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Beginner August 2009

How did you hitchers get engaged?

Kate84, 11 June, 2008 at 09:56 Posted on Planning 0 25

Just to start a conversation. How did you hitchers get engaged? Anyone any romantic stories? If your willing to share of course.

We got engaged on Christmas morning, when we'd woken up. Nothing special, just a ring and a few words....

25 replies

Latest activity by bec84, 11 June, 2008 at 15:50
  • cherry_rose
    Beginner October 2009
    cherry_rose ·
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    We got engaged on the London Eye on Valentines Day. OH had booked a 'champagne flight' so we got champagne, chocolates and a rose as we went on. Then as we went over the top he went down on one knee and proposed.

    OH had cunningly slipped his camera to the attendant on the way up so we have gorgeous photos of the proposal moment with Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament lit up in the background ?

    I pretty much knew what was going to happen before we got on and was really nervous all the way up and then fluffed the moment and gave him the wrong hand to put the ring on.

    There were loads of people around us too congratulating (and giving us lots of champagne!) and we saw one disgruntled woman nudge her boyfriend, gave him a cross look and said 'Look what he's doing.'

    It was very cheesy but amazing.

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  • chids
    chids ·
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    In disney's hollywood studios in florida. we were there in christmas 2005 and on christmas day we went to the magic kingdom which was too busy, originally h2b wanted to do it underneath cinderella castle. He ended up proposing under the sorcorers hat in the hollywood stuios and it was lovely. Afterwards all these americans came over and shook our hand and congratulated us.

    We're going back there for our honeymoon in october and can't wait.

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  • S
    soon2bsummers ·
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    Proposal was very out of character for H2b. He doesn't do gestures of any kind!

    He's called me at work on a saturday asking if I wanted to do anything that night as he could get a babysitter. Said yes that would be good. He called back a bit later asking where the overnight bag was! "Why?" I said. "Oh, my mum wants to borrow it" he said "Ok I'll see you when I get home" He then offered to come and pick me up (very unusual!) so I said fine.

    He picked me up and started driving but noticed he was going a different way. So I asked why he said "Just a little detour" Been driving for about 25 mins and I noticed we were heading towards Bath by which time I had got suspicious! When I asked what he was up to he just said "We're just having a drive"

    Anyway, after much questioning we pulled up outside the Hilton in Bath. Turns out he had had this night arranged for weeks and had picked the ring up that week. He got down on one knee in the hotel room and in a very shakey voice said "I was wondering in you might marry me?". He said he wanted to do it when we went out for dinner but he couldn't wait!!

    I know it doesn't really sound much but as I said it was all very out of character for him and definately a night I will NEVER forget.

    Just going off for a ? moment!

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  • MissElaina
    Beginner February 2009
    MissElaina ·
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    Ours was walking round our local park on a nice relaxed saturday in February. Didn't get down on one knee and it wasn't in some of the amazing places you guys got propsed to, but it was perfect for me, if he'd done all the roses and bended knee thing he wouldn't know me and i would probably have said no.

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  • annie75
    Beginner February 2009
    annie75 ·
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    The proposal itself was very plain. My other half proposed on my birthday, when he brought me breakfast in bed (which was a suprise itself). Then he sat on the bed and gave me my birthday presant (i can't even remember what it was). Then the ring. I assumed it was just a birthday presant because we had talked about marriage before and decided not yet (kids, money etc.) Then he said "It's a will you marry me ring?" I thought he meant a type of ring you get like an eternity ring and just said "oh, thank you" and proceeded to inspect it.

    After a long pause he said ?"arn't you gonna answer me then?" (he must have been so nervous). ?doh How could i be soooo daft, i said "oh sorry, yes" the rest is history.❤️

    It was a complete suprise and he did really well to keep it from me because he normally doesn't make a move without me. He'd chosen the ring (without any help from anyone) and asked my dad, which i was really pleased about.

    Also he'd managed to keep it from everyone else, which means he had come to this decision by himself, this means alot to me❤️?


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  • loobyg
    Beginner November 2008
    loobyg ·
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    H2B had told me a few times when he was drunk that he wanted to marry me and each time I had said that if he could remember the conversation in the morning the answer was yes. Every time it was never mentioned.

