I'm sitting on my couch watching the TV and surfing the net on my laptop when i happen to look up and see a window cleaner opening my gate. That's fair enough, i stay on a ground floor flat, so i thought he was maybe going to come and knock the door and ask me if i wanted my windows cleaned. He didn't knock the door, but i suddenly see my clothes horse that i have sat outside my window start moving. the cheeky wee sod was moving it to get his ladder in to wash the upstairs neighbours windows. The whole coming through my gate to get access to the upstairs neighbours windows doesn't bother me. It' makes sense. But he could see me through the window and didn't bother his backside to knock to ask if i could move my washing while he washed the windows. So being ill and grumpy i stomped out the door and looked at him and rather grumpily said "I'll move this for you shall i?" stalked over to my clothes horse grabbed it and stomped back in the house.
I was probably completely and utterly over the top, and i know it's because i'm not well and grumpy at missing work and subsequently a dance class that i was really looking forward to going to, but the boy could have asked me to move it. i don't want his dirty window soap all over my clean washing!
grumble grumble grumble....