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Hugo Brambles
Beginner August 2002

HRML - WWYD (ex issues)

Hugo Brambles, 20 November, 2008 at 17:56 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 11

I was due to attend a reunion this weekend but have found out that an ex is going to be there (well a few ex's will be there but its one in particular that bothers me.) I posted about it ages ago but we split up over 12 years ago, he dumped me out of the blue basically and I never saw him again. Fast forward to my birthday 18 months ago when I received a card from him sent to my parents house - that in itself was odd as they'd only lived there 5 or 6 years so I have no idea how he knew where they lived (although he works for local gov so I don't know what he has access to.) Presumably he couldn't find me as I've since changed my name. Anyhow I didn't reply to the card (and request to get in touch) and then this summer he sent me an email on FB which I ignored and a month after that I received a friend request which I ignored.

Last week he's sent me another email on FB saying he will be attending this 'reunion' (even though he was never part of the original thing anyway), how he can't wait to see me, he's had crappy relationships since what he did to me and again apologising how he'd treated me. I'm now wondering if I should go or not? I don't think I can face seeing him tbh. If I'd bumped into him out of the blue after all this time I would probably have dealt with it better but all this 'build up' on his part makes me nervous. Having said that half of me thinks I shouldn't change anything I planned to do just because of him? I don't know what I'd say if I did go? I'm also a lot heavier than I was (he was always very focused on looks) and I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me fat now.

Oh wise ones of hitched, whats the best thing to do.....

11 replies

Latest activity by Wordsworth, 21 November, 2008 at 12:55
  • DaisyDaisy
    DaisyDaisy ·
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    He sounds like he's been a bit loserish over the years (and of course must be if he dumped you of course). You go, hold your head up - he is the loser, not you for having put some weight on. If you were looking forward to it, just swallow your fear about him, get that bit over with and wnjoy the rest of the evening.

    So californian, but feel the fear and do it anyway - why should you miss out because of loserman?

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  • A
    Aziraphale ·
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    What Daisy said. Also it sounds as if he won't really know anyone there - make sure you don't end up being responsible for looking after him. Let your hair down and "reunite" with the people you're looking forward to seeing!

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  • Clodders
    Beginner July 2007
    Clodders ·
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    I think you should go to the reunion, seems unfair that he is putting you off the idea.

    I think maybe a friend could tell him to get lost for you or at best keep him away from you.

    Pm me his name if you wish and I really hope we see you tom night.We will be there after 8

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  • Clodders
    Beginner July 2007
    Clodders ·
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    Also meant to add ,so what if you are a little bigger.Its 15 years ago ish .You are by no means fat and for what it matters I think you look far more attractive now than you did then.

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  • Dooby
    Dooby ·
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    I'd try not to let him bother you, just go to the reunion and have fun with your old friends. Don't worry about looking different from how you did years ago - remember he'll not have stayed in a time warp either and will have aged and changed just much as you have.

    To me it sounds as though it's a good opportunity to go, hold your head high and show this numpty just how well you've made life work for you....whereas it sounds very much as though his life has been less than successful.

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  • S
    Beginner September 2007
    Smelly_Kelly ·
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    I would go.

    Do you have people who you are going with? Just make sure that someone knows how you feel and how he has made you feel and ask them to rescue you if you end up alone with him.

    Also, even if you have changed in the last fews years, who saying he hasn't as well!

    Have a fun night!

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  • Hugo Brambles
    Beginner August 2002
    Hugo Brambles ·
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    Thanks all for your replies. You've quite suprised me saying I should go - I thought you'd think it wise to stay away.

    Clodders you won't know him as he was never part of that scene anyway!! Like I say I don't know why he's going (well he says a friend is going and he wants to catch up with him).

    If I did go I wouldn't know how to play it - I don't want to tell friends to keep him away or tell him to 'f' off because that looks like I'm bothered by him. I don't also want to be too pally pally as I don't want to give off the wrong idea (which by the sounds of it won't take much doing) or look like a walk-over. He's gonna ask to FB friends or keep in touch or something and I just know I'm going to end up feeling like I'm in awkward situation....? I also imagine he's going to ask the usual question about what I do now work wise and if I tell him that then he's going be able to find me (I know that from chatting to a friend of a friend a few months ago - he tracked my business down (not hard when you live in a small town) and emailed me to ask me out). I don't want to end up with a stalker on my hands....

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  • Clodders
    Beginner July 2007
    Clodders ·
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    Im suer he will get the message when he sees you having fun with friends,If he speaks to you play it cool,be polite but dont get into a full conversaition or just tell him straight you dont want to talk to him,He prob wont even show then of you dont go you will regret it

    Who knows he may go to the next night out you plan if you dont put a stop to it now.

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  • Hugo Brambles
    Beginner August 2002
    Hugo Brambles ·
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    Thanks Clodders and thanks for your kind comments! Well I've slept on it and the jury is still out.....I don't know, just the tone of the emails he's sent, it's all very 'over familiar' for my liking. Makes me feel uneasy and I don't want to encourage him.....

    I have however fake tanned in preparation so I'm going to see how I feel later on I think. May see you later - if not have a great time!

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  • pans
    pans ·
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    I would still go. However, i think i would email him beforehand and be polite, short and to the point and say that you are a little perplexed as to why he is trying to contact you, you are sorry he is unhappy, but you have moved on and would like to leave things in the past as you are virtual strangers now as life has moved on so many years. Wish him luck for the future. Sign off.

    Keep it short and just enough to show him you are not interested but enough to make it clear and it avoids any embarrassment on the night.

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  • Tulip O`Hare
    Tulip O`Hare ·
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    WPansS. It sounds as though this has got to the point where you need to politely but firmly tell him to leave you alone.

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  • Wordsworth
    Beginner September 2005
    Wordsworth ·
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    I agree with pans. It sounds to me like he might think that his life was good when he was with you and he thinks he can recapture that!

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