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Beginner March 2014

How often do you drink?

*Pugsley*, 31 August, 2014 at 18:24 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 46

Been trying (not very hard) to lose a few lbs for my brother's wedding in a few weeks. As part of my pitiful attempt to lose weight I decided to cut out mid-week drinking.

Don't get me wrong, I don't down a bottle of wine as soon as I get home from work but lately I've been really enjoying a cold beer at the end of the day (again, not every day) but when I've decided to cut down I really crave one.

I could easily have a beer every night & more than a few or a bottle of wine at the weekends but I stop myself because I know it's not good for you so was wondering what most people do?

Would you say it is frowned upon to drink regularly during the week?

46 replies

Latest activity by *Pugsley*, 4 September, 2014 at 18:37
  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
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    I think as long as it's a 'want' to drink and not a 'need' to drink then it's ok.

    I drink every day, I was brought up around alcohol. Mum and dad would have a bottle with dinner most nights so I guess I see it as normal.

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  • leni-lw!
    Beginner November 2011
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    Hardly ever, might have the odd one if a rough day at work but tbh I only drink when I go out for a meal or to town with the girls. But if a lovely evening i'll have a glass sitting in the garden.

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  • porkchop
    Beginner September 2012
    porkchop ·
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    I'll have a glass of wine or bottle of bulmers Friday after work, and today eve been to a bbq so two glasses of wine, other than that not much. Definitely not mid week.

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
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    Once a fortnight at most. We never buy alcohol to drink at home unless it's a special occasion. At the moment I have a bottle of Jack Daniels that H2B was given by a fellow DJ as a thankyou, and half a bottle of ancient sherry for baking. When I go out with H2B to see him DJ, which at the moment is once every few weeks, I'll have a couple of bottles of cider. If we go out to eat I might have a cider or a cocktail, but more often than not just orange juice or J20. That's it. My uncle died an alcoholic when I was a teenager and my dad went teetotal, and my brother and I kind of absorbed that way of thinking. I hate the way alcohol affects me, both physically and mentally, so getting drunk just doesn't appeal to me.

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
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    I never drink mid week, I never have but then I'm a classic binge drinker because I drink to get drunk.

    If I'm not going out at the weekend I can go weeks without drinking but at the moment we're out every weekend so I'm drinking every week.

    I have to admit I am always surprised to find out people drink every night but I don't frown upon it I just don't understand it in the same way I suppose people don't understand me drinking to get drunk

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  • Cat In A Teacup
    Beginner August 2015
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    I tend to buy a bottle of wine once a week at most, I will crack it open on a Friday and it will last until the Sunday.

    I would drink more if I could afford to though, I used to love having a glass each evening with dinner but I have developed a taste for expensive wine so would rather have one nice bottle every so often than a few cheap bottles regularly.

    I wouldn't say it is frowned upon to drink regularly during the week as long as it isn't getting absolutely hammered every single night. As Mini said, there is a difference between wanting to and 'needing' to drink.

    All this talk of alcohol has made me switch my white tea for the last glass of vino in the bottle though Smiley winking

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
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    I don't binge drink so that's how I justify it to myself! If I go out out (once a year!) I tend to just drink cider or cocktails. I never drink spirits or shots or anything

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
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    I have a glass of wine maybe two three times a week. About once a month or maybe two months, if I can afford it, I have a night out with the girls and drink a few vodkas and diet cokes. Very, very rarely, I have 2 or 3 glasses of wine, usually on a Friday night after a tough week.

    My father is an alcoholic, so I am always very drink aware. I refuse to go tee total because I enjoy wine, but I don't want to drink too much too regularly, so I am always careful. It's a fine balance, but I think is someone else said, there is a huge difference between wanting a drink and needing a drink.


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  • *Pugsley*
    Beginner March 2014
    *Pugsley* ·
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    When at home I never drink enough to really get drunk, I'd be a teenie bit merry at absolute most. I would be worried if I was regularly getting drunk just sitting in front of TV.

    I could go without having a mid week drink or a drink at the weekends so I know I don't have a problem despite the fact that everything I type sounds like I do!!!

