So this is a little bit of a rant and to be honest I wasnt even sure whether to post as I know what everyone will tell me to do and what I 'should' do but I just feel like I am causing a huge fuss for no reason.
So My OH and I are getting married in May, we have had a 2 year engagement and we have planned and paid for everything ourselves so far. That said we are asking his parents to help with some of the cost as they have offered and actually its a bit of a tactical move...
But anyway the issue is we have tried to involve OH's parents as much as possible as actually I am very close to both of them and they mean a lot to me.. my family dont live locally so they havent been as involved. For the most part we have planned what we want, when we want.. but there are just a few areas that I feel quite strongly about and my opinion is just not being listened to☹️
The first which started some time ago was the bar situation... we are having a village hall and I wanted a professional bar company .. the reason being is we had an engagement party which they funded (very very kind of them) but they had friends doing the bar and did a free bar and it was slightly chaotic with them ending up working it.. I dont want that at the wedding and want them enjoying the day NOT working... anyway after much discussion they have talked us around for us to not have a professional bar and they will get friends in that have bar experience and provide the alcohol. I eventually backed down to this....
Secondly they want a free bar.
Both myself and my OH absolutely do not want a free bar....!! I think its uneccesary, I think that its potentially going to result in everyone getting hammered which as you can imagine I do not want... and I think that the money could be better placed... We have had numerous discussions and explained we absolutely do not want a free bar and explained why and they have basically said each time 'Lets wait and see' and then the next time its bought up they are back to 'Yes we are having a free bar!'...
This is the reason we have decided to ask them to contribute towards the wedding as they said they wanted to do the free bar as they were not contributing so we are hoping this will mean they dont feel the need but either way.... its OUR wedding & surely if we dont want a free bar then why do they think its just fine to over power our wishes and do it anyway!?
Numbers... I never wanted a big wedding, alot of people will have seen previous posts from me with my social anxiety and being the centre of attention.. not good! I already agreed to max numbers on the day (120) as OH has a big (extended) family... BUT ALL of his immediate family and friends and mine take up 100 spaces..... we then ended up giving MIL another 30 spaces.... she went on to invite 36 saying they probably wont come anyway!?! The room will be packed with tables & chairs and I will be wasting my time talking to people i dont know and wont see again when I should be with the people that mean the most to me :-(
Then on to the numbers for the evening.... we have both explained we dont want huge numbers... she has said on numerous occasions they want an 'open house' in the evening... I have said reapeatedly NO. I have said it kindly as I get on very well with them but we have explained we dont want huge numbers.... We looked at evening guests and and with our venue its maximum 200 people on site.... with our day guests and our evening guests that leaves her 25 spaces.... apparently this is not enough!?! REALLY? How is 30 day people (that I dont know or have met once in 4 years) and an additional 25 people I dont know not enough to come to MY WEDDING?
This is not my idea of a wedding, I want it personal, its not an excuse for the entire family who never make any effort with each other any other of the 365 days of the year to come along and get drunk! I know I sound like I am being spoilt here but I genuinely feel anxious with a room full of strangers wanting to talk to me.. I want to be with my friends and my family.. not being told by Aunty Mildred who I will never see again how nice my dress is and do I feel different....Grr!!!
We have explained that thats max capacity at the venue and she said 'you have the outdoor space' .. I have explained how it makes me feel anxious and that I am stressed out about it and she said 'dont talk to them then'... for someone who is usually very thoughtful and very kind she is simply NOT LISTENING....
I have asked my OH to talk to her again but I know she will talk him down as always and I end up feeling like the difficult fiancee who is causing a fuss.
I know this may not seem serious but I cant think of anything worse than a room full of people I barely know or dont know, packed out room, boiling hot, and everyone hammered... short of getting stroppy and being quite direct (& I dont want to argue about this) .. I dont know what to do. I feel I have been accomodating enough... I only wanted a small wedding in the start :-(