(from my laptop not a human being that is!)
My laptop is just under a year old. For a couple of months now, the mouse click has been 'spongey' (the best word I can think of to describe it), but I haven't been able to do without it to get it fixed. However it's coming up to a year since I had it so it will be out of automatic warranty shortly, so I bit the bullet and rang PC World yesterday. They've arranged for a Dell courier to come and pick it up today, and it'll be gone about a week. They did say someone could come out to us and do the job there and then but it would cost £28 which I can't afford at the moment. If I could, I would, so that they didn't have to take it away.
So ho hum - I will have to do my revision with the clunky old laptop I borrow from work rather than my lovely sleek navy blue Dell. <sob> I know IABU because this is actually pretty good customer service to sort it out so quickly.