Right, I have my Chair of Parent Council hat on now. This is maybe a long shot, but I'd be very grateful if any of you would consider donating a raffle prize for my son's school? It's to raise funds for the school, which will be spent on a badly needed playground makeover, as well as educational aids, and treats for the kids like a visit by African drummers.
Last year the raffle was fairly high profile, with some really fantastically good prizes from local businesses etc, and it would be nice to have even more this year, so I'm slightly widening the net this time, and extending the requests to more online based businesses too.
The school is in Fife, so obviously you might want to bear that in mind when it comes to whether this is something that might be of use to you in terms of publicity. And I would need to receive any prizes by Wed 25th March.
Names of businesses were well publicised on the night last year, and a letter went home to all parents after the event, with names and contact details of all the businesses who donated.
If perchance anyone is interested, then mail me through my profile or ***@*********.**.**
Thanks ?