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Beginner January 2007

Hmm does this sound dodgy?

Roobarb, 30 March, 2009 at 15:15 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 4

Had a knock at the door there and I answered it, it was 2 people - I thought it looked like a schoolboy and his mum ? and they launched into a narrative about how there had been changes to the BT exchange, were we on a BT line, how much were we paying for our broadband as we shouldn't be paying anything as TalkTalk do free broadband. The bloke asked if he could come in and carry out a test on my line, "just a simple 0800 number" - I said no that I didn't want them to come into my house and he asked if I had a cordless phone he could just do it on the doorstep - I said no (I am sure I've heard of scams where they can put in phone numbers that end up costing you a fortune) but if he had a leaflet or any literature he could leave that - he said they didn't have any leaflets as they only had enough leaflets to give one to people who signed up today (so how do they know how many people are going to sign up and so how many leaflets to have?). They weren't wearing ID badges and didn't show me an ID card.

Does this sound ropey or am I a cynical old bag who's missed out on the chance of free broadband ?

And as a side issue, do people need a licence to come and try and sell you stuff round the doors? If not, it's a bit odd that they need one to try and sell you stuff in the street/shopping mall but can come and harrass you in your own home without one.

4 replies

Latest activity by Dooby, 30 March, 2009 at 15:45
  • RuthG
    Beginner July 2004
    RuthG ·
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    Sounds very dodgy to me! Did they say what company they were from? Was it actually Talk talk? I'd be ringing them and finding out if they are doing that kind of advertising where you are.

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  • P
    Beginner May 2005
    Pint&APie ·
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    Does sound a bit dodge. But then I'm very suspicious of these types after a London Electricity rep fraudulantly signed us up for their dual fuel scheme after a visit.

    Any company is free to knock on your door and ask if you'd like to hear about their product. Most are happy to take a polite "no thanks" as an answer.

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  • Roobarb
    Beginner January 2007
    Roobarb ·
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    ? both.

    Just been on TalkTalk's website and no mention of free broadband there, hmm.

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  • L
    loopyloo ·
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    I might be wrong here Roobarb, but havent they just made Renfrewshire a no cold calling area. Lots of adverts about it on the radio right now.

    I think you done the right thing.

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  • Dooby
    Dooby ·
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    Sounds highly suspect to me, I think you definitely did the right thing. Might it be worth a call to your local police station just to alert them to the fact these people are doing the rounds? Next door they knock at the person might not be as clued up as you and let them in (which is just the sort of thing my gran would have done!).

    *Edited to say "knock at" rather than "knock out" which is not what i'm suggesting at all! ?

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