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How to get familys involved in the planning

mrscrowther2b, 14 November, 2011 at 20:04 Posted on Planning 0 13

Im struggling weith keeping my family interested, neither of my sisters are bothered about helping much and every time i mention going dress shopping my mum rolls her eyes and sighs, like its a big chore, and OH and his family just dont care, mil and dil have thrown £1000 at us and thinks that money will solve everything, im getting no help and no input

im going dress shopping on saturday and im going alone because noone else wants to go, my mum claims she's going to be busy cleaning......surely that can wait for half a day, I just feel selfish because I want attention on the wedding, I dont want everyones life to revolve around it, but wouldnt mind a phone call asking if theres anything they can do to help....

and to top it all SIL 2b has just plagued me with text messages all evening requesting I change the date etc to fit in her soldier husbands tour Smiley sad

sorry just needed to rant a bit and see if anyone else is doing this with out any help and has any advice for me

13 replies

Latest activity by Mrs_imp, 15 November, 2011 at 15:18
  • HayleyMay
    Beginner September 2012
    HayleyMay ·
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    Most family members won't be interested til nearer the time but I am shocked about your mum! How hurtful to you!!! I'd give her a piece of my mind!! Its not just some generic party dress you're looking for, this is your wedding dress. How is she not falling over backwards to help you choose?! I'd sod them all off and do your own thing! Its their loss!

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  • mrscrowther2b
    mrscrowther2b ·
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    Thanks hayley, I was quite shocked...its not as if Ive been trying on loads and at dress shops every weekend, ive tried on 3 1 shop a few weeks ago and she just sat there saying 'yeah thats nice' to all of them, I found it quite hurtful, and I know they will be the first to comment if they dont like something, just feel like not doing anything for a few weeks and getting this wedding off my brain Smiley sad

    im tempted to tell OH were eloping in 6 weeks.........

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  • Michelle772012
    Beginner July 2012
    Michelle772012 ·
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    Quite honestly give yourself a break stop worrying about what others think and both you and your OH sit down and have a chat about whats important to you and you alone then work from that with regards to your dress its great to try them on but with over a yr left you run the risk of commiting yourself to a dress you love at the time but may change your mind and be stuck with it by all means try on different styles see what suits you and most of all have fun then if i were you i would wait until just after the year mark to actually order, my dress was supposed to take just over 6 months to come in but i actually picked it up last week yay and i still love it luckily and i only ordered then and there because there was a risk of it being discontinued and the lead time being even longer have a think about colours what sorts of bm dresses you want if any and buy little things now and then, your family seem to be giving you a lot of gip at the moment but hopefully as it gets closer they will come round, would you and oh rather go away to get married or do you feel that way because of how others are making you feel? and what have your friends said xx

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  • mrscrowther2b
    mrscrowther2b ·
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    We keep toying with the idea of going away to get married, but deposits for stuff has been paid and families would go mad, im not going to order my dress yet, id just like opinions from someone else as its different to looking in a mirror and deciding for yourself.

    im just avoiding the issue with anyone from either familys till after the 1 year mark and then see how they are, just seems to be a lot of trouble and moaning from both sides, im just going to go myself on saturday to try dresses and see if we can go it alone and do all the planning ourselves and jsut not involve anyone else

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  • S
    Beginner March 2012
    Sarah Anderson ·
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    Sorry to hear your getting no help from people! I get help when i dont want it, and no help when i do want it! Hehe.

    I had the opposite with my mum, I took my sister in law to be and mother in law to be on my first trip out looking at wedding dresses and ended up finding 'The one' in the second shop i went in, much to my mums upset as she feels she's missed out! I kinda feel like i've missed out abit in a way in not going to loads of different shops trying on multiple dresses!

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  • C
    Beginner September 2012
    Celtic B ·
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    Hey I hope it helps but my mum was a bit like that about going shopping with me for my dress. She rolled her eyes at the thought!! I actually said to her (a little shortly) well if you dont want to come forget it!! It actually turned out that she just didnt like the idea of traulling round shops (she hadnt been dress shopping before!! Hers was made for her by my Nan . She actually loved it and now is really into the planning. I also brought her a mother of the bride book as a joke but it helped with what she was 'supposed' to do!!!

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  • mrscrowther2b
    mrscrowther2b ·
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    Im going to mention tomorrow about going on saturday and see if she wants to go, if she doesnt im not going to bother asking again, its upsetting now, i thought more than any one else my mum would be intestested, gah oh well, im pushing the wedding to that back for a bit all this wedding planning and stress is making me ill and tired Smiley sad

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  • LoveSka
    Beginner October 2011
    LoveSka ·
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    I agree with Hayleymay. 12 months will here in no time but to everyone else it's a year away..... IYNWIM I can understand you being upset about about your mom. My mom couldn't come to my wedding but we have got used to her not attending stuff due to the relationship that she is in. Chin up Hun, , , xx

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  • J
    jhndavid ·
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    The wedding ceremony is absolutely about the Bride and Groom, no one else. The reception/ party after is a little more for the family.My sister went with the big wedding that my parents paid for; and my mom dominated the whole miserable experience. It caused the mother of all wars between my family and my BIL's family.

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  • B
    Beginner April 2011
    babypp2 ·
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    Great thread! Also my favorite view.

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  • Mrs_imp
    Beginner June 2012
    Mrs_imp ·
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    You sound very hurt by your mums reaction and I think I would be feeling the same too.

    Have you got any really close girlfriends? I took 2 of mine( also my BM) with me on my first shopping trip and it was a really nice girly day out. I then asked my mum if she wanted to come with me when I'd pretty much decided what I wanted. That way she didn't have to be dragged around all the shops, but she was still a part of it.

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  • mrscrowther2b
    mrscrowther2b ·
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    Yeah im really quite hurt about it really, normally things like this i just think 'meh sod em' but im actually hurt

    i have a few close friends but i wanted to share it with my mum and i pretty much know the dress i want is in this shop and i know im not going to be hunting around loads of shops, but shes just not interested, ive given up on the idea of her coming now and im going alone Smiley sad

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  • Soulmates
    Beginner August 2012
    Soulmates ·
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    Aw, that's really sad, I'd grab the person who you are closest to and take them with you! and don't forget your camera!

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  • Mrs_imp
    Beginner June 2012
    Mrs_imp ·
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    I know you ideally wanted to take your mum with you, which I understand. If she isn't interested though, wouldn't it make it easier to have one of your friends there with you? My friends were so excited when I asked them to come, it made me more excited! Maybe it'll help cheer you up a bit?

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