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Beginner May 2010

Help!! Please!

jem179, 9 June, 2009 at 17:25 Posted on Planning 0 5

I wonder if there are any hitcher out there who might be able to offer me a bit of's a really long story so I'm going to try and be brief, this is getting to me a bit and I could go on and on!!

My boyfriend proposed to me last summer while we were on holiday and we were really excited and started planning as soon as we got back. My parents had offered to give us a contribution to the cost but it took me months to get my mum to give me an actual figure so I knew what kind of budget I was working to. Unfortunately she then decided to attach loads of strings like who we had to invite and who the bridesmaids have to be and said we could also ask the people we wanted but they would be extra and we would have to pay. In the meantime we'd done some research and picked pretty much everything we wanted although we did try and keep the cost down.

Unfortunately, my mum then decided she didnt like anything that we picked and thought everything should be different so with this and everything else we decided we would have to pay for it ourselves and do it without asking parents anything (although we both wanted some support). This meant we would probably have to postpone things although maybe we could have used credit cards etc.....

Every time we made a decision on something someone threw something negative at us and now my H2B isnt sure he wants to bother at all because of all the problems Smiley sad

We thought about getting married abroad but its not really what either of us want, we both had the traditional church wedding in mind with all our family and friends. My mum has now offered to contribute again but still with the stipulation of the bridesmaids and I don't want to cause any family feuds so either way I'm going to have to go along with that. But H2B won't budge because he sees how upset I keep getting whenever I get my hopes up and then something else comes along. We both thought this was supposed to be a happy time but it all just feels horrible now and neither of us feel like it's something we can look forward to.

I'd heard about bridezillas before but does anyone have any experience with mumzillas and what to do when the groom changes his mind? We are both in the same place in that it's not the same but I don't think it ever will be now and I just don't know what to do!!!! Any help would be gratefully received!

(sorry that wasn't as brief as I was aiming for)

5 replies

Latest activity by Finesse (HIB), 10 June, 2009 at 23:26
  • sparkles1984
    sparkles1984 ·
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    Hey Jem, I can see where you are coming from.

    Everyone keeps saying to at the end of the day it is your day and no one elses. Your mum is wrong in dictating to you who should come and you actually having to pay the extra for the people 'you' want to come. I think if my mum was being like that then I would kindly tell her that I would do it on my own. We are saving a lot of money ourselves and have my dad(not married anymore) to pay for some towards it. My mum hasnt really had much of a say in what we have done and this way she hasnt paid anything into it either.

    I guess it is for you to decide who you want to come, do you want to be told who or would you like to choose yourself, there are ways to have a great wedding at an affordable cost. Just do as im doing and limit the number of guests and look for the ceapest way of doing something you like.

    Hope you manage to sort it out though!

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  • Mel B
    Mel B ·
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    Hi Jem

    What a horrible situation for you to be in. I don't have anyone to contribute to our wedding, h2b and I are paying for everything and we are really struggling (poor teachers!) but we decided that we would rather set the date later rather than sooner in order for us to save up. TO be honest, I know that getting married is something we want to happen (almost) immediately but sometimes it's worth the wait in order to save up and have what YOU and H2B want not what your mum wants. Your mum has had her wedding- you should have yours- tell her where to get off (nicely if needs be) and that if she wants to contribute she can't make the rules!

    Good luck- let us know what happens x

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  • B
    Beginner August 2009
    BlurpImpala ·
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    I would sit your Mum down (or write her a letter if you think that would avoid a row) and explain how the situation is making you feel.

    That said, it's probably worth looking at all the issues and deciding what is most important to you and which ones you could live with compromising on. Then maybe you can appease people by compromising in some areas. People will always have opinions on your wedding (especially the mother of the bride!), you just have to focus on what is most important to you and ignore themSmiley smile.

    We have had some issues with family expressing opinions (eg my Dad thinking flowers are a waste of money, my OH Dad initially refusing to wear matching suit becasue he didn't think it was "that sort" of wedding ?! , parents forcing guests on us etc) but have taken the approach of listening to their advice and taking on their suggestions where we were ambivalent to head off too many demands. At the end of the day small details eg who your bridemaids are don't seem worth setting off a massive family feud to me.

    Good luck?

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  • jem179
    Beginner May 2010
    jem179 ·
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    Thanks for all your advice! I do want my mum to be involved but she's just being so difficult I think I'll have to just do it without her (how helpful is the comment "I don't like red flowers" when the colour scheme has been red and silver from the outset???!!!)

    Now I just have to convince my OH that it will all be OK, he's so fed up of it and I kind of understand that but it doesn't help!!

    Oh well, onwards and upwards!

    Thanks everyone

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  • Finesse (HIB)
    Finesse (HIB) ·
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    Hi Jem

    I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this, weddings can bring out the best and the worst in people.

    I have seen this on numerous occassions and this is why I've been brough in by the couple sometimes as no matter what they say, the parents disagree and generally bully the couples into doing things they don't want to do. When I am faced with this situation (I have a wedding just like this for August) I obviously have to speak to the parents near the beginning of me coming on board. Most parents at the beginning are against having a planner, but the couples have paid for me themselves so it doesn't effect the parents budget and they don't have a say. Basically, I listen to them and their ideas, I make very loud approving noises of the ideas I think can be incorporated as to make them feel like they have a valued opinion and then find ways of building them into the scheme in a way which the couple are happy with. If I feel and the couple agree that things being mentioned aren't to their liking, then I will say that they won't work with the scheme, or it's not really the right look/feel for the wedding etc and the couple can turn around and say 'well Ruth said it won't work' and 9/10 times it works and the situations are dealt with.

    I think you do need to be strong and if you feel that strongly about it, which you would do naturally, then you do need to address it with your mum properly. You have to say, 'I really appreciate you wanting to contribute to the wedding but the way you are acting about it is making us sad and on the verge of not getting married at all and we're not enjoying what is supposed to be the happiest time together. I would like you to respect our choices and what WE want for OUR big day and if you can't do that, they'll we'll have to do it alone, which we really don't want to do.'

    I know it's easier said than done. One option could be to find a local wedding planner. I offer hourly consultations where I sit down with the couples and more often than not, their families to go through their wedding planning so they start in the right direction and they know how their wedding is going to look and how they are going to achieve it with their budgets set for them. If you found a planner who did this near you, you could arrange a meeting with your mum being there. Give the planner a heads up about why you need them to be there, which is really to give a professional confirmation about YOUR ideas but they should also be able to listen to your mum and involve hers too. A lot of the time parents think they know best as you are too young/naive/inexperienced to possibly understand what is involved in planning your wedding, but once they've had confirmation from a professional who does know how to plan a wedding their views soon change.

    It's something to think about and I hope you manage to sort things out before it's too late



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