    Eventually I got my friends husband to make a jigsaw puzzle of a photo of the two of us with 'will you marry me' written on it. I hid the pieces round the house and gave him clues to do a treasure hunt (he thought he was looking for his birthday present!). Turns out he had remembered the drunken conversations but had never plucked up the courage to mention it again when sober!

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  • annandy2007
    Beginner November 2008
    annandy2007 ·
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    We were in a hot air ballooon over the Valley of the Kings in Luxor. Just as he started talking the balloon operator turned the power up so my first response was "what??"

    It was very romantic though and it still amazes me how he smuggled the ring across without me knowing...

    He went down on one knee when we first looked at our venue.... so we knew it was the right choice

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  • Kate84
    Beginner August 2009
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    I was a bit the same. I would have hated to have everyone looking at me. I was so shy I couldn't even think how to tell my family. It was a bit hmmm, good morning, hmmm were getting married. Everyone was expecting it, and I mean EVERYONE (good sign I suppose) so when they came over for christmas lunch there was loads of expectant faces and I sort of mumbles something about it. Was anyone else like this? Am I just wierd?

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  • bluewater
    Beginner August 2009
    bluewater ·
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    H2b organised a night in a swanky 5* london hotel for us - proposed on bended knee (despite always saying he wouldn't) by this big bay window overlooking london. apparently he said "will you marry me.... please?" (h2b thinks manners are v.important!) though i didn't hear the please as i then started laughing and crying hysterically (at the same time berating him for making me cry and mess up my make up!). remembered to say yes, and spent the next 10 minutes jumping on the bed. flew up to tell his family in scotland 2 days later. he'd had it planned for 5 months so was a bit annoyed when his best mate called the previous week to say he'd got engaged too.... oops.

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  • loobyg
    Beginner November 2008
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    Mine would have been laughed at if he had done the one knee thing! It just isn't us! He has never bought me flowers and I like it that way - would much rather see plants living in a pot instead of dying in a vase,although he has never bought me a pot plant either... closest he got was buying me some beans seeds to plant!!

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  • wonderstuff
    Beginner August 2009
    wonderstuff ·
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    Nearly 10 years ago he asked me when we were hill walking in the peak district. He didn't go down on one knee, just asked as part of our conversation.

    However with the fact we were young (I was 17, he was 23) and I wanted to go to uni, we've only just got round to planning the wedding. In fact it will a 10 year long engagement.

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  • D
    Super November 2008
    donnaj36 ·
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    Ours was in the kitchen in our house, and was totally out of the blue after 10 years together (despite my regular sulks/tantrums every time a friend got married). He had bought a love heart shaped box which I peeped in and found one of those ring sizing things which I thought was an African style necklace-I started to think about how I was going to feign surprise and pretend that I liked it (I thought it was horrible-not realising what it was) when it dawned on me. I had to go upstairs and finish the essay that had to be in the next day and pretend I hadnt looked in the box, all the while my head and tummy were doing somersaults! When he asked me to open the box, he had written `marry me` in the bottom and I just jumped up and down laughing and crying. We then got the ring made afterwards and I love it!

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  • mrsmcardle2b
    Beginner June 2008
    mrsmcardle2b ·
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    Friday June 2nd 2006
    I arrived home from work on Friday night having had suspicions all day that Ian was up to something. I had even explained to one of my friends at work that I thought he was either going to propose or had another woman! On arrival there were 2 letters and a key on the table in our hallway. The first explained that Ian (having used his employment at Imperial College as a cover for his MI5 career) had been 'kidnapped' and that I had the responsibility of rescuing him. It told me to go upstairs where I would find two outfits to choose from and I should select one and get changed. When I got to the bedroom there were two evening dresses from Coast on the bed and further instructions telling me to get changed and go and wait in the car park for someone to pick me up at 7pm (which turned out to be the longest wait of my life). I did as I was told and was waiting outside looking daft in an evening dress when a red Ferrari 360 came roaring around the corner! I gave the driver the second letter which instructed us to go to a location in Chelmsford which turned out to be the Big Yellow Self-storage centre. I had pass codes to get into the building as it was out of hours access and had to follow my instructions to get to a locker using the key that Ian had left me. Inside was a bag with 'mission supplies' written on it and all my favourite chocolate bars with a third letter giving details of a golf and country club type hotel in Maldon. The Ferrari driver (very sweet chap by the way who, as I only found out a couple of weeks ago, knew every single detail but played dumb through everything) took me on to the fancy hotel. Once there I collected my key from reception (who again knew evrything). On entering the room I found Ian, in a tuxedo, on one knee with a diamond ring in his hand. After lots of tears I managed to say yes! What more could a girl ask for.... particularly after waiting for nine years! ?