    I'm kind of thinking that as winter comes I'll be less likely to drink at home anyway as I won't be sitting in the sunny garden with a glass in my hand.

    Interesting to hear everyone's views on it though. My friends and I also had really different views.

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
    MrsCWB ·
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    I sound so good in this thread, but then I went and posted in SillyWrong's thread about a recent night out where I got wasted!!


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  • Kjay
    Beginner August 2013
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    I pretty much drink whenever I am off work as work have zero tolerance on drug and alcohol and random testing so I would never drink the night before work no matter what time I book on- just to be safe.

    Last night I was drunk, boyo and I shared a bottle of red, I had a glass of fizz then 3 g and ts then we came home and best part of half a litre of gin gone between the two of us. My head hurt a lot today and I have only had one (small) beer with my tea. I am off work and out tomorrow so will be drinking again!

    In my previous job boyo and I would often have a bottle of wine a night before and during dinner.

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  • Helenia
    Beginner September 2011
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    Very rarely drink midweek unless there's some kind of special occasion. If I go out for dinner with friends midweek I might have one or two, but that's quite a rare occurrence especially now I'm away from London! Sometimes on the weekend, but again usually only if we're out somewhere, though occasionally we'll have some wine with dinner at home.

    We have a crazy alcohol collection in our flat - loads of single malts, quite a lot of wine (though some of it is not for drinking for another few years ? ) and various spirits H has collected over the years. He's now on medication which means he can only drink very tiny amounts, so no idea how we're going to get rid of it all!

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    I would say drinking in the week regularly is a bit too much. I would probably be tempted to do it if l didn't have to get up early, drive to work and have a job where drinking the night before a shift is forbidden. My drinking has crept up a bit lately and l love my wine...

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  • Hoddy
    Beginner July 2014
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    At the moment I drink a bottle of wine or two a week. ? I am terrible. Once the bottle is open it all must go. This is only temporary as we got 16 bottles of various alcoholic beverages as wedding/my birthday gifts so once they are all gone I will be too poor to drink!

    H has a few beers a week after work but never gets drunk.

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
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    I rarely drink much at all. I drink and drink well when I go out for an evening, but I hardly ever drink at home. I had a couple of iffy moments caused by drinking far too much, on one occasion mixing it with antibiotics that haunt me to this day. So I know when I've had enough now, and I never mix my drinks either.

    Having said that, we all have different ways if relaxing that are linked to vices. Mine was smoking and/or comfort eating. I'm almost a year free of the dreaded cancer sticks and I'm healthy eating at the moment. I need a new vice!!!

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Since i've discovered strawberry cider, my drinking has been creeping up! Thankfully I can't cope with fizz so if its mid week i'll have 1, if its weekend I might have a couple. I'm a lightweight as I had to stop drinking due to knee problems/surgery, so I have to be careful or i'm hammered! when i'm having a night out I end up mixing drinks because of the fizz issue, which makes it worse! I do try not to have more than a couple of drinks a week, especially at the moment as they're so calorific, but i'm from a family that can drink like fishes, so I don't think the odd one is an issue, only if you start doing it everyday, or downing bottles of wine on your own.

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  • Tizzie
    Beginner June 2012
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    Once or twice a year at most. And even then it's probably one or two drinks.

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  • Loopz
    Beginner March 2013
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    I've not had alcohol since Feb, and cannot wait to have a glass of wine once this baby is out! Usually I will have a couple of glasses each week if I'm at home. It's become less as H works shift patterns and if he's working of an evening, I feel,guilty about sitting on my own drinking! But if we go,to his parents, or mine, wine with dinner (and predinner) is a must.

    My drinking also decreased when we were TTC and because I was doing exercise classes most nights...became more of a Friday/Saturday night treat.

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  • SillyWrong
    Beginner October 2014
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    We drink a lot, not usually Mon-Thursday but if we're stopping in on a Friday night we'll usually get a few bottles in and end the night dancing around the living room. We go out socially a lot, maybe three times a month? We don't have off switches. I'm not worried about it though.

    I'm about to begin 'Dry September' in a bid to remove my spare tyre before the wedding (dieting doesn't seem to be doing any good, and alcohol is bad because I eat rubbish when drunk and when hungover.)

