I work in IT, and I really dislike my job. There is no training, and we are expected to just know what to do. We also do support on many systems, again, with no training. I feel like it has completely drained me of my confidence, and I now think I am rubbish at anything and everything I do, which in turn makes me panic when asked to do something.
How do I get over this? How do I just think, well, I dont care, and just do what I can to the best of my ability without feeling like a complete failure (which I feel I am as I dont know everything inside and out!)
I know a lot of this is my fault, I like to know what I am doing as best I can, and be able to come in and confidently tackle a problem armed with all the information required, but I just feel like a sitting target, waiting for my next big failure in here, as there isnt the information, and the only knowledge i held in some peoples heads (who incidentally are off today). I dont think I am alone in feeling this way in my team, but the rest just seem to think, F8ck it, and if they get it majorly wrong then at least they have tried.
How can I make myself be like that?