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  • bluewater
    Beginner August 2009
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    brilliant ?

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  • diamondsragirlsbestfriend!
    Beginner May 2008
    diamondsragirlsbestfriend! ·
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    We got engaged pretty quick really. Got together in June last year purely by chance, we were looking at buying a house as a business venture together to do up and sell on and in the process ended up getting together (had known of him few years earlier but only got back in touch a couple of months prior to looking for a house). Moved in to the house together as a couple (but had legal documents drawn up re: keeping our assets seperate... yeah right not much of those really). We live in New Zealand, went back to UK for xmas, he asked my Dad, Went to Ireland to meet his family for new year and he asked me on 2nd Jan at the top of a cliff over looking the Giants Causeway. Had suspected it but by the time we had passed so many nice spots where I though he might ask me, I kinda gave up on it. There was no ring, which is fine cos he knows I am a fussy bugger. Went to Belfast next day and chose ring together. Still waiting for it as he didn't have all the cash at the time but it is arriving shortly with a family member (can't wait!!).

    C ???

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  • Kate84
    Beginner August 2009
    Kate84 ·
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    WOW! this must have been so exciting !

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  • mrsmcardle2b
    Beginner June 2008
    mrsmcardle2b ·
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    It really was - I shook the whole way there in the Ferrari as I guess what was going to happen. Then the driver went the wrong way and took twice as long to get there! When I got to the hotel I didn't even say goodbye to the poor driver - I just ran into the hotel. I must have looked like a right nutter!!!

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  • tahdah
    Beginner September 2009
    tahdah ·
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    Let me be the first to say...I asked him!!!

    On the 29th February this year ?

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  • penguin1977
    penguin1977 ·
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    You always have to be different Tahdah don't you??!!!!?

    I was asked on holiday New York on my 30th overlooking the Manhattan Skyline in New Jersey where I used to live last December. I bawled like a right idiot. But he chose the ring himself and it fitted first time - he's a keeper!!!!

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  • Kate84
    Beginner August 2009
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    Thats good luck. I knew my H2B was going to propose because when I was getting ready to go out one of my rings had gone missing great.... but it was the one I wear on my little finger (I have massive fingers) ! I had to ask him about it cos he would have been upset if he'd gone to all that bother and it didn't fit so I gave him one that was the right size and he chose the ring, which is perfect !

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  • W
    Beginner May 2009
    weedancer ·
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    I love these topics!❤️ So nice to hear happy lovely stories.

    My OH proposed whilst we were visiting all my family in Mauritius. We had gone over to celebrate my dad's 60th bday and he had asked my parents permission (i had no idea despite being together for 5years). I was saying a speech for my dad and then next thing i know OH is down on one knee proposing in front of 150people. It was amazing, lots of tears, and all my friends and family were there to celebrate with us! We've got it on video too by chance cos my friend was filming my speech for my dad, so one to show the kids when we have children in the future! He then said to me, on our way home we're stopping in Dubai and we can choose your ring together (he knows that i am very fussy!). Happy days!

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  • penguin1977
    penguin1977 ·
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    H2B stole one of my rings too - but luckily the right one.....good job that you noticed eh? It's worrying that I didn't notice that one of my rings was missing really....

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  • Kate84
    Beginner August 2009
    Kate84 ·
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    Normally I don't mention missing rings because he's bought me most of them and its always a bit ho, hum you haven't seen that nice X ring cos it seems to have been misplaced .... but I was expecting it a bit so for once it wasn't my clumsiness.

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  • tahdah
    Beginner September 2009
    tahdah ·
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    I like to try...?

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  • bec84
    bec84 ·
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    Lol...thats like me!!

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