The reason I ask is that this morning two names have come up. 1 is a girl i work with, no friends in common at all, and one is my sisters sister inlaw who I only know from my sisters wedding 3 years ago, we are not in the same social circles, same university, school or anything . My sister and her husband are not on facebook so it isnt as though it would suggest from there. And also we dont have any common friends!
So why, out of all the people in this City, would my suggestions have these two people? ? Is is psychic?
Edited to add, I havent ever synchronised my mail with it !! Or done a search through my email contacts as I didnt want it to. Hmm. Has something changed because this would be the obvious way, although it hasnt suggested the other 300 people in my email contacts list ?
The more I think about it email must be it. Hmm.