I started a new job in August and last month I had to take 2 days off sick (with a sick note from the doctor) due to a chest infection. Obviously this couldn't be helped and my new employer was aware when they took me on that I occasionally suffer from chest problems due to my Asthma.
On Sunday whilst clearing out the living room, I was moving the coffee table when the shelf underneath it slid off and landed on my foot. The three middle toes on my foot swelled up and bruised. I've been in agony since then, it's near impossible to drive, I can barely walk and the swelling hasn't gone down.
This morning after OH had left for work I rang NHS direct as the pain was unbearable and I've put up with it for 3 days. They advised that I went to A&E which I did after I had rang work to explain. They know how much I've been struggling this week and my boss actually said she though I should have gone to A&E sooner.
The hospital have said 2 of the toes in my foot are fractured, they've put it in a splint and I have to go back in 3 weeks to see how they're healing. I've just rang my OH to tell him and he's just started going on and on and on about how I need to be more careful and how I'm going to have every one at work calling me behind my back because I'm always off sick apparently. He also said he thinks I should be in work right now and to get there asap. Why does he do this? I have broken toes FFS after a complete accident which I could really blame on him for not putting the table together properly when we first got it. He's really starting to get to me lately, he's under lots of pressure with his job but I'm sick and tired of him taking it out on me. I didn't ask for 2 broken toes did I, all I'm asking for now is a bit of bloody sympathy from him but instead he's asking me if I'm going to go to Tesco after work to get him something for his fecking tea!!
Sorry, I don't know why I'm posting this but I need to let this out of my system cos I'm really pissed off now on top of being in agony.