I have just got back from the supermarket, and had a horrid experience whilst there. I was walking down to the fruit aisle, and noticed an elderly lady doubled-over in the aisle, i went over to see if she was ok (she was having difficulty breathing) and this awful man behind me starting tutting loudly, i turned around and he said to me "move your f*****g trolley out of my way" i explained to him that i had just stopped to see if the lady was ok (whilst moving said trolley) and he just rammed me in the stomach with his trolley causing me to fall backwards into the elderly lady who in turn fell to the floor (which i still feel guilty about)
Security came over to see all the commotion, found me and the lady on the floor and the guy still shouting and swearing at me. Luckily they helped the elderly lady to her feet and i think called an ambulance.
I just can't understand what the guys problem was, i mean it was completley unprovoked and uncalled for, i feel shaky, (but silly for feeling like it).
Just wanted to offload.