I feel really stressed & anxious at the moment, I've never felt this way before & I'm not sure how to deal with it. I've got no concentration span, my head feels tense (not a headache - I can't really explain it) and I'm not sleeping well. It's not anything I can easily sort.
My H is under constant risk of redundancy, and working really reduced hours, money is tight - I'm looking for another part time job that pays enough after childcare, but there's hardly any out there.
My aunt has just been told her cancer is terminal, she has months left. My grandad is also ill with cancer & has just got a lot worse. My other grandad hasn't got out of bed in 3 weeks & noone can work out what's wrong with him, he's just been diagnosed with coeliac disease & advanced osteoperosis (sp?) but now it seems there's something else.
My part time job is really stressful, I work in an acute mental health hospital & last week was a bad week, I know people are ill & not themselves but it's sometimes really hard to cope.
So - anyone with experience? do doctors deal with stress? Is it a medical condition?
Thank you for any help.