Sorry i have not been on much but things have been strange here.
2 weeks ago i went to the opticians as i was having headaches.A photograph was taken of my eye,the optician then told me he needed me to go to hospital asap,as he can see something on my eye.
I went to the hospital and the specialist there found something called papillodema,which is swelling of the optic nerve,and also suspected pressure on my brain.Monday night i had the worst headache ever and blacked out,so off we went to a&e.I was rushed through and then put on a ward.I ended up having a ct scan which was clear,so that meant a lumbar puncture was needed.
So 2 doctors started the lumbar puncture which proved difficult after 3 attempts they gave up,next thing i know i was being wheeled down to theatre for a surgeon to try again.6 further attempts then they finally got some brain fluid.Which showed high pressure on my brain,but this fluid should be clear,mine was bloody.Now i have been referred to a neuro surgeon at Hope hospital.
I looked at my discharge notes to my doctor and it mentions intercranial pressure,papillodema,venous sinus and thromobosis.So this week i am going into hospital for a mri scan.
This is were i am scared.Is the mri scan being done because they have seen something which needs further investigations ?
I am scared my eyesight is at risk of being damaged i can't seem to get any answers from the doctors as they say they are not specialist on brain disorders.I am too scared to google as i just imagine it will tell me something i should not even think about.
Has anyone suffered from these illnesses?
thank you and sorry it was so long.