My marrieage is in trouble, has been for a while now. I just feel he is having a go at me and the kids all the time, whatever we do we are wrong. Its really getting me down and its not fair on the kids.
He has a go at me for not tidying/hoovering but I do it everyday but the house never stays tidy for more than 5 minutes with two kids under 4 in the house.
If it wasnt for the kids I would have left ages ago but Im scared, Ive no where to go and deffinetly not enough money to look after the 3 of us never mind get us somewhere to live. He's forever calling me fat and ugly (Ive lost 7 stone in the last two years so him calling me fat now really really hurts me).
I know my H is stressed at work but he brings it home and takes it out on us ☹️
I dont know what to do...