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  • CrazyRatLady
    Expert September 2014
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    I don't drink.

    OH drinks a fair bit, I think too much but he disagrees! He doesn't binge drink or anything he is just a consistent drinker, a glass or wine or a beer or two nearly every night.

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
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    Maybe once every few weeks. Last time I got properly drunk was probably about a year and a half ago. Alcohol makes me sleepy and depressed, and too much makes me really really sick so it's not really not good for me to drink regularly.

    Plus alcohol is just empty calories to me, comfort food is my vice and my waistline can't really afford both!

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  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
    MrsKHbutterfly ·
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    We have a drink most weekends, depending if OH is on overtime as if he is he gets up at 5 and he won't drive if he thinks he's over the limit and i try and support him as i'd like to "think" he'd do the same for me (although doubt it haha!!) its very rare we drink in the week, although if it's a nice evening or i've had a bad day i may have a glass or two and i think that's ok. like Mini said, as long as it's a want and not a need then i think that it's fine.

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  • cymruangel
    Beginner December 2014
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    I think I'm a bit wonky on my alcohol intake.

    OH doesn't really drink, but will occasionally have a G&T, so we often have one gin an evening in the weekend.

    My lovely friends and bridesmaids, on the other hand, definitely do drink, so when we do get together we tend to go a little bit overboard.

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
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    I hardly drink at all. If we're around my parents or the inlaws for dinner then I'll usually have a glass or 2 of wine, depending on who's driving.

    Other than that I don't drink unless I'm on a night out with friends. I never drink at home, unless we have guests and that's very rare as our house is so tiny!

    My J9 on the other hand is different. If we have any kind of alcohol at home he'll drink it. Unless I have a bottle I'm saving for a girly night - he's not allowed to touch those!

    When I'm on a night out though I do drink and I make up for lost time! ?

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
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    I think with me it's the fact that alcohol makes me feel better that stops me drinking more. I start to think well if my problems seem better after a drink, why don't I just drink all the time? And then I start to feel like I'm on the verge of being one of those people with a bottle of vodka hidden in the toilet cistern. I get that scary sensation with all addictive substances, even coffee. I think I just have that sort of personality.

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  • D
    Beginner June 2018
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    Haha I love the thought of this! We've got into a bit of a habit of drinking at home on a Friday night..until 1-2am. Mr ddpunk and I go wild on the karaoke when we're leathered, haha, it's hilarious (at the time!) singing into kitchen utensils. You wouldn't get me anywhere near karaoke normally. The thought of you dancing in your living room across the city will just egg me on now!

    We don't drink at all sun-thurs. and haven't been 'out out' for a while, but we drink a couple of glasses of wine/ a few beers and maybe 4-5 vodkas each on a fri/sat night.

    I'd quite like to cut down but mr ddpunk feels very differently!

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  • *RMD*
    Beginner April 2015
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    I love a glass of wine after dinner at night, got into the habit of being everyday and then thought this isnt doing the weight any good so cut back to a couple of days a week and this week am starting weekends only! wish me luck!

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  • *RMD*
    Beginner April 2015
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    I say this week but was suppose to be last week but caved on thursday ha

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  • SillyWrong
    Beginner October 2014
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    People say that romance / passion / screaming matches keep a relationship alive, we maintain it's getting proper good and Pi$$ed and dancing about the house in our jarmas. It's healthy. Same applies to you two and your karaoke endeavours! Ha ha ... maybe it's a manc thing Smiley smile

    By the way Dd, I was thinking of you the other day, we went in to Tea4/2 next to the English Lounge in town - we were there late afternoon for proper food but there were people there having afternoon tea, it's gorgeous in there, proper plush and the food is lovely ... perhaps we should start a Manchester afternoon tea club!

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
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    #it's Monday I'm in drunk#

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
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    I would also like to join this club. Although being a vegan does make afternoon tea difficult.

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
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    Sometimes I fancy a glass of wine/cold beer after work, but I don't often do that.

    I'm more of a binge drinker sadly, but I am starting to hate the way I act and I've gotten violent the last few times.

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