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Beginner May 2005

IABU? - petrol station problem

Hitcher, 6 June, 2009 at 20:38 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 6

Managed to run out of diesel today on way to pick up DD and before going to work. Wasnt far from home so called H, he came, gave me his car and I picked up DD and called into get diesel before going back to him and my car.

When I went into the shop I was met at the door by an assistant and he asked if I wanted the canister filled up (it was as green one) I said yes thanks (had my uniform on and didnt want to splash it) I also asked him of he had a nozzle thing I could borrow to pour it out (lost mine!) He said no but to just cut the end off a bottle. I said thanks and went to look in the car for an empty bottle.

Found a bottle and walked over to him to see him finish filling up my container with petrol. I said that it wasnt petrol but diesel I wanted. We went into the shop and he asked the otehr staff member what he could do about it. She asked me what I had asked for. I hadnt asked for anything as I was busy looking for bottle but equally had not asked for petrol!

I was in a rush as had to get to work and asked if they could just fill me another container with diesel and give me that. I was told yes but that I wuld have to pay for the new container. I tried to point out that they could keep my container with the petrol in it and just swop it with one of theirs and diesel. Apparently they could not do this so she said she would get me a container to put the deisel into and then pour out the petrol and give me mine back.

She came back with a 5 litre container of flash (cleaner!) It was nearly empty so she poured the rest out and went to put my disel into it. I was still in the shop and questioned the assistant f it was safe to put the diesel into a no fuel carrying type container and was told rudly to go and ask her outside. I went out to her at the pump and asked but was told that it was plastic so it would be ok. I did point out the sign that fuel can only be put into approved containers and that I doubted a flash bottle was a proper container!

I was told that they were all made of plastic so it would be ok.

I was getting no where and was in a real rush so paid for the diesel in the flash container and left mine there, saying I would be back to pick it up. (still havent pick it up and not sure what they were planning on doing with the petrol)

H thinks I am being daft but I am wondering is it not illegal to just dispense fuel into any plastic container never mine one which had cleaning chemicals in it?

Should i say anything when I call back to pick mine up or just forget about it? I didnt have very far to travel with the container (maybe 1/2mile) but had DD in the car and wasnt sure if it would 'melt' and spill or anything.

(in my defence the fuel light doesnt work very well and gives no warning before you run out, have dont it loads of time!!!)

6 replies

Latest activity by Champagne, 7 June, 2009 at 11:30
  • Old Nick Esq.
    Old Nick Esq. ·
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    Umm... I'd agree with your OH.

    Frankly, I think they could have been a bit more awkward if they'd wanted to be.

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  • louised
    Beginner October 2010
    louised ·
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    H2b is a superviser on a motorway petrol station and he has said that if that had happened with him at work he would have very easily been able to put the fuel back into the main tanks and then could have filled it up with the correct fuel.

    It is illegal for anyone to fill a container with petrol or diesal that does not comply with the regulations for carrying fuel, which the plastic container he gave you wouldnt have.

    So i dont think your being unreasonable at all. If it was me I would ring the petroleum company ie esso/shell etc to warn them that their staff are breaching the regulations for holding petroleum spirits.

    Hope this helps

    Edited to add:

    Please make sure you dispose of the plastic container. As it has not been properly treated to carry fuel, the fuel will have contamintaed the plastic causing it to become highly flammable.

    This has actaully wound up h2b quite a bit as if he caught a member of his staff doing the staff they would receive a serious disciplinary as the petrol station could receive a fine from their local councils petroleum officer due to the serious breach of regulations ( the member of staff would have had to sign a contract saying that they will abide by these regulations)

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  • H
    Beginner May 2005
    Hitcher ·
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    Thanks for advice. Will have to check who the company is and maybe let them know.

    OH, thanks, will get H to take it out of the car now, have just left it lying in the car!!!

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  • lmsunshine99
    Beginner August 2004
    lmsunshine99 ·
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    I worked in a petrol station a long time ago and we weren't allowed to let anyone take fuel unless it was in an approved container and this, at the time, included the correct coloured container depending on the fuel, so we would not have dispensed diesel into a green container. i know my boss was very strict on this as he could face huge fines for not sticking to the regulations and I do think it is pretty dangerous to stick fuel in any old container.

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  • P
    peanut ·
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    Is it not black for diesel and green for petrol? or am I just imagining things..

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  • Ice Queen
    Beginner January 2007
    Ice Queen ·
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    Can't add to what others have said on the container front, other than maybe mention to them when you go back that you don't think the container was appropriate. I think they went out of their way to help you though really, they could have refused unless you bought the proper colour container.

    When my petrol gauge didn't work I used to zero my miles every time and keep on eye on them, i knew roughly how many I could do to a tank

    Would it not be easier to just get it fixed?

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  • Champagne
    Beginner June 2007
    Champagne ·
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    I can both sides of this. Because you handed over a green container, they automatically thought you wanted unleaded petrol as that's the right colour and fuel. They should have sold you a black container to fill with diesel and certainly should not have used a non approved container. You should go back soon and retrieve your green container before they bin it. I'd ask to speak to the manager, explain what happened and maybe remind him of the regulations as mentioned above.

    The fuel gauge on 1 of our cars doesn't work so we always zero the mileage and fill up in plenty of time. Don't forget as well that a diesel can often take more than 2 cans to get it started again so you were even luckier!

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