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Beginner August 2014

Help! Table "NUMBER" ideas...

HappyCouple14, 17 August, 2014 at 22:30 Posted on Planning 0 21

Hey guys I get married in 10 days and I'm stumped on my table numbers!

Lots of guests have "jokes" saying don't put me on table 10 (the last table) as tables are usually numbered in importance which is correct I have 7 tables of family and 3 tables of friends so how do I decided who goes on which table???!! I was thinking perhaps to do something more quirky and give the tables names or colours instead of numbers so it's not as blunt? Any opinions or suggestions Smiley smile

21 replies

Latest activity by Charliefarlie89, 19 August, 2014 at 10:32
  • MrsGreen-27/9/14
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsGreen-27/9/14 ·
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    10 DAYS!!!!!! WOOT!!!!! Bet you're getting really excited now?!!! ?We're spiritualists so we're naming our tables after crystals that correspond to the 7 chakras (energy centres in the body), but we have 8 tables not 7!!! So went with another favourite crystal just to fill the gap as it were. What hobbies or interests do you both share that could be used? Do you like the cinema? You could name them after your favourite films, or your favourite bands; I saw on don't tell the bride they used CD covers from their favourite albums which I thought was a good idea. Festivals? Places you've visited & hold special memories? I've even seen tables named after different types of shoes!!!! Kitten heels, walking boots, stilettos lol, not my cup of tea but definitely quirky! Different flowers? Rose table, lavender table, forget-me-not, bluebell etc..... different type of wines or beers perhaps if you like drinking? Hope this has helped to give you some ideas.

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
    *J9* ·
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    We had numbers and as far as I know nobody thought they were less important on table 7 than table 1. I've certainly never felt that way at a wedding.

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  • T
    Teal ·
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    Rather than think the tables are No1- most important and No7- least important, why not just number them across the room as they are on the floor? Number 1 at one side and 7 at the other?

    When I have been to a wedding, I have never even considered that a higher number means I'm not as important!

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  • Melancholie
    Beginner December 2014
    Melancholie ·
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    First time round I used our grandparents names. It was nice way of including important family members who were no longer with us, and the one surviving grandparent we had between us loved being on a table named for him!

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  • H
    Beginner July 2016
    HeavyMetalMaiden ·
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    I honestly never though the number signified importance

    I guess to eradicate that, put the table nearest the door as number 1, the top tablr number 4 etc. Just mix it up - its just a number!! :-)

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Just use random numbers - or numbers that mean something to you.....your birthday, the month you met. your "lucky" number etc.

    That way, you might have something like 7, 12, 147, 93, 2010, and, to really confuse people, 6.125

    ,It would get people talking.....!

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  • laurafish
    Beginner July 2016
    laurafish ·
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    I like this idea, my friend did it recently. There were only 5 tables so you would have to come up with a few other ideas, but she had:

    Weeks since we got engaged
    Months since we got together
    Days since our first holiday together
    Minutes since we said 'I do'
    Days since we moved in to our first place together

    Then no number is 'more important' than the other Smiley smile

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  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
    MrsKHbutterfly ·
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    Our tables all have 4 digit numbers, some are obvious i.e 1909 is the 19th sept which is our wedding day, but others are not - 4578 - the number of days since we met. My family is on my day and month of birth. Oh is on his, but then we have some weird ones in there too

    Had quite a bit of fun thinking up completely random numbers that in some bizarre way mean something to us.

    You can have whatever you want as your table numbers, but i wouldn't worry about people feeling not as important on the higher numbered tables, i've never felt this anyway

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  • M
    Making-Things-Happen ·
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    An idea I had for my auntie's wedding was to pick key years or dates from their time together and name the tables that, then write a short bit on why it's a key memory for you on a piece of card on each table.

    I agree with others though that I wouldn't think I'm any less important if I'm on table 1 to table 10.

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  • E
    Beginner June 2015
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    We are having football player names! something a bit different and something to do with what we both love!

