Hey Ladies,
So I've been lurking on you ladies for months. Never had the courage to post as I thought my wedding was too far away now with 8 months to go It feels like I don't have enough time. I really haven't had the best time planning. Over budget, maid of honour dropping out, sister being so unhelp not even trying on dresses, can't find my wedding dress, been scammed and now its kicking off with family..Sorry to bore you.
Anyway one of my bridesmaid's who is an amazing friend entered into a competition to win our wedding rings. The reason she done this is because right now our wedding rings are being bought with our clubcard vouchers and even then very cheaply. I just laughed it off and thought nothing of it. Now it ends tomorrow and we're second. IT would be THE most amazing thing winning our wedding rings and having some good news. So now I'm going round begging everyone I can to vote for us. Now I've turned to you ladies because I have no one else to ask. I know its cheeky as I'm not a regular poster and i'm hoping im not breaking any rules but please please vote for us. I would never ask normally but honestly you don't know how much it would mean to me and my partner.
You don't have to enter any details. This is the link, http://bit.ly/15fZxjm.
So please please vote x