stripper (I think they are scared of me?)

    I said yes as long as he doesn't touch her, or her touch him.

    I don't know where they'll fit it in on his stag as they were planning on go-karting, for a curry and then off to a nightclub.

    I keep picturing the stripper going round in the go-karts!

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