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  • H
    Beginner August 2014
    HappyCouple14 ·
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    Thank you so much, so many lobely ideas. Il be sure to let you all know what we decide Smiley smile x

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  • LoveSka
    Beginner October 2011
    LoveSka ·
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    We had our favourite band names for our tables. We put 8 children on the 'Bad Manners' table,,,, ?

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  • soraneko
    Beginner June 2016
    soraneko ·
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    I'm having a butterfly theme, so I'm hoping to use the names of flowers that attract butterflies (the actual UK butterfly names are all pretty boring!)

    Mabye different shades of your colour scheme? Have fun with it, but I agree that there's no way anyone will truly feel less important if you just use normal numbers!

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  • overtherainbow
    overtherainbow ·
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    Our daughter had their favourite DVD's and had empty covers in the table stands and the main character of the film as the table name on the plan so the guests had to guess which table they were on to make it more fun. For example this one:-

    This had Buddy on the table plan.

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  • S
    Beginner September 2014
    Sarah_88 ·
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    That sounds fun!

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  • *Funny*Bunny*
    Beginner August 2014
    *Funny*Bunny* ·
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    We had a long list of options for table "numbers" my favourites were:

    - Meaningful numbers (e.g. 8 the day of bride's birthday, 15 day of groom's birthday, 2 month of engagement, etc)

    - Meaningful dates (08.05.91 bride's birthday, 14.02.2013 day we got engaged etc etc)

    - Places we've been together (either city names or country names, we haven't been to enough places for our number of tables though! This was my definite favourite!)

    - "Love" or "I love you" in different languages, we both loved this but went against it in the end, I think it'd work best if the couple are multi or bi-lingual or have a keen interest in language or lots of different cultures. Between us we speak only English, I speak a teeny bit of bad french! So we decided it didn't work for us!

    Other more generic options we liked:

    - Animals (I wanted this, H2B said no!)

    - Trees

    - Flowers

    - Precious stones

    In the end we went for one I really loved and H2B didn't really like originally then suddenly a week ago we were going through our options again and he said "I really like that one now".... Disney couples Smiley laugh we love disney and when we started dating we spent so many nights in together watching disney movies and singing disney songs together so it definitely means something to us Smiley laugh

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  • k.j.w
    Beginner June 2017
    k.j.w ·
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    If you want numbers I agree with the suggestions above (significant dates etc) or try this page for other ideas:

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  • ClaireD*
    Beginner May 2014
    ClaireD* ·
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    Loving this option - kind of wish I'd done it now. I personally think the key would be to use totally insignificant numbers, to mirror the style of the artist 'On Kawara'. Yeah I did it - I went all high brow and cultural on your ass. BOOM!

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  • MrsB88
    Beginner August 2015
    MrsB88 ·
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    We were going to have the word love in different languages but have now decided just on numbers. I dont think thenumbers represent importance at all, and i have never felt this way as a guest.

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  • Curlysuzie
    Beginner September 2014
    Curlysuzie ·
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    We are having knots as our table names, we met at scouts and we are tying the knot! :-)

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  • C
    Beginner August 2016
    Chale ·
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    My friends had London tube stops as their table names, because they started going out when he lived in London. Other weddings I've been to have just had table numbers, but I don't remember being bothered by how high or low the number was! People should be rational enough to realise that it's probably a total nightmare to do a seating plan (I have that to look forward to) and that if they are on table 10 then that doesn't mean that they're not important. Or just go down the table name route and totally mix up family and friends.

    Our latest idea for table names was cathedrals, especially as we got engaged outside York Minster, but I'm now considering places that mean a lot to us, as then one of them could be York. Or possibly composers - apart from that I'm struggling to think of a common theme!

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  • Charliefarlie89
    Beginner August 2016
    Charliefarlie89 ·
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    We have decided to go for names of places or street names that mean something to us and underneath, we will write the significance of those places Smiley smile

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