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Beginner October 2008

I am worried.

tickle, 11 July, 2009 at 22:00 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 14

Sorry i have not been on much but things have been strange here.

2 weeks ago i went to the opticians as i was having headaches.A photograph was taken of my eye,the optician then told me he needed me to go to hospital asap,as he can see something on my eye.

I went to the hospital and the specialist there found something called papillodema,which is swelling of the optic nerve,and also suspected pressure on my brain.Monday night i had the worst headache ever and blacked out,so off we went to a&e.I was rushed through and then put on a ward.I ended up having a ct scan which was clear,so that meant a lumbar puncture was needed.

So 2 doctors started the lumbar puncture which proved difficult after 3 attempts they gave up,next thing i know i was being wheeled down to theatre for a surgeon to try again.6 further attempts then they finally got some brain fluid.Which showed high pressure on my brain,but this fluid should be clear,mine was bloody.Now i have been referred to a neuro surgeon at Hope hospital.

I looked at my discharge notes to my doctor and it mentions intercranial pressure,papillodema,venous sinus and thromobosis.So this week i am going into hospital for a mri scan.

This is were i am scared.Is the mri scan being done because they have seen something which needs further investigations ?

I am scared my eyesight is at risk of being damaged i can't seem to get any answers from the doctors as they say they are not specialist on brain disorders.I am too scared to google as i just imagine it will tell me something i should not even think about.

Has anyone suffered from these illnesses?

thank you and sorry it was so long.

14 replies

Latest activity by flissy666, 12 July, 2009 at 09:47
  • Roobarb
    Beginner January 2007
    Roobarb ·
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    ? I don't know, but I couldn't possibly read and run.

    I'm sorry you're unwell I can imagine how worried you must be, but I think you're right not googling, it sounds like you're getting the best possible care.

    ? take care and if you can get a chance to come back and update us, please do.

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  • Monkey   Mavis
    Monkey Mavis ·
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    I can't say much re the illnesses etc - but I can say that CT scans and MRI look at different aspects of the brain. I can't remember which is which but that will be why they are doing both I would imagine - it will give a complete picture of your brain.

    I know it is hard not to be scared - but try not to.


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  • Mal
    Expert January 2018
    Mal ·
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    Wow, no wonder you are worried. I've had an MRI and they simply wanted to have a look to see what was causing my migraines. So it needn't be sinister, it can just be routine as part of their investigations.

    Please keep us posted ?

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  • francesca
    Beginner August 2013
    francesca ·
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    Gosh, I knew you'd been in hospital but I didn't know why. I'm sure someone medical will be along in a minute though.

    Big hugs for you matey, if you need anything at all give me a shout won't you? xx

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  • MrsWoozle
    Beginner November 2007
    MrsWoozle ·
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    Sorry I don't know anything about this, but also wanted to say I'm sorry to hear you are having a tough time and I hope that your health improves soon.

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  • Pink Han-bag
    Beginner March 2013
    Pink Han-bag ·
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    ? I had no idea you weren't well.

    As others have said I would imagine they're doing an MRI to get a full picture of things. I hope you get some answers soon. I'm around if you want to chat/meet up etc

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  • Voldemort
    Voldemort ·
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    No wonder you're worried, sounds horrific ?

    MRI looks at soft tissue in detail that CT cannot see, it's definitely not just because they've seen something that you're having one so please try not to worry too much.

    It's really bad that you've been left scared and still not knowing what's wrong, shocking treatment! ?

    <looks for a medic to provide better reassurance>

    Massive get well vibes too

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  • KJX
    Beginner August 2005
    KJX ·
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    You've been having a dreadful time - you poor thing. I think if anyone is entitled to be a bit worried, you definately are. Hope you get some sensible answers (it sounds as though you have been referred to a good team) and a speedy resolution. ?

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  • tickle
    Beginner October 2008
    tickle ·
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    Thanks all for the replies,it really does help to know people care.

    It is so hard not to get worked up about things.When i was in hospital i actually felt like a fraud as apart from headaches i looked well.I have a lovely bruised back from the lumbar punctures and by god they bloody hurt,fiddling around my spine and sometimes touching a nerve so it was like having electric shocks running through my legs.

    Oh well it could be worse,i am still alive and grateful.

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  • Hyacinth
    Hyacinth ·
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    Gosh i am so sorry to hear this ? you must feel totally helpless.

    Absolue best of luck xx let us know how you are getting on.

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  • clairegwen
    clairegwen ·
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    I would just like to second what Jules said about Hope Hospital. My aunty was transferred there. They really are the experts in the Neuro Dept. They were fantastic with my aunty. She has now been transferred to Wythenshawe for rehabilitation after having surgery at Hope a few weeks back. She was initially sent to Wythenshawe but it was very difficult to get answers from them as neuro is such a specialised subject.

    I'm sorry you are going through this, but if its any consolation you couldn't be in better hands IMO. Please don't google,I don't know anything about your problems to help you I'm afraid, but I do know you are in the best hands. Its easier said than done, but try do try not to worry too much and wait until you see the doctors at Hope to get any helpful answers.

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  • T
    Beginner October 2008
    tumbleweed ·
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    Hi Tickle, I'm so sorry to hear what's been happening with you. As you've asked if anyone has suffered from these illnesses I'll tell you about our experiences ...

    The first part of your post is pretty much the same as happened to my H - optician told him to go to doctor asap, when we were phoned about an mri within the week we knew it was probably serious. Turns out that he has a pituitary tumour that is benign but was pressing on the optic nerve so causing headaches and increasing peripheral sight loss. He had the op within 3 months at Southampton General and his vision has improved since. For what it's worth, our NHS is excellent when it's serious and his care was excellent.

    I can understand why you're frightened (I was terrified, my H was in denial and even cancelled a hospital appointment to go on a course) but I think it's important that you find out more about the condition. I know the usual advice is "don't google, you'll only frighten yourself" is good but you have a diagnosis that you don't understand. I found out as much as I could about H's condition and it meant that when we saw the consultant he didn't have to spend the whole time explaining basics to us, we could ask the questions that mattered to us and we could take in the information better because it wasn't all new to be processed. Also, sometimes options are put to you and you need a basis to make an informed decision. I also phoned the Pituitary support group and after I'd cried for half hour the nurse I spoke to was wonderful and gave some really good practical advice.

    Obviously (if you knew me!) I've googled your condition and there's a lot of straightforward information available, I haven't put links in case you really don't want to know. There's an intercranial tension support group forum that works pretty much like "baby talk" that I think would help because they discuss and cover all the questions that you've raised here. I really hope that you get some help and support soon.

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  • flissy666
    flissy666 ·
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    Gosh, I am so so sorry to hear you're unwell. It must be incredibly stressful for you. I'm terrible for googling anything the doc says, so I old my GP and he said that I should look up anything on this site:

    He said it's what healthcare professionals use as a point of information, and there are a range of information sheets there aimed at both patients and practitioners. Hopefully there will be something that will make sense of what is happening to you.

    Hope things work themselves out ?

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