If I offer cake to anyone who can help me with ideas, can anyone make some suggestions for me?
After the crappy year me and OH have had, we have decided now that things are starting to look up and work out, we will treat ourselves to a holiday next year, a nice one, in fact probably the only great one we will ever get.
Our budget may not be as grand as some holidays would need, but we are prepared to splurge about £2000 on this holiday, for the two of us, which is a fortune.
We like some relaxing beach/hotel/general rest time but also something to see or do.
Any ideas where we could go that would feel amazing but within our budget ish, I don't want to start looking at places way over but there are too many options to just go to a holiday website, any recommendations? We may never have the funds for a fab trip again knowing our luck so I want to find something he will love (his help has been along the lines of "theres loads of places I'd like to go to...)