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I am going to Egypt - my first real holiday.

lillybet, 31 July, 2009 at 19:12 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 11

I am going to Egypt in less than 2 weeks time. It is my first real holiday and first time abroad, (although I have flown before). I am just so excited I just wanted to share it.

We are going to Luxor and then on to Cairo, has anyone got any tips on "must do" places to visits and things that aren't what they expected?

We are only going for 7 days so need to fit a lot into that time.

11 replies

Latest activity by whirlwind666, 31 July, 2009 at 22:48
  • Lynseys Designs
    Lynseys Designs ·
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    We have been to Egypt twice and loved it although not Luxor or Cairo as never had the time. Whereabouts are you staying?

    We visited the Coloured Canyon and I wouldn't rave about that but loved the snorkelling at Ras Mohammed National Park.

    Hope you have a fab time.

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  • whirlwind666
    Beginner November 2009
    whirlwind666 ·
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    Lilybet, your going to love it! Major problem will be the heat, I went at a similar time to you a few years ago. What you need to do is echo the locals, get up early, do something and take cover in the hotel or other air conditioned area by 1pm at the latest. Relax and snooze, have tea then head out for whatever else you have planned in the cooler evening. Make sure you get plenty of small notes (there are no coins) for 'baksheesh' or tipping, everyone expects it. Your better in an organised group though, you won't get hassled so much. Take a few shawls or thin pashminas to cover your head and shoulders, the sun is very strong and the protection is invaluble! They really don't mind uncovered western women, but the sun is so strong you'll be glad of it. Try to catch the sound and light shows, there's one at Karnak, and another at the Pyramids, and they are a fab experience. Go to the Valley of the Kings, but its not worth the wait and expense of Tutenkamuns tomb tbh, don't go in any of the tombs alone though. I've got no tips for Cairo as we were only in Luxor, but if your guides offer to take you out on an evening, go!! Its lovely just sitting chatting with them (alcohol is expensive, so you'll be drinking lots of tea!) Its great to sit in the little street cafes and watch the world go by, in fact that was my main memory! Haggle everything, its expected, and everything is way over-priced as a result. Sterling is quite welcome in most places, and we got a much better exchange rate over there. Try not to go to a temple every day, I didn't think I could get sick of them but I was well and truly templed out by the time we left!! Oh and learn a few words of Spanish or German, the taxi drivers in Luxor will hassle you to death if they think you can understand english!!

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  • kierenthecommunity
    Beginner May 2005
    kierenthecommunity ·
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    Egypt is fab! cairo is a pretty scary place to negociate by yourselves though. are you in a tour group?

    luxor doesn't have much other than temples really. karnak is the best tbh. if you're in a hurry you can skip the rest. ? and while valley of the kings is interesting you wouldn't miss a huge amount if you wanted to sacrifice that too.

    as for cairo, well the pyramids is a must. be prepared to be surprised when you see where they are though...

    and the museum was dead interesting, i could have spent a whole day just there.

    be prepared for being asked for baksheesh (tips) for everything btw. including people helping you cross the road in cairo. it's worth the money not to be killed. the traffic in cairo is unbelievable.

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    lillybet ·
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    We are staying on the East bank overlooking the Nile, PurrfectGems.

    Good advice about taking a siesat Whirlwind, I also thought about limiting the temple/tomb visits, I don't want them becoming one big blur of not remembering one from another. ( I never realised there was so many to see)

    I have been advised to get currency once we are there, although OH insisted we had some for when we arrived, so I ordered them from the bank, forgot to mention we wanted small notes so will have to see if i can get them changed at the airport.

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  • kierenthecommunity
    Beginner May 2005
    kierenthecommunity ·
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    You know you have to buy a visa at the airport? pay in sterling and you'll get some small notes in the change

    small notes are sooooo hard to come by ?

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  • whirlwind666
    Beginner November 2009
    whirlwind666 ·
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    Oh, other little things! You need to get bottled water, so go for a wander and you'll soon find a kiosk, which will sell everything you need way cheaper than your hotel. If you want your tea served with milk, ask for 'with lack' (not sure of spelling) they find it hard to differenciate between us saying 'milk' and 'mint' which is commonly served over there too!

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    lillybet ·
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    I knew about the visa, but do they give change in Egyptian notes?

    When we get off the plane will it be obvious where to go for the visa etc and do you do that before or after collecting your bag? (I am a novice at international travel, only having flown across to Belfast before).

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  • whirlwind666
    Beginner November 2009
    whirlwind666 ·
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    Our tour company sorted out the visa and we just gave them some money (I forget how much tbh) I think it was after we got our bags, but you'll be fine, we were green as grass and somehow it worked out! Oh all the police and officials have major uniforms and guns, so don't be alarmed! We had two lovely army/police guys at our hotel entrance and there was a metal detector at the entrance but they only made locals go through it, so don't worry!

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  • kierenthecommunity
    Beginner May 2005
    kierenthecommunity ·
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    they did for us

    and it's quite a small airport, so the place to buy visas is pretty obvious. it's just as you walk through arrivals (this is for luxor airport btw)

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    sarahjl ·
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    I echo what everyone else says about places to visit - you must do the Luxor temples and the West Bank - Valley of the Kings, and Hatshepsut.

    Please don't be afraid to go out of your hotel and just wander in Luxor - yes you will be approached/spoken to but they are friendly and not aggressive. If you go on a caleche (sp?)(horse and carriage) don't let them take you to one of the zillions of 'papyrus factories'.

    We have been a few times and the thing we loved most last time was the balloon ride over the west bank - worth the 4am start!

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  • essexmum
    Beginner August 2009
    essexmum ·
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    I've both to both the Valley of the Kings and Cairo. My advance echos what everyone says here. Tuk's temple is extra and really isn't worth the money. The is another temple in the Valley ofthe Kings that you have to pay extra for - I can;t remember the name of the king but that is well worth it, as you have to pay the temple inside is less crowded (we had the place to ourselves as it happens) and it's more highly decorated than the others, it really is beautiful inside. Karnak is well worth a visit, it's huge. As for Cairo, the Pyramids and Sphinx are a most and the Cairo museum is worth a visit as well although TBH I was a little underwelmed when I saw Tuks gold mask.

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  • whirlwind666
    Beginner November 2009
    whirlwind666 ·
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    Oh! Sunset over the nile on a fluke! Wonderful! Costs pennies, and sooo romantic!

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