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Beginner October 2019

Help - My top table is odd!

HappyBlueCakes671, 24 September, 2019 at 16:19 Posted on Planning 0 4

I'm really struggling with the top table - does etiquette require the top table to be symmetrical?

My parents are divorced and my father has remarried where my mother has not and her partner is unable to make it. I want my stepmother to be on the top table but it then creates the issue of have 5 females and only 4 males and no matter which way I do it we have 2 females sat next to each other currently it have:


Its sending my OCD wild but I don't know if i'm making a bigger deal out of it than it is

4 replies

Latest activity by LuxuriousGreenHair66000, 25 October, 2019 at 19:18
  • L
    Dedicated June 2019
    LuxuriousPurpleBridesmaid73066 ·
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    I wouldn’t worry about an uneven top table as nobody else will. My top table was uneven after one of my bridesmaids drunkenly pulled out of my wedding eight weeks before. With modern living the way it is and so many extended families what counts is what works for you.

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  • Mintyslippers
    Mintyslippers ·
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    Family politics are very common at weddings these days so I wouldnt worry.

    And not one single person ever will look at a top table and say "Thats uneven, nope, not doing this, im off". Not one.

    And rembeber folks. Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.

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  • E
    Beginner April 2020
    ExpensiveYellowConfetti853 ·
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    Tradition be gone!

    we are having a round top table I think and not having parents as my parents are divorced and remarried and in laws are still married. I don’t want my dads wife on top table, would just all be awkward. We are having maybe my sister and her boyfriend, and best man and his wife. Undecided about having our two boys on our table

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  • S
    Beginner September 2021
    sayidowithlou ·
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    Who says your top table has to be symmetrical?

    Who says it has to be male female male female etc?

    Who says you have to even have a top table!? Do a sweetheart table of just you and your hubby and throw all the parents on a table of their own lol.

    Your wedding do it YOUR way and the way YOU want it to be. Hell to traditions and what society thinks you should do. Do what you feel is best and it anyone complains sit them in the corner facing the wall and then strike them off the christmas card list lol.

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  • L
    Savvy August 2021
    LuxuriousGreenHair66000 ·
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    Dont worry about it being odd nor seating the same gender together or not symmetrical

    If it bothers you that much you could go for an alternative style top table, such as a circular table.

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